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Mario Tennis Open


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If I set up a thread for it, would people be up for a Mario Tennis French Open tournament over the weekend to sped up the wait for E3?!?!


Okay, just played online with RedShell, it's still really fun, but NIntendos reatrded game ruining decisions just don't fucking stop with this game. It makes me so angry that they make every decision possible to completely ruin the game. How can such experienced game developers not understand what people want to fucking badly!?!?!? ARGH!!!!!! I'm going back to being tempted to selling this retarded game...


The only thing that saves Mario Tennis is the multiplayer. And you can ONLY play 1 set 2 game fucking multiplayer matches with your friends. This staggers my mind. It would be surprising if Nintendo don't fuck up every single aspect of this game.


Nintedno, why the fuck don't you let us decide how we want to play this game!?? Why won't you let us play tennis exactly how tennis is supposed to be played?! How is it interesting to lose all of the drama of tennis? It being so bite sized it's 2 minutes of fun. There isn't any scope for the tension and drama you get in 5 sets, the waves of people cruising in the lead, the come backs, the constant battling etc etc EVERY SINGLE TENNIS GAME HAS THIS, why do Nintendo think they should FORCE US to play 3 or 4 games of tennis and that's it?! It's so slight, so pointless, so fleeting it makes not want to play it...


There isn't one aspect of this game nintendo have done well. And even the obvious basic stuff they've fucked up. Although it's quite fun to play, this has to be one of the most retarded releases Nintendo has EVER released!!

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I didn't do anything with them - Josh wrote the articles and everything. He does a lot more on the site in regards to news and stuff than I do.


The only one I've posted was the US-only black one.

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I didn't do anything with them - Josh wrote the articles and everything. He does a lot more on the site in regards to news and stuff than I do.


The only one I've posted was the US-only black one.


I see.


All thanks to @Josh64 then. Didn't you post 2 links, a white one as well?

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Man, redshell you must be so good. I can beat anyone on Ace, let alone luigi :(
Cheers. I like to think I can hold my own on Mario Tennis, yeah. :hehe:

Although I still get trounced online every so often, which is nice (I love the challenge of facing ridiculously tough players, for some reason). :heh:


Anyway, I've now beaten Luigi (the bastard! :laughing:) and the latest Blue Yoshi on Ace difficulty, so that's all of them for now. :cool:

Looking forward to the remaining QR Yoshis/character to appear, for more Ace CPU fun! :D


Speaking of the non-Yoshi QR character, I saw a rumor that it's...

Metal Mario.

Which makes sense I guess, seeing as he was in MK7, and there's a Metal Mario racquet in the game. Also, at the end of one of the trailers, you can see the silhouette of Yoshi and Mario when it mentions the QR/secrets aspect. ;)


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I started this up again last night, just for a quick session. I have just been playing exibition matches to unlock some goodies, but I have came across another thing I don't care for in this game. Random unlocks.


I know they had this in Mario Kart 7, but it's even more annoying on this. Some people on the interwebs have said that certain sets are good for beating the AI. I have tried for ages now to unlock what i'm after but still only came across one part of the set.


It also still annoys me that you only get coins for playing the very boring minigames. Why the heck would Nintendo not just let you earn coins in every mode? Even if the amount differs from mode to mode, at least you would be earning some!

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Yeah, I agree on the coins, it will make things a lot easier if you were rewarded throughout the game not just the mini-games. Especially considering the sheer amount you would need to acquire all of the gear.


On another note, does anyone have a certain character or character type that they find difficult to beat? so far Peach has constantly caused me the most problems. The worst is when you get really tough opponents online that are Peach players, I swear it takes so much effort to beat them.

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Despite all the problems I have with the game (and there are many) it is really fun to play. But only against other humans. Online is okay, getting the medals etc but I still feel the lack of options playing friends is killing it for me. Watching the tennis today, djokovic going 2 sets down and comings ack to win 3-2, this is what makes tennis exciting. Getting battered by someone, figuring out their play and slowly changing your style to get the better of them, and all of this is missing from online play. It's such a shame as I reckon it could've been a beatty of an online game, but now it'll be 10 frivolous minutes of fun...


Just hope I get opportunities to play local multiplayer how tennis should be played...


Or even better, Nintendo patch their idiotic decision!

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Cheers. I like to think I can hold my own on Mario Tennis, yeah. :hehe:

Although I still get trounced online every so often, which is nice (I love the challenge of facing ridiculously tough players, for some reason). :heh:



I just about beat Luma last night, it was very exciting!


I think it matters alot who you are using. I mean, i was playing with my Mii with random clothes, but when i put on the Fire Flower costume i unlocked it became noticeably easier. Not easy by a long shot, but it enabled me to have a better chance for sure.


I find the best thing i can do is hit strong enough shots to force weak returns from them, followed by charged-up top-spin shots near the net. They still manage to return one or two of them but eventually i overpower them.


Have you got any tips?

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It also still annoys me that you only get coins for playing the very boring minigames. Why the heck would Nintendo not just let you earn coins in every mode? Even if the amount differs from mode to mode, at least you would be earning some!
Yeah, I agree on the coins, it will make things a lot easier if you were rewarded throughout the game not just the mini-games. Especially considering the sheer amount you would need to acquire all of the gear.
Apparently you can also earn coins via StreetPass. I think you get coins just for passing another player, plus additional coins if you beat their CPU controlled Mii in a match, and also from the ring shot mini-game.

But yeah, that doesn't exactly help if you're in an area where it's not easy to get StreetPass hits. :hmm: Which is pretty much everywhere outside of Japan or gaming conventions. :indeed:


On another note, does anyone have a certain character or character type that they find difficult to beat? so far Peach has constantly caused me the most problems. The worst is when you get really tough opponents online that are Peach players, I swear it takes so much effort to beat them.
For me it's Boo. Those curving shots can be so annoying, especially from the star version of that character. :shakehead


I just about beat Luma last night, it was very exciting!


I think it matters alot who you are using. I mean, i was playing with my Mii with random clothes, but when i put on the Fire Flower costume i unlocked it became noticeably easier. Not easy by a long shot, but it enabled me to have a better chance for sure.


I find the best thing i can do is hit strong enough shots to force weak returns from them, followed by charged-up top-spin shots near the net. They still manage to return one or two of them but eventually i overpower them.


Have you got any tips?

The best tip I can give you is basically what you mentioned already, which is to charge your shots as much as possible. So yeah, go for shots pretty much as soon as they leave your opponents racquet. It's not easy against good players/Ace CPU, but if you can get a few seconds charge time on your shots, you'll really see the difference. :awesome:

Not only will your returns be much more powerful, but it also opens up many more chance shot opportunities to take advantage of. And although they're not really necessary to win, they can make finishing points against Ace CPU a bit easier.


For example, the heavy characters, like Bowser and DK, really struggle with fully charged drop shots from a chance shot area, (especially if they're at the baseline). Fully charged smash chance shots are pretty much a guaranteed point against anyone.

So yeah, charge, charge and charge some more. ;)

And keep in mind that you can always cancel the charge, if you get stuck in a bad position.


: peace:

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I've been playing a little more of this today. I searched G-Faqs and found a decent way to farm coins so i've been buying lots of unlockables. I finally got the racket I was after and i'm now rocking the very camp looking star shirt.


I've just tried online for the first time and I quite enjoyed it. I won 7 in a row before calling it a night. :D

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The best tip I can give you is basically what you mentioned already, which is to charge your shots as much as possible. So yeah, go for shots pretty much as soon as they leave your opponents racquet. It's not easy against good players/Ace CPU, but if you can get a few seconds charge time on your shots, you'll really see the difference. :awesome:

Not only will your returns be much more powerful, but it also opens up many more chance shot opportunities to take advantage of. And although they're not really necessary to win, they can make finishing points against Ace CPU a bit easier.


For example, the heavy characters, like Bowser and DK, really struggle with fully charged drop shots from a chance shot area, (especially if they're at the baseline). Fully charged smash chance shots are pretty much a guaranteed point against anyone.

So yeah, charge, charge and charge some more. ;)

And keep in mind that you can always cancel the charge, if you get stuck in a bad position.


: peace:


This is spot on. I beat every character on Ace last night. I was on fire! SO satisfying. The characters that gave me the most trouble were Luigi and Boo for sure. Opponents who come in to the net and have great defence are hard to beat, but Boo is just insane, he does that and has crazy trick shots and cheating teleport ability! I got him in the end though, mwa-hah-hah!

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I made some great progress yesterday on this. I managed to beat the AI on Ace difficulty, just the once mind, not everyone like you hardcore tennis players. :)


I also unlocked a few more outfits and got a few more characters levelled up to star status. While looking at the outfits I have come across something else that has annoyed me with this game, and that is that I won't be able to unlock some of the stuff as it has to be done in local multiplayer!


Not everyone freaking lives in Japan and carries a 3DS around with them, Nintendo! :mad:


What with this revelation, and E3 being a total bust on all fronts, I think I may have to spend some time in my angry dome.


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How do you find out how to unlock stuff?! And how do you power up your players (do they have improved stats?!)


To unlock the star players just beat the final cup in the first tournament with the player you want to power up.


As for the unlockables, if you go to costume change and then scroll to the end where the costumes appear once unlocked, just put your cursor over the ? and it gives a description on what needs to be done to unlock them.


I carried on with my mammoth session today, just need to make 4 more character star players and then thats done.


I managed to unlock the costume for having 50,000 coins today. It took so doing but having American Dad on in the background helped a great deal. :D


After that I went and spent those coins and finished buying all of the wrist bands and shoes. Now I just need about 80,000 more to buy everything else. :D


Finally, I managed to complete the ink challenge. Took me over an hour due to me failing once I reached the 40's. I kept getting screwed over by Bowser getting a sudden speed burst and hitting the ball back, an impossible shot of ink that I couldn't return or just miss firing my shot.


I checked my stats and it seems that i've played the game for 18 hours. Not bad for a game I didn't like at first. :)

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And are star versions better?! And just the first cup in the game?


Nah, the 4th cup is the one you want. Its the last cup in the first set of cups...if that makes sense. You also just need to do that cup over and over, no need to do the whole lot of them again.

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Nah, the 4th cup is the one you want. Its the last cup in the first set of cups...if that makes sense. You also just need to do that cup over and over, no need to do the whole lot of them again.


Ah okay, great. I'll do that then.


Are the star versions of the characters better versions or is it just stuff to unlock.

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Ah okay, great. I'll do that then.


Are the star versions of the characters better versions or is it just stuff to unlock.


Yeah, I think they have better stats. The Mii doesn't have a star version due to the stats getting an increase with various accessories.

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The doubles tournament is so annoying as my partner will not hit any decent shots. I'm finding I have to run around and do everything myself!


Did the galaxy challenge yesterday, took a couple of tries but it's done. I found it a lot easier as the match went on as I din't have to look for where the star was going due to there only being 1 square left. :D

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