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Comic Book Discussion Issue #2


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It starts out with three people being punished by the ancient wizard guys at the Rock of Eternity. The first one is sentenced to wander forever witnessing humanity's greed (Phantom Stranger). Before being judged he begged for 'His' mercy implying that God is still a part of it.

The second one is a ginger who does not beg demanding truth from the wizards. He is doomed to be forgotten or something (they bold the word 'question') and they take off his face. The guy looks, acts and speaks EXACTLY like the Charlie/Vic Question.

Pandora is punished for opening Pandora's box, nothing else. She cries because she feels she didn't do anything wrong.


Cyborg's Dad makes contact with Earth Two while Pandora watches from the shadows.

Pandora is then shown in the 'present' stealing Pandora's box from Steve Trevor and his group of awesome military commandos or whatever they call themselves.

Then Batman is fighting a Green Lantern who is DEFINITELY not Hal (Batman says so) some fighting happens and it leads to the four page spread, end issue.


It was a really good issue if a bit short. There are two page previews for the 'second wave' books in the back.



Why turn the 2nd man into magic base hero?

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With moving out, I am having to cull a lot. Its pretty much all stuff I don't want to.


Would cancel Ultimate X-Men but they've just bloody announced Divided We Fall. :/


Cancelling (most reluctantly);


Defenders (not reluctantly. Been meh, and Dodson's are coming off after the first arc, as its a book by Marvel)

Avengers Academy

Avengers (prob)



Cancelling books is hard. I need to cut a lot more.

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With moving out, I am having to cull a lot. Its pretty much all stuff I don't want to.


Would cancel Ultimate X-Men but they've just bloody announced Divided We Fall. :/


Cancelling (most reluctantly);


Defenders (not reluctantly. Been meh, and Dodson's are coming off after the first arc, as its a book by Marvel)

Avengers Academy

Avengers (prob)



Cancelling books is hard. I need to cut a lot more.


yeah I dropped Defenders when I saw they'd changed artists after the first arc, sticking with Avengers due to Simonson, when he's off I'll probably drop that.


I'm was thinking of dropping Ultimate X-Men when Nick Spencer's run ends but since it's Brian Wood taking over I'm reconsidering.


I've decided I'm not buying Before Watchmen despite being very tempted, as much as I enjoy most of the creators involved stuff I still think it's not the right thing to do and therefore won't give DC any money for it (not that my stance will have that much of an effect!)




I see Book Depository have a 10% discount voucher (APMA12) running until 14th May


Now I just need to try and not spend too much :)

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Been watching the new Green Lantern series from Cartoon Network. Was surprised that they have actually tried to tackle the emotional complexity of the (what little I know about) the comics.


Quite tempted by picked up a graphic novel. What would people recommend as a starter? Jump straight in with Blackest Night?

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Been watching the new Green Lantern series from Cartoon Network. Was surprised that they have actually tried to tackle the emotional complexity of the (what little I know about) the comics.


Quite tempted by picked up a graphic novel. What would people recommend as a starter? Jump straight in with Blackest Night?


Rebirth is a good start. Sinestro Corps War is pretty awesome.


If you do jump in straight at Blackest Night, then I would recommend getting the lead up volumes first, as they would greatly enhance the experience.


And yeah, the first double episode was surprisingly emotional, and its been really good.

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Been watching the new Green Lantern series from Cartoon Network. Was surprised that they have actually tried to tackle the emotional complexity of the (what little I know about) the comics.


Quite tempted by picked up a graphic novel. What would people recommend as a starter? Jump straight in with Blackest Night?


I would suggest Green Lantern Secret Origin to begin with to learn a bit and then go from Green Lantern Rebirth onwards.

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Happenstance has brought something to my attention.




LOEB: That’s certainly something that we’re talking about. Earth’s Mightiest Heroes has a tremendous following. One of the things that’s very unique about that show is that it was at a time prior to my coming in. It is a very serialized show, and there are a lot of characters. What we wanted to do with Spider-Man, and going forward, was to tell stories that are individualized. Obviously, we want everybody to watch the show every week, but we also know that people’s time is often taken. So, DVR the show, but if you’re not going to do that, the idea is that you will be able to catch up. I don’t ever want anybody to sit down on Sunday mornings at 11 o’clock and suddenly feel like, “Well, I lost the last three episodes, so I don’t really know what’s going on.” The only thing that is a two-parter is the pilot, which will actually be shown in its entirety on Sunday, April 1st.


So.....Jeph Loeb doesn't like serialized stuff, and so....everyone has to suffer because of it? What a fucking spastic. What a complete and utter actual fucking retarded mother fucking piece of shit, idiot, wanker, ruiner of comics. He needs to fucking kill himself.


What is he even talking about!


Like....he criticises how many characters there are in EMH, and wants episodes to be more personalised and individualised. The first 6 episodes of EMH concentrate on like...one character each. Ultimate Spider-Man episode 1 had about 20 characters in.


I hope he dies. I genuinely hope he fucking dies. Piss off and stop ruining shit.


My friend on facebook;


'Loeb has made it very clear that he dislikes TV show stories to run across several episodes.' ... So why is Hush and the long Halloween 12 issues long?
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It does suck. While I didnt find it the greatest cartoon in the world (problems with certain art style choices and voice acting) the stories were still pretty great, covering a lot of events from the Marvel Universe. Serialized shows are awesome, I love being able to follow a story through a season. Nearly all comic fans would probably prefer serialized stuff so at this point he is really just ignoring the actual fans of these properties for the people that will casually watch it and never bother picking up a comic.


Im just glad he's not in control of the DC animated properties. Dont want him messing with Young Justice which is another show that has had a strong mystery throughout the entire season.

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Watched the first episode of Ultimate Spidey.... did not like. Not funny, not emotive, full of characters that presented no premise for me to get interested in them whatsoever. It felt like it was taking the piss out of itself (and still not being funny) whilst spidey wildly pendulum swung from being a badass to being totally incompetent. Like "don't let him near the can opener because he might accidentally commit suicide with it" incompetent.

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Happenstance has brought something to my attention.






So.....Jeph Loeb doesn't like serialized stuff, and so....everyone has to suffer because of it? What a fucking spastic. What a complete and utter actual fucking retarded mother fucking piece of shit, idiot, wanker, ruiner of comics. He needs to fucking kill himself.


What is he even talking about!


Like....he criticises how many characters there are in EMH, and wants episodes to be more personalised and individualised. The first 6 episodes of EMH concentrate on like...one character each. Ultimate Spider-Man episode 1 had about 20 characters in.


I hope he dies. I genuinely hope he fucking dies. Piss off and stop ruining shit.


My friend on facebook;



I think wishing death on the guy is a bit harsh, but I agree with the sentiment, you can have single episode focuses with an over-arcing storyline, I mean it's been done over and over again in all types of media.


I don't get why they'd want to mess with the successful formula from the first series (maybe they didn't sell enough action figures)

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Ive been watching the Avengers cartoon this week anyway and it does amaze me just how many Marvel stories they have linked into this first season. Already there have been Kree/Skrull War, Civil War, Secret Invasion and Fear Itself stuff, either little nods or proper foreshadowing those events.

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Batman #8 was awesome. This run. So good.


Also, Justice League #8 was pretty great. Maybe my favourite issue so far. How does Green Arrow compare to how he usually acts? I've never read him before but I always got the impression he was a little dead pan. I thought he was pretty funny in JL#8.


DC's 52 New Wave 2 Art!


Batman Inc, Dial H & Earth 2 for me. :D




Dial H looks like rad as fook. Definitely picking it up.

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