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Comic Book Discussion Issue #2


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Fuck yeah I am. Well its "my" room, its name hangs in the balance, but it will be home to (predominantly, due to its size) a LEGO workshop and large LEGO display, comic books and comic books storage and memorabilia display.


The walls will contain ;


Invincible artwork, with side by side coloured, final page cut out comparison, framed. (These two pieces, with their counterparts)

Astounding Wolf-Man artwork, same as above.

Invincible #60 cover, also framed.

Sucker Punch poster.

Jennifers Body poster.

Inglorious Basterds poster.


And I've got a few others. An Ultimate Spider-Man one.





It is going to be incredible, and as I have said before, if ever you want to come round, let me know, we can have a gaming day, or what the fuck ever.


(Hopefully we'll be moving out in about 3 months approximately).


I was in fact going to suggest it may be a good location for Extra Life 2012.




And regarding the artwork itself, I was happy/interested to see that it was specifically Ottley that gave it such a thick line in the foreground, which is something I love about Invincibles art. I hadn't particularly thought about it before but had assumed it was the inkers touch. Anyway, it really is stunning artwork. I definitely want some inked Ottley next though!

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Just finished reading the "Death of Spider-Man Prelude" trade. Makes me miss Ultimate Peter Parker and that book all over again. I really enjoyed the family dynamic they had going with Peter, Gwen, Iceman, Human Torch and occassionally Kitty. I think it all ended too quickly. As much as I really enjoy reading the new USM with Miles I would swap it for Ultimate Peter Parker in a heartbeat.


Just finished watching this and thought id share it, really well done fan motion comic of the death of Spider-Man


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Brian Bendis To Take Over The X-Men Books


We know that Avengers Vs X-Men is meant to have some major changes for the Marvel Universe. Honest, this time. Well, this looks like the first of them.


After Avengers Vs X-Men, we know Brian Bendis is bringing to a close his writing and showrunning of the Avengers comics for Marvel. But what next for their golden child?


I’ve been told by a number of industry sources only one thing. That he’ll be taking over the X-Men books.


Brian Bendis came to the Avengers books with the Avengers Dissassembled storyline that saw the Scarlet Witch take the team apart – and then the world itself in House Of M. Relaunching as The New Avengers, the book would then split in two, in three, before spearheading the Secret Invasion storyline. And with The Ultron War now coming, with Bryan Hitch and Avengers Vs X-Men, it’s time for Brian Bendis himself to switch sides.


Marvel are expected to perform some form of Marvel relaunch, possibly as a wave rather than a DC All-In-One – and one could also argue that Marvel have been doing that for the past couple of years anyway. But Brian Bendis will be the writer of the X-Men titles, in the same way that he writes Avengers and New Avengers now.


I wonder if he’ll be bringing Scarlet Witch with him?



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Hmmm. Not sure how I feel about that. Well as long as he doesn't touch Uncanny X-force, I don't mind.


I am a bit behind on comics, going to have a huge read this weekend, however;


The last two issues of Ultimate Spider-Man. Now. I try to keep an open mind on artists, but holy damn, the artwork was absolutely DIRE, to the point that it completely ruined the story for me. Why could Sarah Pichelli not do them anyway? I see she isn't even on the issue that has just been solicited, so between 5 and 8 or whatever, what is she doing? If you can't pin down a monthly book, don't do Ultimate Spider-Man. Just pisses me off.


Anyway yeah, hated it and the fact that there are so many unused, talented and thirsty artists out there just makes it worse. Blergh. Marvel are just pissing the industry away in my eyes. Image, DC and Rick Remender is where it is currently at.

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Im not sure but a comment I read the other day made it sound like Pichelli isnt coming back to USM. I didnt mind the art too much. Nowhere near as good as Pichelli's but it did the job for me.


Bendis on X-Men could be ok but im wary. As he shows on USM he can be a brilliant writer but his time with the Avengers books, especially since the relaunch has also showed a problem with teams and all the characters just sounding the same. Too many characters quipping constantly, nobody felt like they had their own voice or character. Hopefully that wont happen with X-Men.


I hadnt heard anything either about Marvel being expected to have their own relaunch, apart from fan speculation but that was coming from nowhere.

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Hmmm. Not sure how I feel about that. Well as long as he doesn't touch Uncanny X-force, I don't mind.


I am a bit behind on comics, going to have a huge read this weekend, however;


The last two issues of Ultimate Spider-Man. Now. I try to keep an open mind on artists, but holy damn, the artwork was absolutely DIRE, to the point that it completely ruined the story for me. Why could Sarah Pichelli not do them anyway? I see she isn't even on the issue that has just been solicited, so between 5 and 8 or whatever, what is she doing? If you can't pin down a monthly book, don't do Ultimate Spider-Man. Just pisses me off.


Anyway yeah, hated it and the fact that there are so many unused, talented and thirsty artists out there just makes it worse. Blergh. Marvel are just pissing the industry away in my eyes. Image, DC and Rick Remender is where it is currently at.


I actually like the artist who's been on USM, his name is Chris Samnee, did a really good run on a Thor book a couple of years back. This issue was actually his last of USM, he's going to be on Daredevil from #12 alternating arcs with Paolo Rivera.


with regards to Bendis I can't say I'd be surprised if he ends up on one or more of the X-books although I'd prefer Gillen and Aaron to stay on Uncanny and Wolverine (assuming both continue post AvX). I'd prefer he was more focused on Powers though! ;)

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since I've seen Rez mention it before here's the cover for the Severed tpb



due for release on April 4th


There's a shitload of new creator owned stuff starting up soon that I'm really interested in, Saga from Brian K Vaughan (Y: The Last Man and Ex Machina) and Fiona Staples, The Massive from Brian Wood (DMZ) and Kristian Donaldson, America's Got Powers from Jonathon Ross and Bryan Hitch, most of Millar's new stuff - Jupiter's Children, Secret Service, Super Crooks, along with Brubaker and Phillips recently started Fatale


think I'm gonna have to be ruthless and cull some of my Marvel and DC pulls ;)

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Yeah same here.


Bedlam by Nick Spencer looks INCREDIBLE.


Yeah it's from the artist for Proof, Riley Rossmo, really like his art, he's had no luck with his books so far though they all seem to get canceled! Though with Nick Spencer writing this one has a good chance.


You been reading Faerber's new book Near Death? I've really enjoyed it.

Think you'd also enjoy The Strange Talent of Luther Strode if you haven't read it (another Image book!)

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Plan to pick up both of those in trade! Am sure I'll love Near Death and heard amazing things about Luter Strode.


Invincible #89 was mildly pant wettingly good.


trust me you'll love Luther Strode, last issue was brutal levels of gore, the art is fantastic (it's what got me picking up the book in the first place)


think the tpb for Near Death came out last week, you don't want Faerber cancelled again do you? ;)


oh and simple question

Yes or No, Is it Bulletproof?


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Oh cool, I knew it was out soon, didn't know it was out. Will order now. Jesus...£5.55 Amazon. Sweet.


And yes. Yes indeed. :D


Did we know his first name before, because its revealed on the first page. If we didn't. Not a big deal (cool name) just, don't remember it being mentioned before.

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I have a couple of questions, I havent read anything Marvel related since Civil War unless you count JLA/Avengers absolute edition.


Does the world still know Parker is Spider-man? And why does Colossus looks like Juggers?


No the world does not know after the events of One More Day erased that from everyones memories, although the Fantastic Four and a few others know



he looks like Juggernaut because he technically is, during Fear Itself Juggernaut was possessed and Colossus went to see Cyttorak and agreed to become his Avatar which transferred Juggernaut's powers to him


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I might drop Justice League. The ending of #6 was alright, but considering the preceding 5 issues....basically nothing happens. Darkseid turns up for reasons no one cares about...and thats it. Blergh. Also dropping Avenging Spidey. Need to drop some more too, as I'm getting too much and need more room for Image.

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I quite enjoyed Justice League #6. My only complaint was that if felt like it wrapped up a bit too quickly but I still liked it. I think from the next arc it jumps forward to the present right? If so it'll be interesting to see who's actually on the team at the moment.


After reading it though it does still make me wish that this relaunch had been a full reboot and we could have just carried on watching these characters from the beginning. Working out what did and didnt happen in the DCnU has been getting a bit boring and there are already problems coming from that with some writers thinking one thing and some thinking another, you'd think the editors would be keeping a better eye on all this.

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