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Comic Book Discussion Issue #2


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Got my mitts on the Big Time hc today. Really great arc actually it's just perfect spidey all round. What I really enjoy about the whole Big Time set up is that they've totally invigorated the whole book with great changes- Peter has a new job, a new girlfriend, new cast members to play off and the way they genuinely make Spider-Man match his Avengers membership in his solo book is great. The fact that they did all this without resorting to shock tactics, retcons or convoluted twists is a testament to Slott's ability as a story teller.


Very good read. I think a bunch of Spidey trades are my new thing. I lost track of the book a bit with the rapid schedule and I really love Ramos' art. Worth owning.

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Yeah just that one. It's the same stuff as the tpb but I've started a bookshelf trend of hcs only with Iron Man and...well...they're not that much more, ammarite? (It also has an epilogue about The Scorpion, is that included?)


Part 1 of The Dark Angel Saga has arrived with the rents too so YAY MOAR BOOKS


Oh, God. I can't stop. Help me.

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the irony being that the biggest book I own, by far, is that enormous Invincible paperback. I read that absolutely terrified that the sheer weight of it would pull the book in half or something. It's well made though. I've just had quite a few trades made with poor binding etc so it's hc all the way for me now. You usually find them heavily reduced on Amazon too :)

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Look like Morrison couldn't want to write Mutiversity.


Action Comics #9 (President Kent)


With ACTION COMICS #9, two acclaimed guest artists will explore an alternate Earth and the story of its Kryptonian protector. Multiple Eisner Award-winning artist Gene Ha will be a guest artist for the primary plot, penned by regular series writer Grant Morrison. And fresh from his recent work on THE SHADE miniseries, artist Cully Hamner will illustrate the issue’s back-up story, written by Sholly Fisch.


Parallel worlds come to the forefront of DC COMICS-THE NEW 52 “Second Wave,” with titles such as EARTH 2 and WORLDS’ FINEST exploring the adventures of heroes on alternate Earths. ACTION COMICS #9 sets up the multiverse with a standalone story of a Superman from another Earth, who must fight a monster from yet another parallel world. But this isn’t just any monster; it’s a Superman surrogate known as Superdoom, twisted into an unstoppable agent of evil.


The back-up story will also feature an adventure of this alternate Superman, set on his parallel Earth.


Regular series artist Rags Morales will return for ACTION COMICS #10 in June. In the meantime, check out Ha’s inks for ACTION COMICS #9.


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Ha, what a prick. I've read all kinds of dirty things about Tony Moore so this doesn't surprise me. Sign the rights over/or whatever, then realise you made a shitty decision...blame yourself. Once again Kirkman has to contend with classless co-artists...becoming a bit of a trend.

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just seen this quote from Erik Larsen regarding it

It's not like Superman where there's a distinctive costume or visual. The zombies aren't visually distinctive. The people were described in Robert's script. The idea was Robert's--the visuals were described--so it's kind of hard to claim that something Moore brought to the table made it successful. Since Charlie Adlard took over the characters no longer look like Tony Moore had anything to do with it.


I know that Tony and Robert had a falling out years ago and I know that they have an agreement. So--this just seems like Tony is being an opportunist because of the show. He's after more cash--and he's already making a good living off the book, having drawn a grand total of six issues.


It's hard for me to see Tony as the victim here.


My 2¢.

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I mean if he was stupid enough to sign away his share of the film/TV rights then more fool him, the only characters left in the book from his 6 issues are what,

Rick, Carl, Andrea, Sophia and Glen?



The first volume of the book is constantly amongst the best selling trades every month, so he'll still be earning a fair chunk of cash from that.

Edited by gmac
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hehe, yeah that one has fairly major info in it :)


So anyway onto actual comics. This week I pruned a bit from my pull but still came out with a hefty pile :)


highlights include


Deadpool #50 start of the Dead arc - awesome as always

Conan The Barbarian #1start of Brian Wood and Becky Cloonan's run, first time I've picked up the book and it's because of the creative team, solid first issue.

Severed #7 fantastic end to this horror comic, need to dig out my issues and give the whole thing a re-read!

Powers #8 love Oeming's art, hopefully Bendis can keep the scripts coming now (TV show is also coming along)


but favourite of the week has to be

The Unwritten #34 absolutely fantastic book, writing and art are great, storyline that basically started in issue 1 is coming to a head. Well worth taking a look at in trade format. Plus at the moment they're doing these .5 issues where they step away from the main story and present other parts of the universe.

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