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Comic Book Discussion Issue #2


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Flameboy, I would recommend as you're new ;


Justice League (absolutely awesome)

Aquaman (absolutely awesome)

Action Comics


Those and Batman are the best ones.


But also Ultimate Spider-Man #1-3 are out, get them. :)


So Spiderman been rebooted too? Obviously Marvel so totally seperate.


Personally I would just start with the more mainstream books then get into the other stuff later if your interested so for now id recommend:



Detective Comics

Justice League




Action Comics (Just to make your own mind up with, I hated the writing in it)


Thanks for the recommendations guys and @Daft and @gmac too. I have now downloaded Justice League and Aquaman as well ready to read.


Gonna go to library and see if any trade paperbacks (that's what you call them right?) catch my eye.

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I'd say now is the time to check out the non-mainstream stuff.


Also, Detective Comics blows. And I love Batman just to emphasise how much it blows. I'd get Batman & Robin instead. The first issue is okay but it really picks up in the second. <3 Damien and <3 Bruce's attempts to be fatherly.


For the mainstream stuff,


Justice League



Wonder Woman



Action Comics (It's all over the place. I only recommend it because I feel like I'm obliged to)


For the amazing but slightly out there,


Animal Man

Swamp Thing


and maybe Resurrection Man



In short, those are my super recommendations but really I'd say take a chance on a lot of #1's just to get a taster.

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So Spiderman been rebooted too? Obviously Marvel so totally seperate.


No, Marvel has the Ultimate universe which is seperate from their usual one. Ultimate Spider-Man there is no longer Peter Parker so its basically a new comic, its very good so far.


Flameboy try out Detective Comics for yourself and dont just take Dafts word for it. It wasnt the best of the Batman ones out there but the second issue is quite a bit better than the first.

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Yeah, you're right (I've still got the first issue in my head), the second issue was way better but I dunno, it's all just missing something. In terms of Batman books I'd say,


Batman > Batman & Robin > Detective Comics > Cutting myself > The Dark Knight.

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Daft is too in love with DC. Half of that stuff isn't exactly amazing. :p



P.S. Unch later?


P.S.S. To expand on what Happenstance said, the new Ultimate Spider-Man (seperate from regular Marvel) is "Miles Morales" a black/hispanic kid. It is amazing.


P.S.S.S. Erm. Yeah. You should probably start The Walking Dead too. And if it is on there then New Avengers (isn't current) but would be very entertaining to read.

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The only things I'd class as amazing are Batman, Aquaman (obviously), Batwoman and Swamp Thing (Potentially Animal Man depending on the third issue, but definitely on the first).


Then there are the awesome ones like Wonder Woman, etc.


Then there are one's I like, like Superboy, but that I wouldn't bother recommending.


And YES, to Uncharted but I don't know what time I'm home tonight. Maybe are 8 or something. Maybe late.

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The Walking Dead #1 is free I think on the Comixology app so would be worth reading


Yeah it is. I've actually read some of The Walking Dead borrowed a copy of the first paperback and loved them. I do plan on picking up the books myself think it will work out cheaper to do this than buy all on comixology!

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Not enough comic chat this week! I shall try and get it started again with my thoughts on this weeks comics:


Teen Titans #2 - Im not too sure about the new characters they seem to be adding to the comic for this line up but so far ive really liked Red Robin, Wonder Girl and Kid Flash.


Flash #2 - Some nice stuff in this book exploring more than just Flash's running speed when it comes to the speed force, as usual its great artwork as well.


Superman #2 - I thought this was a lot better than the first issue, there was less exposition which in turn helped the art seem more polished. My complaint would be that Superman still to lack any interesting personality. I know theyre wanting to take a more Kryptonian angle with him this time but I think I always found his humanity a much more interesting side to him. Plus mopey Superman is just boring.


Aquaman #2 - Still one of my favourite books from the DCnU. Geoff Johns has made Aquaman interesting to read and Ivan Reiss' art as usual is brilliant. These new villians are nice and creepy as well.


Green Lantern New Guardians #2 - My lack of GL interest is leaking into this book as well now. Its not even that its a bad book or story, im just finding it hard to care anymore.


Incredible Hulk #1 - I was a bit confused when I started reading this book with what was happening after reading the quick prologue at the end of Fear Itself #7 but it soon started to make sense. Ive never been a massive fan of Hulk books but the reveal at the end will probably keep me interested at least until the end of the arc and then we'll go from there. It feels like it might have been more interesting to take a back to basics approach to this book but thats probably just because thats how I think of the Hulk and its been quite different over the past decade or so.


Wolverine and the X-Men #1 - I was looking forward to this book as ive not really liked the militaristic take on the X-Men that weve had for a couple of years but im not entirely sold on it yet. Im completely willing to read more with an open mind but I dont really like the more futuristic take on the school and Wolverine gets so over exposed these days that id rather it was someone else heading the book to be honest. Also its only a personal thing but I dont really like Bachalos art.


Ultimates #3 - It was nice to see this book tie back into the original Ultimates books with Thor but im still not really feeling it. The villians are just a bit nothing really. Also it seemed weird that a certain hero was on the helicarrier with them all.


Amazing Spider-Man #672 Some very enjoyable dialogue this week between Spider-Man and.....himself. Quite a good end to the Spider Island arc but I still feel like some of these Spidey saves the day moments need to filter through into the Avengers books, he still hasnt really had one yet. Oh and I still hate this book for the reason mentioned in my previous post!

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Picked up these at the local library just a little random pick of stuff to read:




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Also read Aquaman #1 which I loved as it was very meta as mentioned earlier by others. I love the publics reactions to him as if he is joke.


Read Justice League #1 as well and really enjoyed it, the banter between Batman and Green Lantern was funny.

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Picked up these at the local library just a little random pick of stuff to read:




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Also read Aquaman #1 which I loved as it was very meta as mentioned earlier by others. I love the publics reactions to him as if he is joke.


Read Justice League #1 as well and really enjoyed it, the banter between Batman and Green Lantern was funny.


Jeez man, get on some Marvel! :p


P.S. I have been reading this week and nearly finished "The Last Days of American Crime".


A bit phenomenal. Razor sharp dialogue. If they do the adaptation justice it will be the coolest movie of the decade. Including last decade. :p

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Voodoo #2 was excellent. Love it. Everyone check it out! It's just so subtly UUUNNFF!! Easily one of the best of the new 52.




Will be interesting to see Kyle Rayner in the next issue.


Superman #2 was great. I'm really loving the old school vibe of it all.


Underwhelmed by Aquaman #2, I loved it but it just felt so so short.


Justice League Dark #2, I'm unsure about. It seems like there's too much going on but then again they are just getting the team together.


Green Lantern: New Guardians #2, pretty meh but I kind of want to see what happens.

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