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Bought some more with a Christmas voucher 😆 A lot of it just ended up being me wanting to have the DC events available to read easily so rebuying them.


  • Superman: Up in the Sky
  • JLA - Vol. 1-9
  • Zero Hour
  • Crisis on Infinite Earths
  • The Final Night
  • Legends
  • Invasion!
  • Identity Crisis
  • Final Crisis
  • Blackest Night
  • Flashpoint
  • The Flash by Mark Waid - Books 1-8
  • The Flash by Grant Morrison & Mark Millar
  • The Flash by Geoff Johns - Books 1-6
  • Batgirl (Cassandra Cain) - Vol. 1-3
  • Batman: The Dark Knight Saga
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Been reading some of these over Christmas and it's really reignited my love of comics. I was still buying certain omnibus' but hadn't read many of them lately. It's very tempting to buy a load (and when I say a load, I mean like £200 worth...) from the Kindle epic collection sale and build up that side of my collection again.

One I would recommend people read is Superman: Up in the Sky. It's a modern book but not set in any particular continuity and is an excellent book, really getting to the heart of who Superman is and what he means to people.

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Completely burnt out with gaming at the moment and so I have spent this afternoon/evening reading some TPBs. Sat and read through Flashpoint and I'm now reading Injustice. I forgot how good both of these are, especially Injustice.

9 minutes ago, Happenstance said:

I was never a fan of Flashpoint, mainly because it led into my most hated era of DC.

It reminds me a little of the Age of Apocalypse, probably why I like it. I often like alternative reality stories. Its like the mirror universe episodes of DS9. They get slated by fans but I really enjoy them as well. 

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28 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

It reminds me a little of the Age of Apocalypse, probably why I like it. I often like alternative reality stories. Its like the mirror universe episodes of DS9. They get slated by fans but I really enjoy them as well. 

I've never really managed to get too far into Age of Apocalypse. No fault of the comics, it just never seemed to happen. I own the big omnibus so maybe I'll get back to it soon. Currently reading some McFarlane Amazing Spider-Man at the moment though digitally so it'd have to be after that.

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Yesterday evening, I reached the end of my Injustice collection and completely forgot that I've not got the final book yet. Slapped an order in at Amazon and it should be with me over the weekend. It will be nice to finally finish the story after all these years.

Really loved reading it again. There are so many twists and turns and I love just how off the rails Superman becomes the further you get into the story. It's a shame the Injustice 2 TPBs seem to be out of print as I wouldn't mind reading those. I see there is an omnibus edition coming out this year and so I may look into getting that.

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Still need to get around to reading my Injustice omnibus'. I read a good amount of the singles as they were originally coming out. Alfred laying out Superman is still one of my favourite moments in comics 😆

8 minutes ago, Happenstance said:

Still need to get around to reading my Injustice omnibus'. I read a good amount of the singles as they were originally coming out. Alfred laying out Superman is still one of my favourite moments in comics 😆

Haha. I was just saying that to a lad at work yesterday. That whole scene is amazing.



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Injustice Year Five arrived today and just finished reading it. I thought this final volume would wrap everything up. Nope. The next set of events are what occurs in the first game. I thought they would be covered here but they weren't and instead they were released as Injustice: Ground Zero comics. Two TPBs were released that pulled all of the comics together but they seem to be hard to get a hold of, especially the second volume. Neither are available on Amazon.

It's stuff like this why I backed away from the comic book scene. Sigh.

1 minute ago, Hero-of-Time said:

Yeah, that's the site/shop I was looking on over at eBay. I was checking it out the other day as well when comtemplating picking up Power Rangers Year One.

Reed Comics are good, they're my old weekly comic shop. They can be a bit expensive at times but they tend to get harder to find books back in stock so it's usually worth it 

1 minute ago, Happenstance said:

Reed Comics are good, they're my old weekly comic shop. They can be a bit expensive at times but they tend to get harder to find books back in stock so it's usually worth it 

Yeah, that's exactly what I was finding with them. Prices are a little higher than other places but stuff that is out of stock elsewhere they seem to have. Certainly one to keep in my mind.




I read The Singularly today, a companion piece to the Bear McCreary album (which is wonderful). It's enjoyable although feels a bit like you enter the story slightly too late. Has a ton of great art and lots of different artists. It's about a being that dies and keeps getting resurrected in new bodies in completely different settings, only now he only gets minutes in each life before the world is destroyed instead of the lifetimes he used to have.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Rebuilding my X-Men collection digitally and threw in some DC books from the latest sale:

  • X-Men: The Trial of Gambit
  • X-Men: Reloaded
  • X-Men: Trial of the Juggernaut
  • X-Men: The Magneto War
  • X-Men: Reload by Chris Claremont Vol. 1 & 2
  • X-Men: The Hunt for Professor X
  • Uncanny X-Men by Kieron Gillen: The Complete Collection Vol. 1 & 2
  • Uncanny X-Men: The Complete Collection by Matt Fraction Vol. 1, 2 & 3
  • Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow
  • Batman: The Three Jokers
  • Green Lantern (finished off Geoff John's original run)
  • 2 weeks later...

So I'm like 20 issues into Invincable and its surprising how much story is just glossed over or ignored in the prime show. Alot of characters were also wildly changed or just left out entirely. The comic really fires through the storylines and it's really picking up a lot of pace.

I'm also looking at those hard cover IDW Sonic collections, might pick those up eventually.

  • 4 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

I've only really read the first 12 issues or so of IDW Sonic but that made me want to look into the old Archie Sonic comics. I've found a place online where i can read them all including the old spinoff series so i'll be doing that. Heres the reading order i came across.


Edited by martinist
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