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Virtue's Last Reward


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The gold files are really terrible when it comes to spoilers. I recommend only reading them after you've reached the puzzle room after the one you got them in.


That's good to know, thanks. So far, they haven't spoiled anything, but I'll keep your advice in mind :)


The greatest thing about Virtue's Last Reward (and 999) is all the trivia, mythology and science that gets thrown at you. I just love mulling over all this stuff :)



Edit: Oh and I'll say it again: The Ambidex Game is the best 'game design' I have ever seen. I mean, it is simply the Prisoner's Dilemma and you could argue that it's just copied but it fits perfectly into the game. Better than any choices you are given in any other game I've ever played.

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That's good to know, thanks. So far, they haven't spoiled anything, but I'll keep your advice in mind :)


The greatest thing about Virtue's Last Reward (and 999) is all the trivia, mythology and science that gets thrown at you. I just love mulling over all this stuff :)



Edit: Oh and I'll say it again: The Ambidex Game is the best 'game design' I have ever seen. I mean, it is simply the Prisoner's Dilemma and you could argue that it's just copied but it fits perfectly into the game. Better than any choices you are given in any other game I've ever played.


It gets so damn good. You're in for a treat :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Fuck me sideways, Virtue's Last Reward keeps getting better and better. Finally have some time to continue this gem.


Had my first 'real' ending just now:

K got 9 BPs and went through door #9. Game Over



And something else:


Everyone dead besides Phi, K and Sigma and no way to go on (at least I can't think of a way).

Have to play other story lines and get back to that one later.




Now I'm in the GAULEM Bay room, trying to escape/get the gold file.



If 999 is anything to go by, I'd say it's Quark. He seems to suffer from Radical-6, so maybe he set up the game in order to save himself (similar to Akane in 999). However, this simply cannot be, because it would be too obvious.




Golem :D


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Oh my god, I've just realized something:


Whenever Quark is gone missing, Tenmyouji seems to 'become older', or rather Sigma makes a remark about the old man showing signs of age.


Maybe my memory plays a trick on me but I seem to recall several instances when Tenmyouji appears to be 'aging'.


Drawing a connection to 999 again: Is Quark Tenmyouji? The old man getting closer to death means is connected to Quark disappearing/getting worse?

Similar to how Akane became 'sick' whenever something terrible happened to Junpei.

Maybe Tenmyouji is actually someone other than Quark? K maybe? I haven't seen his real face - yet.


:D I am enjoying this shit. It's 999 all over again, thousands of theories in my mind and not one of them will be right in the end. :laughing:




Director's Room.


Input User ID and Password. No idea, so far, but it's driving me insane. Been going through all the information I got until now...to no avail.


Also trying to decipher the second anagram ('memento mori, etc') from time to time. Fucking hard.




By the way: If anyone has a problem with me double posting in here this much, feel free to talk to the hand.

Nah, tell me. I'm just hoping to get some spoiler free feedback..if that's possible.. :p



The puzzles in some of the escape rooms are not easy at all...especially finding the solutions to get the golden files.


The day the man was abducted - I was thinking so much about this...couldn't figure out what to make of it until - click - soooooooo obvious :D


I actually understood the hint while playing Tomb Raider. :D No idea why, it just came to me.




Just got the trophy for escaping from 8 rooms. As there appear to be 16 rooms (there's a trophy for escaping from 16 rooms) I have a long way to go :)

12 hours in, my mind is getting fucked....repeatedly.

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Oh my god, I've just realized something:


Whenever Quark is gone missing, Tenmyouji seems to 'become older', or rather Sigma makes a remark about the old man showing signs of age.


Maybe my memory plays a trick on me but I seem to recall several instances when Tenmyouji appears to be 'aging'.


Drawing a connection to 999 again: Is Quark Tenmyouji? The old man getting closer to death means is connected to Quark disappearing/getting worse?

Similar to how Akane became 'sick' whenever something terrible happened to Junpei.

Maybe Tenmyouji is actually someone other than Quark? K maybe? I haven't seen his real face - yet.


:D I am enjoying this shit. It's 999 all over again, thousands of theories in my mind and not one of them will be right in the end. :laughing:




Director's Room.


Input User ID and Password. No idea, so far, but it's driving me insane. Been going through all the information I got until now...to no avail.


Also trying to decipher the second anagram ('memento mori, etc') from time to time. Fucking hard.




By the way: If anyone has a problem with me double posting in here this much, feel free to talk to the hand.

Nah, tell me. I'm just hoping to get some spoiler free feedback..if that's possible.. :p



The puzzles in some of the escape rooms are not easy at all...especially finding the solutions to get the golden files.


The day the man was abducted - I was thinking so much about this...couldn't figure out what to make of it until - click - soooooooo obvious :D


I actually understood the hint while playing Tomb Raider. :D No idea why, it just came to me.




Just got the trophy for escaping from 8 rooms. As there appear to be 16 rooms (there's a trophy for escaping from 16 rooms) I have a long way to go :)

12 hours in, my mind is getting fucked....repeatedly.


Glad to see that you're enjoying it! Incredible game and the plot is mind blowing.



This game is free on PlayStation Plus at the moment... I guess for Vita?... don't know if it's a download on PS3 too?


Only VITA I'm afraid! You NEED to play the original on DS!!

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Clover END


The last few scenes before that ending actually got to me emotionally.


Seeing pretty much everybody dead in the infirmary, blood everywhere, and then Sigma killing himself.


God, that was horrifying.


And of course that had to be an ending.


Before I got to that ending I took a different route


about Quark being Tenmyouji:


I had the chance to reach 9 BP and kill Quark during one Ambidex Game.

So in order to confirm my theory I chose to do exactly that. Betray Quark (as he had to choose 'Ally' because he was in one of the treatment pods) and see what happens to the old man.

Before I made my choice Clover told me I shouldn't betray the boy 'cause she knows who Tenmyouji is. Couldn't tell me of course...

After that I was so sure I was right.


But it didn't play out how I thought it would. I hoped Sigma wouldn't leave and I would find out what happened, but noooooo...he had to try.

And then Clover left resulting in a Game Over


Thank you.



There is so much going on that confuses me, and the more I think about all the details the more I get lost.

Not sure what's going on...

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Sigma sucks at escaping. Everyone else is like, "oh the door is open" *skips out*, but as soon as Sigma tries to escape everyone is all, "HE'S TRYING TO ESCAPE KILL HIM KILL HIM NOW."


I started going through this today on the Vita for an easy platinum. The graphics are so much crisper - I have to laugh at anyone who claims that the 3DS screens are anywhere near as good as the Vita's. Anyway, most of my time was spent mashing X while browsing the internet, but every time I'd look down, I'd be reminded of how awesome the game is. :p

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I'm at a loss.


I have almost done everything.


Don't read the spoilers if you haven't played the game - The following contains possibly massive spoilers.


Done 7 of the 9 persons' endings. Only missing Phi's and Luna's.


Done every 'Lock' that is available.


Now I'm left to find Bomb Zero and I think I need to solve the 'mystery of the two-headed lion' first.

Need the ID and password.


I think the password is JUMPYDOLL, as that's pretty obvious since the old lady's card shows "pass = JUMPYDOLL"


Then there is this: MILKEVOLI

K gave me this combination of letters.


I assumed it was the ID. Apparently it isn't.

Even tried to jumble it up...KILLMOVIE, MOVIEKILL, ILOVEMILK


Tried to make anything out of JUMPYDOLL, but to no avail.



And don't forget this: GTF-DM-L-016

I can't remember who told me that combination. Can't figure out what it is for.

Might be some kind of ID for a GAULEM.

Even tried it as the ID and password respectively for the two-headed lion mystery.

Maybe it's the deactivation password for Bomb Zero (although I doubt it, because the passwords for the other bombs were 9 letters each).


Something is missing, or I'm just too stupid to see the answer.




Anyone here who can give me a hint without giving away the answer? :)


Edit: Nevermind -.-






The last combination hasn't been the password after all. Pretty confusing.

Just tried this:

ID: GTF-DM-L-016



And it worked...the only combination of ID and pass I hadn't tried :D I just remembered that when I got the codes there was talk about the lion and sun in both cases. Meh, sometimes I just overthink the simplest things...


Now to find out what JUMPYDOLL is for. But first, I continue to find the next ending.



Well, I was not even close :D It's pretty obvious that Tenmyouji is Junpei.


And something else entirely: I always had kind of an intuition that the old lady is Akane. Seeing the ID confirmed that :)







Love the simple design. White, cubes, squares. Amazing. Just finished the first puzzle (finding the right squares on the wall).


And then my PSVita gave me a warning: Battery low




Well, it's late. I should get some sleep. :laughing:


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I'm at a loss.


I have almost done everything.


Don't read the spoilers if you haven't played the game - The following contains possibly massive spoilers.


Done 7 of the 9 persons' endings. Only missing Phi's and Luna's.


Done every 'Lock' that is available.


Now I'm left to find Bomb Zero and I think I need to solve the 'mystery of the two-headed lion' first.

Need the ID and password.


I think the password is JUMPYDOLL, as that's pretty obvious since the old lady's card shows "pass = JUMPYDOLL"


Then there is this: MILKEVOLI

K gave me this combination of letters.


I assumed it was the ID. Apparently it isn't.

Even tried to jumble it up...KILLMOVIE, MOVIEKILL, ILOVEMILK


Tried to make anything out of JUMPYDOLL, but to no avail.



And don't forget this: GTF-DM-L-016

I can't remember who told me that combination. Can't figure out what it is for.

Might be some kind of ID for a GAULEM.

Even tried it as the ID and password respectively for the two-headed lion mystery.

Maybe it's the deactivation password for Bomb Zero (although I doubt it, because the passwords for the other bombs were 9 letters each).


Something is missing, or I'm just too stupid to see the answer.




Anyone here who can give me a hint without giving away the answer? :)


Edit: Nevermind -.-






The last combination hasn't been the password after all. Pretty confusing.

Just tried this:

ID: GTF-DM-L-016



And it worked...the only combination of ID and pass I hadn't tried :D I just remembered that when I got the codes there was talk about the lion and sun in both cases. Meh, sometimes I just overthink the simplest things...


Now to find out what JUMPYDOLL is for. But first, I continue to find the next ending.



Well, I was not even close :D It's pretty obvious that Tenmyouji is Junpei.


And something else entirely: I always had kind of an intuition that the old lady is Akane. Seeing the ID confirmed that :)







Love the simple design. White, cubes, squares. Amazing. Just finished the first puzzle (finding the right squares on the wall).


And then my PSVita gave me a warning: Battery low




Well, it's late. I should get some sleep. :laughing:


It's just brilliant, isn't it? You've got a LOT of fun coming your way.

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Serious Spoilers - seriously, don't read unless you finished the game.


Sigma is Zero Sr.





Doctor Sigma Klim.



After and Before -Anima and Body.



Tu fui, ego eris.

I don't even. I'm speechless.


999 and Virtue's Last Reward are both amazing. The story, how it unfolds, the characters, the puzzles, all those little (or huge) nods to science.


Being human is about fighting even when it seems hopeless, and finding happiness even in a world that hates it. - Tenmyouji/Junpei



So, if I have the Platinum trophy there is nothing left to discover, is there?


27 hours and 33 minutes. What a journey.

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Serious Spoilers - seriously, don't read unless you finished the game.


Sigma is Zero Sr.





Doctor Sigma Klim.



After and Before -Anima and Body.



Tu fui, ego eris.

I don't even. I'm speechless.


999 and Virtue's Last Reward are both amazing. The story, how it unfolds, the characters, the puzzles, all those little (or huge) nods to science.


Being human is about fighting even when it seems hopeless, and finding happiness even in a world that hates it. - Tenmyouji/Junpei



So, if I have the Platinum trophy there is nothing left to discover, is there?


27 hours and 33 minutes. What a journey.


Glad you enjoyed it! The story is just fantastic!


Edit: sorry if I ruined that spoiler for anyone, I wasn't sure if this was still a spoiler free thread, my bad :)

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  • 2 months later...

Soooo.... I got this for my birthday and I'm exceptionally pleased so far. Really nice to hear the Japanese voice acting and the written script is characterful and genuinely funny at times.


Was quite surprised to find that the characters aren't all completely brain-dead and react to the kind of things that you notice, which most games would just glaze over.


Hoping the different progression paths are going to give it some replay value. Trying to just burn through it at the moment to find out the story and go back for some serious challenge. Have just met G-OLM on floor B and getting excited to see if anyone's going to die in round 2 of the AB Games!


Judging by the intro, I would say the probability is high....


One thing I concluded in the first round is that everyone should just hit Ally every time. That way, no one would every feel cornered to need to hit betray, everyone would hit 9 points at the same time and ta-dah everyone could walk out... But I'm sure the wabbit isn't going to make it that simple, IS HE.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Soooo.... I got this for my birthday and I'm exceptionally pleased so far. Really nice to hear the Japanese voice acting and the written script is characterful and genuinely funny at times.


Was quite surprised to find that the characters aren't all completely brain-dead and react to the kind of things that you notice, which most games would just glaze over.


Hoping the different progression paths are going to give it some replay value. Trying to just burn through it at the moment to find out the story and go back for some serious challenge. Have just met G-OLM on floor B and getting excited to see if anyone's going to die in round 2 of the AB Games!


Judging by the intro, I would say the probability is high....


One thing I concluded in the first round is that everyone should just hit Ally every time. That way, no one would every feel cornered to need to hit betray, everyone would hit 9 points at the same time and ta-dah everyone could walk out... But I'm sure the wabbit isn't going to make it that simple, IS HE.


Care to update us on your progress? Hope you're enjoying it, it certainly made my head hurt....!

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Care to update us on your progress? Hope you're enjoying it, it certainly made my head hurt....!


I'm actually giving it a break for a bit right now because I've got a lot on a work. Finished my first run on it and was very disappointed how suddenly it ended to the point where it's put me off my second run-through a little bit.


But thanks to "skip-to-the-end" option on the dialogue I'm looking forward to getting back to it. Have already started run-through number 2 and thinking how I want to go through it. Completely missed the hidden file in the initial room first time around and was a little irked about finding it this time. It definitely wasn't something I earned more of a case of "oh... I just had to look there again" which didn't feel like it had the right puzzle logic at all.


I do really like the game and the puzzles are excellent but the script really goes on. At first that was great when it was setting the scene and developing the characters but I couldn't go through a room and then a set of dialogue as I usually didn't have time! A slightly snappier script would have helped keep the pace.


These are small gripes though really. I just need to build some sense of satisfaction again after a gold file another room : peace:

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