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Rising Tensions


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This was a silly thread, then an awesome thread with arrival of Wesley, nicely augmented by the presence of Flink. Then it turned into a discussion of music and got a bit tl;dr. I think it's peaked. Also not sure if I agree with the original premise of rising tensions, it seems kind of the same as always to me? Even so it does take two to tango.

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Ah, but did you think about the sociomaniglant impact of those words on the target (in this case me)? I think in future it may be something to consider. Although the connotated boundaries set in place at a fundamental level do allow for such exchanges to be a mere floundran of "pecking order" (if you will) it can often be a mighty fine reflection upon the targets own insecurities, with which the way they respond to the attack. If we remove for a second any locational or geographic representations of the typical (or average, I guess) transretrolutional reactions, and other people or limitations, then believe it is clear to see this in a much more streamlined and manageble way.


Target is clearly bewilldered by the negative connotations that tumerific arse clandestines tend to have, and it is certainly one of the more obvious retorts that he is now showing. Behevomently challenging the industrialisation of sociostereotype, for the first time or the first time of many times - well this probably couldn't be garnered without considering what is arguably the most important aspect of this entire point. I of course do not need to point out the most important aspect, as it is so abundantly clear in no uncertain terms that everyone here has displayed at least that amount of fermentation of gender specific role dynamics, but I am sure you will agree that this is a subject that could be placed in a sealed vacuum for forty years and should we have the nerve to uncover it then we would not be surprised and would instantly be able to relate to the contents.


I was enjoying The Bard and Diageo's discussion up to this. My mind is now broken.


On-topic: I assumed that people forget about the more heated discussions as soon as they die out (I do). It's just harmless discussion, unless there are personal remarks thrown in. I hope no one actually remembers people who disagreed with them, like "X is so mean! Gonna ignore all his/her posts/troll them from now on! >:c". I like slight disagreements though, it's cool that everyone sees things in different ways. After all, "Every man (OR WOMAN/other genders) is my superior in some way" (Dale Carnegie).

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I was enjoying The Bard and Diageo's discussion up to this. My mind is now broken.


On-topic: I assumed that people forget about the more heated discussions as soon as they die out (I do). It's just harmless discussion, unless there are personal remarks thrown in. I hope no one actually remembers people who disagreed with them, like "X is so mean! Gonna ignore all his/her posts/troll them from now on! >:c". I like slight disagreements though, it's cool that everyone sees things in different ways. After all, "Every man (OR WOMAN/other genders) is my superior in some way" (Dale Carnegie).


Well, there are general tensions between certain people, but the good thing about this forum is that those people don't constantly troll each other. They're likely to be the ones to get into a heated argument, but the majority of the time they're perfectly capable of being civil with each other and even agreeing on stuff.

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It is.


You big willy.


Well, there are general tensions between certain people, but the good thing about this forum is that those people don't constantly troll each other. They're likely to be the ones to get into a heated argument, but the majority of the time they're perfectly capable of being civil with each other and even agreeing on stuff.


Gotta agree, there's arguments, but really I don't notice much(there is some, but relatively little especially compared to other forums) residual tension off the back of them, which is really quite nice.

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It is.


You big willy.




Gotta agree, there's arguments, but really I don't notice much(there is some, but relatively little especially compared to other forums) residual tension off the back of them, which is really quite nice.


I think we have an amazing atmosphere on this forum. Only rarely do serious arguments arise, and most of the time they're dealt with incredibly maturely, considering this is the internet.

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