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hhhmmm... well looks like I may have this tomorrow.


Was just in the city and went into GameStop to see whats up. The staff seemed confident they would have it tomorrow. He even let me see what their system was showing him. When he brought up MW3 Wii it showed 0 in stock but showed 15 in transit.


I didn't know they got delieveries on Saturdays but it seems they do and if that "in transit" is correct it should be there tomorrow. Which wouldn't work out too bad afterall seeing as if I got it today I wouldn't be online anyway with the football on as mentioned before.


Too busy in work to get it at lunch so it looks like I might end up getting it Monday. Looking forward to hearing your opinions lads, those that have it.


I got my copy today. It's good!


Here's my first impressions, the good and the bad:


+ Great graphics, seriously some of the best on the Wii. They are colourful, bold and full of detail and life.

+ Great guns, and inparticular new gun camos. They feel and sound great and look better than any previous COD guns.

+ Wide variety of complex maps.

+ New strike packages are good.

+ Survival mode = awesome and looks great


- Some issues with lag shooting and frame rate drops when loads is going on

- Voice chat not yet as smooth as it was in Black Ops


I am really enjoying this so far. It frustrated me a little to begin with, but after an hour or so, I was really enjoying myself. I heartily recommend this game for any Wii FPS fan.

Posted (edited)

It was like this for the first few weeks on the previous 3 CODS I've got. There is also issues on the HD versions, they will patch it for sure.


Overall I agree with zechs , best looking online game on the wii.

Edited by ben

@kav Get back in your washing machine ! Have you played offline yet?, kav I'm starting to think your a little let down by mw3??! HaHa

Maybe it was that week off work that built up false expectations or something.

@kav Get back in your washing machine ! Have you played offline yet?, kav I'm starting to think your a little let down by mw3??! HaHa

Maybe it was that week off work that built up false expectations or something.


Mayabe it's just that it's not as good as Black Ops by quite a stretch... and there's no denying it Ben, best looking Wii game it is definitely not.

Mayabe it's just that it's not as good as Black Ops by quite a stretch... and there's no denying it Ben, best looking Wii game it is definitely not.


He said best looking ONLINE game on the Wii. I'd say it's defo the best looking online shooter on the Wii. I can't remember the name of the map, but I remember when we first played it we were all shocked by the amount of detail and foliage.


Whilst I am enjoying it though, I will say it's not as good as what Black Ops developed into, but it took several patches to get to that stage. At this stage, at least we can get games! I remember the first couple of weeks of Black Ops, it was nearly impossible to get a game going!


One thing I will say though - it's a very DIFFERENT game to Black Ops. Black Ops was a much more tactical affair. Things often moved at a slower pace, your choice of equipment, weapons and your perks and streaks all affected the way you would play.


I find MW3 to a lot more fast moving and choatic, there seems to be one way of playing. Everyone is flying around the maps and just going beserk. There seems to be very few spots for snipers and whilst some of the maps are large they lack the open spaces and large areas found in Black Ops.


Instead, there is large amounts of cover, buildings, obstacles and places to hide. It means essentially that submachine guns and assault rifles are the order of the day.


Maps like Array, WMD, Jungle, Cracked and Grid all provided many different play experiences in each map and allowed for different tactics to be deployed depending on your play style. What's more, different areas of those maps were good for different playes. For example Array provided a great experience for long distance gunplay, but once in the Array itself or in and around other builds, close quarter skills were necessary. There was also great moments of medium ranged combat in that map - it had it all.


In MW3 the maps don't seem to offer that level of depth. But that's just my initial impressions. I'm obviously going to play it a lot more over the coming days and weeks and I might start seeing hidden depths and new strategies may well emerge.


My fucking level 65 awesome profile is fucking gone. This an absolute outrage. A game save corrupting bug which fucks your profile - online, offline and spec ops - all gone.


Back to square fucking one. I don't even know if I can be bothered attempting it again until I know the bug is fixed. I suppose it's not the end of the world, as I was just 15 hours in, but it has seriously depressed me.

My fucking level 65 awesome profile is fucking gone. This an absolute outrage. A game save corrupting bug which fucks your profile - online, offline and spec ops - all gone.


Back to square fucking one. I don't even know if I can be bothered attempting it again until I know the bug is fixed. I suppose it's not the end of the world, as I was just 15 hours in, but it has seriously depressed me.


Depressed at losing your game save?


Fuck me.

My fucking level 65 awesome profile is fucking gone. This an absolute outrage. A game save corrupting bug which fucks your profile - online, offline and spec ops - all gone.


Sorry to hear man...

Hmm, I know IGN are pretty crap and can't really be taken seriously...


But this did surprise me:






Is this IGN being IGN, or is it really that bad?


They said the main problem was them trying to cram the 360/ps3 version onto the Wii and it can't really cope with it.


It's not that bad at all. It's not as good as Black Ops but it's still better than The Conduit or GoldenEye.

It's not that bad at all. It's not as good as Black Ops but it's still better than The Conduit or GoldenEye.


When talking about Goldeneye you must make it clear you are refering to the Online modes only ;)

Hmm, I know IGN are pretty crap and can't really be taken seriously...


But this did surprise me:






Is this IGN being IGN, or is it really that bad?


They said the main problem was them trying to cram the 360/ps3 version onto the Wii and it can't really cope with it.


IGN are right in saying that the game could use a bit more light. I'm almost done with the single player campaign, and there are quite a few moments where it's impossible to see where the enemy is firing from, and what obstacles are in from of you due to the darkness. I've played one mission where you had the option to use Nightvision goggles, which was great, but it's a shame the option wasn't there throughout the game like in Modern Warfare Reflex. Campaign has been fun, with some impressive set-pieces, but as the ONM review says, it does feel like an on-rails shooter in disguise.


Online, I've adapted to the lag shooting quite well, but still get a fair amount of dodgy deaths and kills. I belive the game probably deserves a score of 5 or 6 at the moment, which may rise depending on how the upcoming patch(es) improves things. Goldeneye 007 remains the superior single player FPS on Wii for me, while Black Ops is still the online king.

but as the ONM review says, it does feel like an on-rails shooter in disguise.


Had this been marketed as an On-Rails shooter it would prolly get a better score. Modern Warfare Reflex I enjoyed and I enjoyed BO more (thought the story/characters were better) but this time round it's just a bit meh.


Especially after playing Goldeneye and being reminded how awesome an FPS can be in single player. Freedom to choose stealth or guns blazing, choice of routes to take. Sure they still had the dot pointing you in the right direction but you had different ways to get there. Plus it allowed you the choice to explore a bit. In th CoD games it's all "quick do this now in this exact way or your dead".


Not to mention the choice of additional objectives in higher difficulties which you actually did have to search for and weren't pointed out to you.


Treyarc and especially IW could learn alot from Goldeneye in how to approach a campaigne mode. Which isn't saying much considering all these good things Goldeneye does were all done years ago on the original too but somehow got lost/were ignored by future FPS games.


Activision should just get IW to make a CGI war movie :heh:



I think I'm ignoring the campainge on this for now (may go back to it at a later time) will just play Online and some Spec Ops. Though with Zelda out tomorrow I may not be on MW3 for a while


How are the controls in this CoD? I fancied playing one the other day, but opted to get Black Ops for the Xbox (partly because it was pre-owned for13 beans), but also because I remembered how diabolically bad the controls for CoD3 were.


It sometimes makes me wonder why Nintendo don't give away some of their code to 3rd party developers for free. I mean, it'd be no skin off their back if they gave the code they used for Metroid Corruption to 3rd parties to use in their first person shooters. In fact it would help boost sales of these games if the controls were better.

How are the controls in this CoD? I fancied playing one the other day, but opted to get Black Ops for the Xbox (partly because it was pre-owned for13 beans), but also because I remembered how diabolically bad the controls for CoD3 were.


It sometimes makes me wonder why Nintendo don't give away some of their code to 3rd party developers for free. I mean, it'd be no skin off their back if they gave the code they used for Metroid Corruption to 3rd parties to use in their first person shooters. In fact it would help boost sales of these games if the controls were better.


They're fully customisable, they're the best FPS controls on Wii... hell, they're the best on any console!

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