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Zelda Wii U [Tech demo]


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As far as Zeldas are concerned, I want them to pretend motion controls didn't happen. Even if they offer motion controls as an option, that'll negatively affect the game in terms of design, as the players using the Wii remote won't be able to do half the things the rest of us will.


If there is one thing I will always laugh and amuse myself from this gen, it's the motion control, I love it. Yet you guys despise the very essence of it. And here you go on about how if it has the option it will RUIN the Zelda game. :laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing:


Nintendo will NEVER forgot motion control, why should they? It got them from last to first within mere months, I loved it, not only seeing my favorite company rise to the top with truck loads of money, but also see gamers become so offended when it comes to motion controls, no other gen gave me this amount of amusement keep it up guys : peace: :D:D:D:D:D:D:D

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If there is one thing I will always laugh and amuse myself from this gen, it's the motion control, I love it. Yet you guys despise the very essence of it. And here you go on about how if it has the option it will RUIN the Zelda game. :laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing:


It's true.


Nintendo will NEVER forgot motion control, why should they? It got them from last to first within mere months, I loved it, not only seeing my favorite company rise to the top with truck loads of money, but also see gamers become so offended when it comes to motion controls, no other gen gave me this amount of amusement keep it up guys : peace: :D:D:D:D:D:D:D


I don't want them to forget it totally or stop making Wii Sports. I'm just glad it's going back to its rightful place as a peripheral, so it can enhance the games that need it and not ruin the ones that don't.

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If there is one thing I will always laugh and amuse myself from this gen, it's the motion control, I love it. Yet you guys despise the very essence of it. And here you go on about how if it has the option it will RUIN the Zelda game. :laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing:


Nintendo will NEVER forgot motion control, why should they? It got them from last to first within mere months, I loved it, not only seeing my favorite company rise to the top with truck loads of money, but also see gamers become so offended when it comes to motion controls, no other gen gave me this amount of amusement keep it up guys : peace: :D:D:D:D:D:D:D


Do you have to be so fucking tedious when it comes to your war against gamers who don't conform to your beliefs? Mouthing off again and again and again about how you dislike Zelda fanboys and their views is one thing, but openly showing glee at others' dislike of something is just pathetic. No less than I would expect from you though.


Nintendo will never forget motion control? Apart from the fact that their new console is putting it to one side, big time, you mean?


I'm with Grazza, I'll wait and see how it turns out, but excessive motion controls like those SS seem to be using (ie. rolling a bomb like you're bowling) seems more of a hindrance than anything IMO. If you don't like that view I doubt many of us give a fuck.

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I agree it is funny. I am very excited about the motion controls in SS and to see everyone complain about it is funny. I'm not afraid to show glee at the misfortune of others. I don't create their misfortune just to laugh at them, but I have no qualms at laughing at them if misfortunes befall them.


The WiiU tablet is like a Classic Controller with screen and a Wii Motion Plus Controller. If you saw the demo's displayed. You can see that motion is still very much in it. So I can assume that Zelda will have some too.

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I agree it is funny. I am very excited about the motion controls in SS and to see everyone complain about it is funny. I'm not afraid to show glee at the misfortune of others. I don't create their misfortune just to laugh at them, but I have no qualms at laughing at them if misfortunes befall them.


Disiking the idea of motion controls in Zelda is somehow "misfortune"?


Oh dear.



The WiiU tablet is like a Classic Controller with screen and a Wii Motion Plus Controller. If you saw the demo's displayed. You can see that motion is still very much in it. So I can assume that Zelda will have some too.


You're missing the point. It doesn't matter if the control has an accelerometer or not, Nintendo are trying to put motion gameplay to one side and get back some regular hardcore gameplay.

Edited by Ronnie
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when you want to be as far away from motion controls as possible


I didn't say that, and neither did Grazza.


I personally thought the motion controls worked perfectly in TP. Certain aspects in SS seem to be taking things too far, in my opinion.

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I didn't say that, and neither did Grazza.


I personally thought the motion controls worked perfectly in TP. Certain aspects in SS seem to be taking things too far, in my opinion.

Grazza says he wished motion control never happened.


You're missing the point. It doesn't matter if the control has an accelerometer or not, Nintendo are trying to put motion gameplay to one side and get back some regular hardcore gameplay.

I don't see where you got that from, they didn't show any footage.


The bottom line here is. Killer Kirby said he thought it was funny when people complained about something he liked and that Nintendo was likely to continue on. And you called him pathetic.


I agreed that it is funny and have no problem laughing at people who are unhappy with something.

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The WiiU tablet is like a Classic Controller with screen and a Wii Motion Plus Controller. If you saw the demo's displayed. You can see that motion is still very much in it. So I can assume that Zelda will have some too.


The new controller is not going to be like a Wii Motion Plus Controller though, yes it has got some motion in but not in the same way.


Can you imagine trying to swing that controller around when swinging a sword, playing tennis etc!

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The new controller is not going to be like a Wii Motion Plus Controller though, yes it has got some motion in but not in the same way.


Can you imagine trying to swing that controller around when swinging a sword, playing tennis etc!


Not the exact same ways, but it still has motion controls. Such as the pirate game and the Killer Freaks games.

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You could say, it's quite funny how you lot are laughing at us for disliking OTT motion controls... just as Nintendo pretty much ditch them. :laughing:


Well I like normal controls too in some senses. I haven't been complaining about removing them from Zelda.


Also I don't know if they have ditched them, we haven't seen anything.


But if there are no motion controls whatsoever, and someone moans that it should. Then yes you could very well find it funny.

Edited by Diageo
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As Diageo has already said, Nintendo aren't ditching Motion Controls at all. As know, the Upad/controller has motion sensors. Just because you're not swinging the controller around, it doesn't stop it from being classed as motion control.


Also, if what we're hearing is true about only one Ucontroller being used with the console (or 2 max), then there could potentially be other multiplayer games which will utilise the Wiimotes for the other players taking part. In fact, this was clearly demonstrated already.



Particularly around the 2 minute mark with the Metroid-type game.


Don't really understand where we're getting this "Nintendo is ditching motion controllers" information from. If anything, they're evolving with that idea.

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Do you have to be so fucking tedious when it comes to your war against gamers who don't conform to your beliefs? Mouthing off again and again and again about how you dislike Zelda fanboys and their views is one thing, but openly showing glee at others' dislike of something is just pathetic. No less than I would expect from you though.


I'm not even sure what killer kirby's post was about, It seemed somewhat aimed at me, and yet I'd never said the tech demos were superior to the finished games. All I said was that initial Twilight Princess graphics were far better than the finished game (which they were). Bizarrely, killer kirby uses two 2004 shots as proof of the finished game's "superior" graphics.


I'm with Grazza, I'll wait and see how it turns out, but excessive motion controls like those SS seem to be using (ie. rolling a bomb like you're bowling) seems more of a hindrance than anything IMO. If you don't like that view I doubt many of us give a fuck.


I can confirm: none are given.


Don't take them seriously, Ronnie. It's like when a gnat flies into your room. You might swat it if you can be bothered, but it's not a priority.


All I know is that I'm looking forward to playing Ocarina of Time next week, I can't wait to play Skyward Sword and I couldn't be happier with the way they seem to be taking Zelda for the Wii U. With that in mind, I couldn't give a flying fig whether someone is laughing at my "misfortune". Poor me.

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If none of you give a flying fig, I don't know why Ronnie had to call Killer Kirby pathetic in the first place. If you truly didn't care, you wouldn't have replied to his comment, which wasn't even directed at Ronnie.

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If none of you give a flying fig, I don't know why Ronnie had to call Killer Kirby pathetic in the first place. If you truly didn't care, you wouldn't have replied to his comment, which wasn't even directed at Ronnie.


Eh, I like talking to Ronnie, otherwise I wouldn't bother. But if having fantasies about gamers being angry amuses you, go ahead. :heh:

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Sorry, I was unclear. That was a referencing Ronnie moaning about Kirby.


That's because kirby pops up in Zelda topics every few weeks spouting the same old pathetic bollocks about how he hates Zelda fanboys, how they're not allowed an opinion, how his opinion of TP is the only valid one, how he thinks he's so much better than most Zelda fans etc. It gets very tiresome. He's sunk to a new low with openly mocking and showing pleasure at those who dislike over the top motion controls though.


Fierce, you're right, sorry to keep going on. Grazza, I like you gnat analogy ;)

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The new controller is not going to be like a Wii Motion Plus Controller though, yes it has got some motion in but not in the same way.


Can you imagine trying to swing that controller around when swinging a sword, playing tennis etc!


You know, .... Link's new weapon could be a book of some sort which matches the size of the uPad.

That way it'll still be 1-on-1 motion control and we'd be swatting Ganondorf like a fly. Or Tingle for that matter...:laughing:


Speaking of Ganondorf and Tingle......HIGH DEFINITION!

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