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Wii U's Online


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I actually hope it is EA providing the online service. Origin (their new online service for PC and mobile) looks quite good, and certainly a lot better than anything Nintendo have (and probably would) come up with themselves.

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I'm still waiting to hear about a headset. I know during the Ubisoft conference they were talking about the new controller been used like Wiispeak, this better not be the only option.


I don't see the problem with that though, you can put in headphones into the controller. that's how I am seeing it anyway.

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Think there's bound to be a headset... maybe the one that looks like it'll be used with MW3 will be carried over.


They should just put a standard microphone jack on the controller, would be the best solution.

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I'm still waiting to hear about a headset. I know during the Ubisoft conference they were talking about the new controller been used like Wiispeak, this better not be the only option.


This pic shows where the headphone jack is. Microphone is in the front. I don't really understand why you would need a headset as an alternative.




On another note, what do you recon that square panel is between the stylus and the headphone jack?

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This pic shows where the headphone jack is. Microphone is in the front. I don't really understand why you would need a headset as an alternative.


It's what im most comfortable with. I've been playing on Live with a headset for years now and it's something that I prefer to use, especially if the audio quality is like that of WiiSpeak. I don't want to have to hold the controller to my mouth just so my mates can hear what i'm saying.

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@HoT stuff - Fair point... however I've been using a similar set up on my iPad and it works just fine.


@Cube - Alright so you have access to the high res press photos :p

What is the port on the bottom edge for? Is this an alternate charging point?

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What is the port on the bottom edge for? Is this an alternate charging point?


I would guess the one right on the bottom is for attachments (like the Wii U Zapper) and the ones on the "lip" are just clips to make it more secure.

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It's what im most comfortable with. I've been playing on Live with a headset for years now and it's something that I prefer to use, especially if the audio quality is like that of WiiSpeak. I don't want to have to hold the controller to my mouth just so my mates can hear what i'm saying.


Like Jamba said, doing something similar on the ipad is amazing. Same with the iphone. The microphones are amazing now. If it uses this it will be perfect. WHack in some headphones if you want it in ear. Could also do different people in different ears in multiplayer :) Or have some pseudo surround sound!


I'm sure it'll be amazing!

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Details later this week my a**.


Ah well, no point getting worked up, until Nintendo do announce how much they are potentially ruining their new online system. At least with the announcement of a completely dedicated multiplayer shooter like Ghost Recon online, we can be cautiously optimistic that Nintendo knows friend codes and no communication features aren't going to cut it. If they don't want to announce anything now, nobody will get anything out of them.


One more thing: There was more to the interview I linked on the last page. Don't test Reggie's patience too much! ;)


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"End of the week" not "At Ubi conference". There's still days left for the end of the week, then we can flame :heh:


We need to wait and see cause Ubisoft was clearly not revealing any online details.


It was touted as a "third party roundtable". From what I've read, it turned into a Ubi Q&A where not even UBI knew shit - or wanted/were allowed to tell what they knew.


It's just looking like they either knew they weren't going to reveal anything at this E3 or Reggie "promised" a bit too much ("in the coming days"). As it stands, nobody is any wiser than before. Even a definite confirmation of having a unified account system that is run by someone would be more than we have now. :heh:


It's no tragedy that they don't want or can't announce anything until now and/or just want to show off the new controller. But if Nintendo has a stigma they should get rid off, it's that they can't do



In games anyway. Parts of MK Wii's online system were fantastic (how it ran) and parts were... uncommunicative. ;)

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Sounded like EA might be behind it? Would be great!!


My guess is that it will be unique in that Nintendo will offer some stuff like eshop and global network and developers will create their own systems for their games.

Something similiar to Ghost Recon Online, Ubisoft said that it will come with a special program to keep u always connected with other ppl from Ghost Recon Online such as chating, video and picture sharing, game invites, it's own gamerscore and so on.


That would be awesome imo since devs would have opportunity to actually improve on the already established standard.


As far as Nintendos main network (that will power it all) goes i think they will seek support from more than 1 company.


Online gaming is future due to incredible replayability and they know that they need to do it right this time.


I would not be suprised to see Zelda MMO either but not like World Of Warcraft cra* but engaging online co-op rpg-adventure with Nintendo style story (something like Four Swords Adventures just a lot bigger and more awesome).

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So... no new details past night. Looks like reggie really wants to stretch that definition of end of the week to mean outside of E3. Fingers crossed eh?


Or he just wanted Geoff to shut up about it. He never said which information they'd be going to release, did he?


Anyway, here is the Ubisoft developer roundtable:


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Or he just wanted Geoff to shut up about it. He never said which information they'd be going to release, did he?


He said he would "tick" the online box, meaning that we'll be convinced that the Wii U's online system will be good enough by the end of the week.

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He said he would "tick" the online box, meaning that we'll be convinced that the Wii U's online system will be good enough by the end of the week.


They can check as many imaginary boxes as they want, but without clarification it's worth nothing. It's not coming from a company with a great track record in the area, but unfortunately rather the contrary. Yet, who'd have still thought it possible, there is an interview with clarification:




So, here is the clarification everyone wanted (starting at 1:55) directly from the interview with Charlie Scibetta, from corporate communications, Nintendo:


Online is very important to us and we've heard the demands of the veteran gamers. We're going to be more flexible with gaming this time when it comes to online. We're going to work with 3rd party partners. We're not going to have a centralized one-size-fits-all type of online gaming approach. It's going to be more the publishers figuring out what they want to do and we're trying to and we'll try to bring that to life and make sure our platform can support that vision.


Yes, I don't know what that means exactly either. But if it means no unifying account on Nintendo's side and having to create a single account for each publisher with their own services, I'm willing to uncheck that box right now.


I mean, the concept is great if there's a system at the level of Steam behind a game. But on a closed box like a console, I'd want to have a permanent unified friends list and messaging with these people. Certainly not one friends list per game, if I play games from different publishers.


I should add, that what the guy said doesn't necessarily mean that there is no unified friends list bound to an account at Nintendo. After all, Nintendo could have an own accounts system that connects to other services the way Sony and Valve have connected PSN and Steam accounts. But I'm not hopeful to say the least. :heh:



This might also have a lot of good sides. Not forcing down a system a publisher's throat isn't a bad thing. But the lack of unified accounts - even if they're only on the surface - is simply not practical.

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I'm not liking the sound of this at all.




If they do decide to leave it up to 3rd parties the whole process will be a mess. Having to sign up and log in for different games should not be an option in this day and age. Anyone who has played MGS Online on the PS3 will no doubt remember the nightmare it was with the whole Konami ID set up. Imagine doing that for every game.


If they are serious about getting the core gamers back in the western market they just freaking look at Xbox live. It's a unified account that once setup is done and dusted.


It's still very early days yet so there is till hope but as Burny said, things are still a little unclear as to what is going on. Hell, do Nintendo even know what's going on with the Wii U? The whole way details have been coming out seems a little rushed and confused.

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Nintendo would know if would be a disaster not to include a unified friends list, some form of invite or ping and a UI. That data, I guess, would be incredibly easy to share across the system.


I'm simply seeing this as a means to appease companies like Activision who would like very much to charge for online; that's a business model incompatible with paid for services like Xbox Live. Its a more attractive proposition to publishers than Live and its disruptive too; and could, of course, lead to more comprehensive online options (since publishers could now monetise their offerings)?


Perhaps, Nintendo are looking at a more flexible approach for developers and gamers - for example, being able to opt in and opt out of services, much like a Sky subscription, choose what you want to play. Why pay £30 for Live, if all you were to play is COD which could be purchased for £5.00 per year? You could argue that it is also a tactic that could help the issue with second hand games - essentially, you're buying an online pass for each game/publisher.


As long as its fairly centralised and in one place on the console, I see it as a great move forward for publishers.

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Why pay for online at all? I honestly don't mind paying for Live but many people do which is why the PS3 is a more tempting choice for them. If Nintendo did do this then why would you play a game online with Wii U when it would be free on the PSN? You pay for a qulaity service on Live and it has evolved very well over time. If Nintendo doesn't reach the standard of Live with such things as cross voice chat, unified freinds list, messages etc. people aren't going to pay for it.


Why the hell is a GT thing popping up in this topic?

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Nintendo would know if would be a disaster not to include a unified friends list, some form of invite or ping and a UI.


Let's pray, shall we?


But yeah, I can't see them going to a system where every publisher slaps you their own account system in the face. At least not after the 3DS has a unified friend list - although Nintendo has yet to exploit it.


A rudimentary unifying "Nintendo account" on the system which interfaces with other publisher's systems and hides them would make sense - even if it means creating separate accounts for the other systems and linking them once. It's for example what Dragon Age (ME too, I think) are already using on the PS3.


If it is like that, it would be essentially what Steam does. Minus achievements because Nintendo doesn't like them, but hopefully with communication options that don't involve carrier pigeons. I can very well imagine other publishers setting up their separate systems with achievements and store interfaces in order to drip feed gamers their DLCs. If they don't have to fork percentages of the revenue for DLC to Nintendo for using Nintendo's shop for these DLCs, the people at Ubisoft and EA will probably love the system to pieces. ;)


I think it's the video that Burny posted, doesn't load anything just asks for a password...

Sorry, I just linked it now.

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