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  • 1 month later...
Shenmue 2 is absolute magic, Stocka. Make sure you get it, but don't spend silly money! If you really struggle to get it, I have a backup DC copy, and I'm sure I could arrange some way of sending you it. It's self-booting, so you don't need a boot disc.


Let me know how you get on!


Just thought I'd underline this in case you missed it. I know a lot of people frown on copies, and rightly so. But in my case it was the only way to play these games confidently, because all the originals I bought wouldn't work, and it was well worth it. If I can help let me know. I'm not a pirate, I don't want your money! I'll send it for free.

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That's so annoying that happened. Since those GD discs in DC's use smaller lines, even the smallest scratch will ensure the cd doesn't work. I remember this happaned with me on disc 3 of shenmue 1, just a little scratch. :/

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So I got my new copy(and all discs work fine!) and what a better way to get back into the world of Shenmue than play a lovely 3 1/2 hour session :heh: Never usually play games for that long, but I just couldn't help it.


The amount of detail is shockingly incredible. I thought Hong Kong was HUGE and was so impressed, and then I go to Kowloon....OMFG the place is massive, so full of detail and life. :shock: I could go on about how impressive it is for ages...:awesome:


The time when you are following Yuana, christ that went on for a while! I kept messing up too hehe. Ren has to be one of my favourite videogame characters ever, he's cooler than the word cool itself :heh:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow...just wow. That part on the roof was so beautiful and incredible, it was really moving. When I saw Lan Di I actually went all weird inside, such a strange feeling having oh not seen him since that very first cutscene at the beginning of the whole Adventure. The fight with Dou Nui was hard, I kept beating him but messing up on the interactive cutscene after :heh:


That last part of Disc 3 has left such an impact on me. Outstanding.

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Wow...just wow. That part on the roof was so beautiful and incredible, it was really moving. When I saw Lan Di I actually went all weird inside, such a strange feeling having oh not seen him since that very first cutscene at the beginning of the whole Adventure. The fight with Dou Nui was hard, I kept beating him but messing up on the interactive cutscene after :heh:


That last part of Disc 3 has left such an impact on me. Outstanding.



Shenmue II Disc 3, is one of the greatest video game experiences EVER!

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:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

I've just...completed it.

Oh my word.

IT CAN'T END LIKE THAT!!! There's no way there won't be a Shenmue III...theres no way!...Its not possible. I just can't see how it would be made...all that building up and then the ending feels like its just the beginning. It has to happen. You must fight Lan Di.


But my oh my, no game has ever left such an impact on me personally, and my life in general. I don't think I've ever been so emotionally connected to a video game.

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:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

I've just...completed it.

Oh my word.

IT CAN'T END LIKE THAT!!! There's no way there won't be a Shenmue III...theres no way!...Its not possible. I just can't see how it would be made...all that building up and then the ending feels like its just the beginning. It has to happen. You must fight Lan Di.


But my oh my, no game has ever left such an impact on me personally, and my life in general. I don't think I've ever been so emotionally connected to a video game.


I felt the same. Amazing wasn't it? It's a matter of whether Sega want to continue the series. More games are planned, they just need to actually be made.

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Anyone like to see the bike in Shenmue 3?


I wasn't sure at first, because I think part of the fun is walking around and interacting with everyone; but I think it could be great for certain areas!


- There could be great bike chase through a busy market/harbour etc... with QTE's aswell

- There could be a time in the game where you have to bike to a nearby village

- To speed up any backtracking?


It looks pretty fun! Especially driving fast!

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Oh sorry I misread your post, I read it as 'Anyone like to see the bike thats in Shenmue III' ....nevermind.


Anyway I don't think I'd like it that much tbh, it doesn't seem like Ryo's style. I'd like to see him on that motorbike again though in III!

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Completed Shenmue on Dreamcast numerous times, and completed Shenmue 2 on the Xbox twice. Shenmue 2 is the far better game, although the first one is good too. I really hope number 3 gets released, I really wanna know what the hell happens!!!

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Completed Shenmue on Dreamcast numerous times, and completed Shenmue 2 on the Xbox twice. Shenmue 2 is the far better game, although the first one is good too.

The thing is, its crazy to compare them really, as for starters Shenmue II wouldn't be as amazing as it is without the introduction of the adventure in Shenmue. Basically, I prefer II for numerous reasons but it wouldn't be the game it is if it wasn't for Shenmue.

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