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The Gentlemen's Mafia II - Hunter's Chance


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How about we just don't talk about me or my targets then, and instead why we think ReZ might not be town? If there's no reason to think he might not be, then there is also no reason to need to clear him as town. Personally, as I've already said if people would pay attention and actually bloody listen to me, I don't think he's mafia. Less about me though.


Who do we actually have as any solid suspect? Anything, anyone? I don't like Smeagol because he's actively lied to us(before someone says I've done the same, I've simply refused to give information, rather than cover it up with the infinitely easier lies). Also, I believe both the previous night kills weren't direct targets, but actually suffered due to protecting people. Ell, I think definitely so as the writeup started with him by a door, Danny...I'm not sure, but I wouldn't be suprised if he was too, explaining why(given your disbelief at it, Flink) some of us are still alive.


Could Ell and Danny protect against nightkills? Does it mean that if somebody targeted whoever Danny protected, Danny would be killed in their place? Those are the questions that need answering.


Maybe, or maybe the mafia are trying to kill off the protectors in the game? Thinning out the townie's numbers that way. Thats just a likely, in my opinion. We know everybody's role by now. Its just alignment. Like I mentioned, there are maybe 3 characters that need watching like a hawk.

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Uh, how is that blackmailing? This is a fucking game. I wasn't prepared to flip a coin and vote for one over the other based on luck. I was going to make an informed decision over who I believed more. I wasn't fully convinced by your story, but I trusted you more than chair, so I went with that.


For the last time, nobody is questioning you or Rummy, or both of you. This is getting really annoying now.


This is a page full of questions directed at me, and in part, at Dazz. What I am saying, and have said, is being questioned. If it is not, let's move on.





Could Ell and Danny protect against nightkills? Does it mean that if somebody targeted whoever Danny protected, Danny would be killed in their place? Those are the questions that need answering.


Maybe, or maybe the mafia are trying to kill off the protectors in the game? Thinning out the townie's numbers that way. Thats just a likely, in my opinion. We know everybody's role by now. Its just alignment. Like I mentioned, there are maybe 3 characters that need watching like a hawk.


To be fair, I'm not sure with Danny, but I'm pretty sure from the writeup that Ell died protecting someone.


Also I've been waiting for someone to vote for me;


Vote:The Peeps

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If you were a separate team you wouldn't have given us the mafia? Well if you were neutral, getting rid of the mafia would be easier than getting rid of the town.


lol and now you're voting for me just because I voted for you? Seriously dude, you're being so crazy.

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If you were a separate team you wouldn't have given us the mafia? Well if you were neutral, getting rid of the mafia would be easier than getting rid of the town.


But eliminating mafia is not winning against the town interests.


Also, that's totally not the case.

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Yes, we trusted your info. We trust it to be good. So why withhold it from us? IT MAKES NO SENSE. If someone is evil, tell us. If someone is bad, tell us. If you didn't get anything, tell us who you targeted and why you think it failed. As townies, we're a team, and you aren't being cooperative at all. You're being selfish.

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I'M GOING TO TYPE IN CAPS AND FUCKING SWEAR now will you just tell us if ReZ is good or not? Seriously, I don't know why you're being so difficult. You're very happy to tell us who the mafia are and that's great but you're not so willing to clear a townie? Messed up priorities.

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A man was guarding a door. He guarded against any possible attacks.

"iVengan!" he thought "iNadie es más valiente que yo, el Maestro de Éll!"


The hunter appeared.


Why I believe Ell died protecting someone. As I said, Danny I'm unsure about. But for people to say kills don't work like that when the writeup says he was guarding a door and against any possible attacks...seems to be ignoring the facts to me.

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I'M GOING TO TYPE IN CAPS AND FUCKING SWEAR now will you just tell us if ReZ is good or not? Seriously, I don't know why you're being so difficult. You're very happy to tell us who the mafia are and that's great but you're not so willing to clear a townie? Messed up priorities.


ReZ fingered Dyson as a definite mafia and he wasn't. I've already asked if there have been any mafia of the same nature dead as of yet(ie were evil but appeared good), it's something to keep in mind. I think ReZ IS good though.

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And you may not like my attitude, but I also don't like consistently being ignored from my formerly polite requests for the last few days.


I actually feel really bad for asking that question now. Its caused so much fuss, and in all honesty I was just trying to take one potential suspect off our list.


The ones that truly concern me are The Peeps, Smeagol and Zell. Oh, and Chair.


I didn't understand why he was a suspect to need clearing, as it was. I'm apparently demanded of to clear somebody, without good reason presented for why they might even be evil.

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Of course he was guarding a door, that was his role. Someone targeted to kill him, and got him at the door. I doubt they were trying to get in the door. The mafia would be too powerful if they could kill the protector of their target. There would be no point in protectors.

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So we've found out what exactly? That someone in a game where the premise exists that everyone is trying to appear as town is.....town? When there was no reasonable suspicion that they were not? So you've...well, you've gained what exactly? It's not the first time I've mentioned about asking questions without considering their consequence, in this game.

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I didn't understand why he was a suspect to need clearing, as it was. I'm apparently demanded of to clear somebody, without good reason presented for why they might even be evil.


Well, the bit that got me interested was Mr Paul's list, where it was shown that Dazz targeted ReZ but your target or info for that night wasn't in the list. So, I wanted to know if Dazz had targeted by himself or if you had both targeted together. Seeing as how we think you both need to target the same person to get their alignment.


Also, I'm just a bit suspicious of ReZ. Reading through his targets and seeing the fact that he targeted himself last night (thats what he says he did), just seems off. Considering there's others (like yourself) who maybe could have done with the protection.

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Also why I was confident in my mafia conclusions, because we already lost a town who appeared as bad.



However we have not, as far as I can recall and keep mentioning, seen a mafia go that appeared as good. It is something I wish to keep in mind.

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I'm fed up of your swearing and attitude rummy. There's no reason why you can't say who you targeted. It puts you in no danger. We were focused on others but you pulled all attention on yourself.


I won't be protecting you at night because I can't rely on you sharing the information you get which would be for the benefit of the town.

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If you believe I am town, then you should realise I'm not doing anything I'm doing without reason. Would you rather I silenced you days ago with lies?


I have to go to sleep, I didn't realise the time. I plan to put an end to this all tomorrow when I get on.

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I think this has gone on for long enough. We've proven to you guys that we are trustworthy by giving you two mafias and good guys. Dannyboy was proven Good in his death and EddieColeslaw and Tales were proven Evil. Why won't you believe us?


Anyway, you leave us no choice...

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Cheers mate :) For the record Dazz agrees with this and will show it by thanking this post.


So, this is it guys. The big epic post with all your answers. First off, targets are as follows. Bear in mind my previous concerns of bad people appearing as good. BEAR IT IN MIND, mafia may use these to hide their alignment if they appear good! Personally I suspect chair, smeagol, Peeps and Eenuh, in that order. Eenuh I don't really, but...y'kno(or never do, rather).



n1 rez-evil

n2 chair-evil

n3 target dazz - redirected with/by drinks(jay?) to Diageo - evil

n4 dohnut-evil

n5 me-you start thinking and darnit, you're obviously good!

n6 dazz-superpowercopteamupgo!

n7 danny-good

n8 eddie-bad

n9 rez-good

n10 tales-bad

n11 chair-good



So those are my targets. Why have I refused to give them? I felt a doubt about myself and Dazz would give us added protection from the mafia, if they didn't totally know us/how accurate we were, they may not kill us. However the endless questions and attention painted the target bigger and bigger on our backs. I think Danny figured us out, realised it was better to keep quiet/leave it, and did so. To save us would mean to have two protectors co-ordinate well enough to protect us both, which'd mean accounting for them in the thread, which would mean giving the mafia a knowledge of where to strike. All the information about us has been quite heavily hinted at in the thread, but it seems a lot of people can't handle it unless it's explicit, so here's this post.


Dazz has wanted us to be more...deceptive/economically truthful to you more than I have, but I've insisted we don't lie to the town in case it costs us our lives. It seems maybe I should have listened to him though as people refused to accept our giving of mafia and, despite repeated, later heated, requests, leave us alone.


Hopefully, whilst confused, you've realised we CAN communicate outside the thread, and have been able to do so since the night we targetted each other at the same time. Jonnas told us we would be more accurate when we both targetted the same person, and have since sent out targets jointly. Thus if either of us dies, we may again become useless(Jonnas has refused to say if we do or do not), and as has been seen investigators are valuble people(often the first to go in a mafia game). I wanted to work long term for the town, whilst holding ourselves in doubt in the mafia's eyes to protect us from certain death. If they weren't sure how accurate we were, they might go for somebody else over us. I am american, and he is canadian(despite telling me otherwise in teh thread!) and so whether Jonnas originally planned this teamup or not, it's been most awesome regardless. Why not come out straight away? Because we were getting town results that weren't needed at the time, and also revealing may have killed us.



THIS, for mr-paul and others, is why I refused to answer your questions and give targets. Since quite a few nights ago, I've said to Dazz(repeatedly, actually, as I expected our deaths) that we have a contingency plan in place that when one of us dies, the survivor does a full actual reveal/roleclaim with targets/results etc. I didn't want the mafia to know I knew who's good and bad, I wanted to leave myself suspicious enough to town that I could become a viable target for a lynch, and thus a less viable target for a nightkill. Similar for Dazz, but being quieter than me it is easier for him :p I didn't want the mafia having my targetting information in case it spurred them to kill me or Dazz sooner than later. I also didn't want it obvious I was targetting alongside Dazz, but I also didn't want to lie about things. I knew if I died my information would be available to the town, I was really really *REALLY* hoping you'd cotton onto this and just leave me alone. All the eyes on us definitely helped that target on our backs to grow.




One curiosity, I don't know why I got good for myself. Dazz targetted me that night but we were not a team then, I assumed it was Jonnas being logical over role...ical. How would somebody not know their own alignment?? However, whilst I knew when Diageo asked me, I asked to answer it the next night(I didn't say I hadn't done it, he assumed) as I wanted to see what happened when I targetted Dazz, after that obv we became a team and I wanted to ignore it. I didn't understand why Diageo wanted to know my result on myself, for if it came back good(as it did) it would mean he was potentially actually evil. I didn't honestly trust you guys not to be stupid and lynch me, saying I'd be lying etc because of that inconsistency.



Oh btw, if it all suddenly makes so much sense, well...I DID try to tell you :P


(srsly tho me and dazz dropped hints in a lot of places, if people would just pay attention, I've had to say ReZ is good about three times in just this day phase!)



Also whilst I did vote for myself in immense frustration, I hoped it might flush out some mafioso, Peeps was only one to vote for me though. This game has drained me so much, now that I have given everything, I will be less active because I have nothing else to give or do.



And we STILL need to find a viable suspect for today, I have nothing better to go on than Vote:Smeagol after all.

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Eh to be honest, I think everyone already knew you two were working together, not just Dannyboy.


It was pretty obvious, especially when you both started coming out with "this person is definitely evil". Which is why we kept saying you're not painting a bigger target over your head by giving out all your targets, as it's already clear what you two can do.


I honestly don't get why you two got so worked up over this. Can't you see that as town, we want to know all the results, whether they come back as good or evil. If we can eliminate people from the list and clear them as good, it leaves us less suspects to deal with. Holding back that sort of information does not help the town at all. You're investigators, you have to help us clear who is town and who is mafia. Every bit of information is useful right now.


Like I said, it's been obvious you two have been working together. If you really were that big a target because of revealing info, you would've been killed already. It's obvious the mafia is going for protectors first though (Ellmeister, Dannyboy) before going for information gatherers (which they might start going for now).


I think you two acted unreasonable. You have to agree that clearing people as town is pretty essential to finding mafia. If we just have to wait for "this person is evil" results, we could be waiting for ages. The game is nearing its end, so it's time for everyone to work together and bring out all the info they have.


Thanks for giving out your targets. We can at least clear ReZ and Chairdriver (though you still suspect Chairdriver?) and look at other suspects on the list. For me that mostly leaves The Peeps and Zell right now, as I don't seem to know too much about them. Unless of course like you said, mafia can come back looking good (which has been common in mafia games).

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