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The Gentlemen's Mafia II - Hunter's Chance


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And yes, maybe that's a fair note to make. Let me spell it out.


Stop drawing attention to me. Stop asking me the questions you keep asking me. I will not answer them, I will not be pressured into answering them. Trust me on these. I have given you two mafia and think that is enough on which to trust me, so do it. Can anyone else say they've done the same, except Dazz?




Two mafia.



Don't ask me again.

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Rummy, why are you getting so anxious? If the mafia truely wanted you dead, you'd be dead by now. In fact, I'm amazed that some of the others have been killed off whilst myself, you, Dazz and a few others remain. Actually, killing off Mr Paul a few nights back would have been a good move on their part. He's been quite helpful since coming back into the game.


Simple question, did you target ReZ on that particular night? Simple yes or no will do. If you say yes, then we have proof that he is town and can clear the guy. You say no, then it leaves ReZ inconclusive.


Why is that such a bad thing?


I'm a bit suspicious over the way you and Dazz have acted over this game. You've delivered the goods, but its been a lot harder than it has needed to be. Its a tough game, we're just making sure we lynch the right people, after carefully looking at the evidence. Actually, whilst reading through The End of the world mafia, I'm glad that we're thinking things through in this game.

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I'm not anxious. You're not thinking at all. Just like nobody did in that. AND you just asked me another question.


To Dazz, I send you my apologies, but screw you guys, I can't be arsed fighting over this shit after what I've given AND WHAT I HAVE TO KEEP FUCKING SAYING. I wish Danny was still here, at least he got it.




Honestly, I just can't be arsed with your stupidity.

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Dude, wtf? Nobody is questioning YOU. What is the point in you having that particular role if we're not allowed to ask you questions about the information you've got...that is retarded.


Also, like I just said, nobody is questioning YOU. We are asking you to simply verify if ReZ is town or not. Why is that such a big deal? At this late stage in the game, there might only be one mafia left. Two at the most. We have suspects and we are trying to narrow that down.


Finally, how will lynching yourself be of any use to anybody? It...seems like a totally bizarre thing to do. I'm finding you to be really unhelpful and over the top in this game. Clearly we've trusted you, which has lead to lynchings. Nobody is distrusting you...in fact, we are asking you for this info because we trust you.


So, you're going to lynch yourself because we're asking questions about the information you have (information that is collected because of your role, I might add. You exist for this information) that may clear a townie or potentially reveal a mafia?



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Any info you reveal isn't gonna make you any more likely to be killed. And now you're trying to kill yourself, so what's the point? You might as well say who you've targeted. An info gatherer who won't share his info. Dazz has done it, so why can't you?

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Rummy, there's no way we're voting for you. Stop being so selfish. You're the one putting attention on yourself.


Actually, I don't think he is being selfish and it's certainly not him putting the attention on himself.


I mean, I don't know how many times we've told you guys to trust us and we've shown you twice that you can and yet you still question us. Dannyboy got sense, he just accepted it and trusted us with right reason. I feel Rummy's frustration a lot. You guys practically blackmailed me just so I can get your votes on someone who is Mafia, which is who we should be going for. I mean, the first night I get but when we told you the second night, I was basically fighting you all all of the time, trying constantly to get your votes and you all knew how I didn't want to reveal any information and yet there you guys were, saying "I'm not voting until Dazz gives us everything" so I had no choice. We told you countless times not to ask a lot of questions and to just go along but you guys didn't.


I'm afraid you were the people who brought the attention on us. Dannyboy figured it out and he even said he could trust our results. Now I get the first night you'd be in doubt but Tales planted that seed of doubt that 'anybody could have said Eddie was evil' when they bloody couldn't! That just irritated me to the core.


But yeah, don't blame Rummy. He's not at fault. Rummy, there's no need to apologise because I totally understand where you're coming from.


Also, we've said countless times that ReZ is good. We also said countless times that Dannyboy's good so why question a good thing?

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Practically blackmailed?


You're saying we should've just blindly trusted you when all we knew about you was that you're a dumb cop? Why should we have just instantly decided to follow what you were saying without knowing why?


You guys both have your priorities completely screwed here.

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Right, Dazz. So, now that you have gained our trust, you aren't going to share that bit of info?


Its a perfectly valid question that was asked...the more you and Rummy act, the more it just appears that you're hiding something. It doesn't mean that you are, but you're not helping yourselves.


How is lynching yourselves in any way a good move? Explain me that. The mafia haven't killed you despite you killing two of theirs. Explain that. The town numbers are dropping and we need to start thinking quicker. We have already been looking at The Peeps today and we want to clear ReZ. Simple. We clear him, that is one less person to suspect of being mafia.


Why is such a big deal being made over this?

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Doublepost: Dazz, it shows in Mr Paul's information that you confirmed ReZ is good. Is that just you confirming, or is that both of you confirming?


Simple. We answer that question, we can move on to something else. Nobody needs to go lynching themselves.

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I don't want to bring this up because apparently I'm suspicious myself, but what are the chances these two have become a separate team?


The way they're acting right now, they make it seem very possible.

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Practically blackmailed?


You're saying we should've just blindly trusted you when all we knew about you was that you're a dumb cop? Why should we have just instantly decided to follow what you were saying without knowing why?


You guys both have your priorities completely screwed here.


Yeah, blackmailed.


I mean, the first night I can completely understand but the second night? What was that all about? Me and Chair were practically fighting for votes and Flink literally said "I'm not going to doublevote until Dazz gives out his info". He actually said that with Tales and Eddie because I remember wanting him to keep his promise.


We've proven we're good and that our results are true. It's like you having this power and you've gotten rid of two mafia in two day phases and have proven that one of the deceased was what was originally said and then people still question you. You'd be pissed too! You'd be wondering why the hell people are questioning you all of the time still!

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Yeah, blackmailed.


I mean, the first night I can completely understand but the second night? What was that all about? Me and Chair were practically fighting for votes and Flink literally said "I'm not going to doublevote until Dazz gives out his info". He actually said that with Tales and Eddie because I remember wanting him to keep his promise.


We've proven we're good and that our results are true. It's like you having this power and you've gotten rid of two mafia in two day phases and have proven that one of the deceased was what was originally said and then people still question you. You'd be pissed too! You'd be wondering why the hell people are questioning you all of the time still!


We're not questioning you now. We're just asking who your targets have been. It's not that difficult to answer and it doesn't paint a bigger target on your head than there already is.

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How about we just don't talk about me or my targets then, and instead why we think ReZ might not be town? If there's no reason to think he might not be, then there is also no reason to need to clear him as town. Personally, as I've already said if people would pay attention and actually bloody listen to me, I don't think he's mafia. Less about me though.


Who do we actually have as any solid suspect? Anything, anyone? I don't like Smeagol because he's actively lied to us(before someone says I've done the same, I've simply refused to give information, rather than cover it up with the infinitely easier lies). Also, I believe both the previous night kills weren't direct targets, but actually suffered due to protecting people. Ell, I think definitely so as the writeup started with him by a door, Danny...I'm not sure, but I wouldn't be suprised if he was too, explaining why(given your disbelief at it, Flink) some of us are still alive.

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Yeah, blackmailed.


I mean, the first night I can completely understand but the second night? What was that all about? Me and Chair were practically fighting for votes and Flink literally said "I'm not going to doublevote until Dazz gives out his info". He actually said that with Tales and Eddie because I remember wanting him to keep his promise.


We've proven we're good and that our results are true. It's like you having this power and you've gotten rid of two mafia in two day phases and have proven that one of the deceased was what was originally said and then people still question you. You'd be pissed too! You'd be wondering why the hell people are questioning you all of the time still!


Uh, how is that blackmailing? This is a fucking game. I wasn't prepared to flip a coin and vote for one over the other based on luck. I was going to make an informed decision over who I believed more. I wasn't fully convinced by your story, but I trusted you more than chair, so I went with that.


For the last time, nobody is questioning you or Rummy, or both of you. This is getting really annoying now.

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Your power only works when both of you have targeted the same person - or at least that's what we're led to believe. That is why we are questioning both of you about your targets. If just one of you is saying ReZ is good, we need the other one to confirm it or there's no reason to trust you as you might just have the wrong result.

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Who do we actually have as any solid suspect? Anything, anyone? I don't like Smeagol because he's actively lied to us(before someone says I've done the same, I've simply refused to give information, rather than cover it up with the infinitely easier lies). Also, I believe both the previous night kills weren't direct targets, but actually suffered due to protecting people. Ell, I think definitely so as the writeup started with him by a door, Danny...I'm not sure, but I wouldn't be suprised if he was too, explaining why(given your disbelief at it, Flink) some of us are still alive.


I don't think the kills work that way. The person who is targeted gets killed, not the person protecting him. If the person can protect against kills, no one dies. If the person can't protect against kills, the original target dies.

So unless they got redirected, I think those kills were directed at both Ell and Danny.

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Also to address your theory, it's not very common that a protector will die instead of their target. The point of the role is that they can stop the killer rather than just die in the victim's place. It's more likely the mafia were targeting the protectors so that the investigators can be killed.

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You two are just acting crazy for no reason...


Incorrect, to give the reason invalidates its purpose and undoes everything.



I don't want to bring this up because apparently I'm suspicious myself, but what are the chances these two have become a separate team?



Also incorrect. If we were a seperate 'team' not acting in the town's interests, we would not have given mafia. AGAIN,


and I highlight that word AGAIN, because I have already pointed this out, addressed it countless times,


I AM good, AND there is NO WAY for me to be winning against the town's interests by GIVING YOU MAFIA TO LYNCH. Is there?




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