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GamesTM reviews the single player game. They gave it a massive 3/10. Here's what a Eurogamer reader said about the review.


'For Resi they stated how it was like a SOCOM game with a Resident Evil skin hence not fitting in with the brand, AI of teammates is dreadful i.e. run into walls, shoot at nothing, only good at being bullet sponges, criticised glitches like zombies popping out of thin air 'mere centimetres away', unimaginative bland set pieces like zombies popping out of doors and closets, the list goes on. They also mentioned how the Leon Kennedy scene doesn't even get a cutscene or any other fanfare therefore a wasted opportunity, wondering why Capcom even gave the reins to Slant Six although the reviewer 'wished them no ill'. I must stress this was only the single player code they reviewed 'due to print constraints' but still harsh.'


I'm still not sure whether to pick this up. I may buy it on the cheap when it bombs a few weeks after release.

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Will decide if I'm going to keep my pre-order or not based on the nest few reviews... if they all score around 5 or 6 out of 10 with the online component then I won't bother but if it's actually an 8/10 game overall including multiplayer then it'll still be worth picking up even though I expect far better from Resident Evil titles even if this is a spin-off not developed by Capcom.


I was planning to cancel my preorder for this tomorrow and wait for some more reviews to surface, but Shopto have processed the order. Ah well, I will give it blast and hope that it's at least decent when playing with mates.

  Hero-of-Time said:
I was planning to cancel my preorder for this tomorrow and wait for some more reviews to surface, but Shopto have processed the order. Ah well, I will give it blast and hope that it's at least decent when playing with mates.


Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu... knew I should have cancelled my pre-order yesterday :( damn shopto! you're far too efficient! :p I bet they're processing all pre-orders extra early because of the lack of reviews too, still nevermind... I'm sure it won't be terrible... I hope, I don't necessarilly trust Games review in any case.


So this arrived today from Shopto... and it's actually quite honestly not terrible! :p


It's not amazing, but certainly not a really bad game like it's being made out to be, at the moment I'd say it's above average with some rare shining moments of decency mixed in with an odd but workable control scheme.


The A.I is unfortunately dumb as fuck as your team-mates will frequently walk into your path of fire - yes there's friendly fire unfortunately - some of them can restore your health but more often than not won't do it when you need it, only after a firefight has finished... if you're playing it in four player co-op though these issues aren't really anything to worry about.


Weapons seem decent even though they're painfully generic in the naming of them, there's stuff to unlock, you level up Gears of War 3 style - they've even ripped off the XP bar style/colour rather well - and the multiplayer modes are... mixed but entertaining.


Basically it feels like a game that's very good at borrowing from others out there but it doesn't necessarilly borrow all the right elements from the right places, it definitely only feels like half a resident evil game shoe-horned into a cover-based shooter.


You will most likely want to turn the gamma up straight away because it's dark as fuck, not subtly so either, for some reason the default setting is a 'constantly tripping over things as I can't see a damn thing' level of blackness which does nothing for the atmosphere.


Oh and the guy who says 'Resident Evilllll!' sounds like he's basically jizzed halfway through announcing the title... :blank: make of that what you will but it certainly doesn't give a great first impression. :p


But yeah... it's playable for the most-part.


I agree. I've put a few hours into it now, whilst it is not the 3rd person Left 4 Dead I hoped it would be, it certainly isn't the travesty Eurogamer would have you believe.


I had a quick blast this morning and it ain't half bad. I'm not keen on fighting the soldiers but when you and fighting off zombies is so much fun.


I started with the Recon Class which is pretty nifty. I kept phasing in and out and attacking the enemy from behind. Levelling the characters/classes up and purchasing guns will easily give this game legs, providing you enjoy it of course.


The AI hasn't been that bad for me so far. The one thing that is annoying is that if you die the AI can't revive you. They should have made it so that aslong as one of them is alive, you have a chance to get back in the fight.


  S.C.G said:
You will most likely want to turn the gamma up straight away because it's dark as fuck, not subtly so either, for some reason the default setting is a 'constantly tripping over things as I can't see a damn thing' level of blackness which does nothing for the atmosphere.


Yeah, I thought my TV was knackered or something. :D

Posted (edited)

First impressions.


The visuals are average but do the job just fine. The shooting mechanics feels fine very much like the Socom games which makes sense considering the developer. They have adopted a weird cover system which locks you into cover when close enough to it but doesnt quite work well enough, the should of stuck with a button for that, no need to be different for something like that.


I've only done the first mission which was actually quite fun, working your way through an Umbrella facility to locate Birkin who then later in the level is chasing you in his first G-virus stage. Regualr soldier enemies did feel a little bullet spongey and could take a grenade to the face and be ok. Havent ran into B.O.W.S yet so cant really comment on those.


One thing this game is missing so far is a dodge button, a game like this needs it. PLus the melee blows chunks, that melee in multi is going to suck because theres noway to escape it if some one keeps doing it, thats why a dodge is needed.


The characters so far seem ok, nothing special. I dont really see them being all that interesting especially when you have the regular RE people around. Hunk is boss as usual.


Right now I'm not seeing the 3 or 4's/10. Nothing seems to be broken except for cover but it may just take getting used to. I am only one mission in and I havent tried co-op or regular multi. It does seem like the kind of game that is best with friends in co-op and multi.


Do get free DLC on 11.04.2012 which is nice.


I'm big RE fan btw.


edit --------


Online co-op = good


competitive multi = not good


So much potential but it just doesnt come together when fighting other people. Like I mentioned earlier the melee is beyond broken, if some cunt starts it and has no intention of stopping you're fucked unless hes taken out by zombies/enemies etc


It has moments of greatness such as the last game I played my team of four was fighting the enemy in the middle of a zombie horde then all of a sudden a hunter jumps in out of nowhere to fuck you up and then Mr X from RE2 (the big bald bitch) charges in knocking you on your ass.


Another missed opportunity is the infection stuff, its stupid in single player because if a team mate gets infected and turned you have to kill him but then you just revive them as if nothing happened. In competitive if you get turned into a zombie you have no control atall, it would of been a laugh if you go on a rampage for a little while.


Oh and one more thign they should of had a Left4Dead vs type mode, one team of heroes and another team of infected. It would of been amazing fun to stomp around as Lickers, Hunters and Tyrants but nope.


So much potential with the multi but it just doesnt work. I hope they do a sequel just so they can sort this out because it could brilliant.


So far the single player and co-op are the highlights and the bit I was looking forward to blows.

Edited by bryanee

I've never saw RE: ORC as being anything more than just a time filler until RE6 comes out so I will wait until the price drops and then pick the game up.


Forgot to say I gave up on this, at first the game was fine but got worse and worse the further you got into it. Fucking awful in the end. Worst game I've purchased this generation.


Saw a youtube vid of one the possible endings. The term "oh how the mighty have fallen" was never so apt as then. How low can you go? Apparently, Capcom can reach unfathomable depths.

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