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Pokémafia 9 : Red and Blue


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I believe Eenuh's ability to enhance the positive effects of people targeting her target. My amateur programming power just enhances all effects. That is a very good point about the poison, however I think you'll find "I" was the one who strangled Jayseven :p


Not removing my Nintendohnut vote since I feel he is being too safe. He did nothing every night except for evolving chairdriver? Not really buying it. And the poison thing.

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Ugh I believe that at the moment. Just means we have less leads now.


The only one that can confirm your vote restriction ability is Chairdriver but I don't expect he'll be on again this phase. It's not likely that you'd make that up though, especially if you're mafia.


The only dead mafia is Jonnas. There's surely 4 more?


People I'm uncertain about:

Brian Mcoy






and possibly Chairdriver - he came on and addressed certain points but missed out the powerful blue blast from night 4 against Ellmeister.


Everyone else I'm fairly sure is good.

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I believe Eenuh's ability to enhance the positive effects of people targeting her target. My amateur programming power just enhances all effects. That is a very good point about the poison, however I think you'll find "I" was the one who strangled Jayseven :p


Not removing my Nintendohnut vote since I feel he is being too safe. He did nothing every night except for evolving chairdriver? Not really buying it. And the poison thing.


Oh right, you were the dull cyan and brown pokémon yes?


But yeah, still leaves the invisible pokémon people were speculating about and the poison. I just don't really believe your role/power, especially the evolving part.

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Your power doesn't really make any sense to me. The three starters make other Pokémon evolve (Cube, The Peeps and mr-paul). Why would there be two water Pokémon that can make others evolve? Seems a bit strange.


Also, chairdriver and mr-paul targeted each other on the third night, which is what I believe made chairdriver evolve (maybe aided by me targeting chairdriver too).


It just seems very weird that there would be two pokémon that can make other water pokémon evolve.


Also, Dyson was poisoned (isn't Tentacruel half poison?) and I think Jayseven was strangled (Tentacruel can do this with his tentacles). And I believe people were talking about an invisible killer? You fit that profile.


Vote: Nintendohnut


Well I'm not being funny but my PM specifically states that I have the Water Stone ability, which will evolve people. Whether or not anyone else targeted chairdriver I'm confident that it was me that caused him to evolve. It would make sense seeing as it is literally my power, and the main part of my power.


Someone mentioned earlier that they though Rez has been a bit foolish and not realised that people could target themselves to evolve so clearly that wasn't his plan. I assume I was meant to make Squirtle evolve but mr-paul worked out he could target himself.


Why do you think you caused chair to evolve? You have nothing to suggest that you have that power. You first claimed you were a protector from everything but kills, then added that you could benefit people later.


I don't know whether it's water specific but I assume so as my power is called Water Stone. And whether it's weird or not I assure you it's the case. My posts can be analysed by Dannyboy if you don't believe me. As I only made one post on the last page he can use that, or if you want I can post once on the next page saying the things I'm claiming, he can analyse them tonight and confirm I'm telling the truth. Would that be okay Dannyboy?


Jonnas was clearly the invisible killer as he never appeared in any write-ups, so I'm not sure why you're pinning that one on me.


Frankly I've been suspicious of you for some time. I'm pretty sure there's digital link in the mafia and as far as I'm concerned the fact that you wouldn't share any info for so long while being questioned is extremely suspicious. I think you're trying to distract people into voting for me because you know you're going to be lynched.


Vote: Eenuh


(And no, I'm not doing this through some foolish, childish 'you voted for me so I'm voting for you' thing, I genuinely think you're evil. You're distracting people after I admitted everything about my role, and your behaviour has been extremely suspicious.)


(ALSO: I loved it when I read your comment about how people being quiet are probably mafia. Earlier in this game you were quiet and you were saying some people just didn't have much to say. A few days later when other people are quiet you're claiming they're evil and should be lynched?! wtf?!)

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Well I'm not being funny but my PM specifically states that I have the Water Stone ability, which will evolve people. Whether or not anyone else targeted chairdriver I'm confident that it was me that caused him to evolve. It would make sense seeing as it is literally my power, and the main part of my power.


Someone mentioned earlier that they though Rez has been a bit foolish and not realised that people could target themselves to evolve so clearly that wasn't his plan. I assume I was meant to make Squirtle evolve but mr-paul worked out he could target himself.


Why do you think you caused chair to evolve? You have nothing to suggest that you have that power. You first claimed you were a protector from everything but kills, then added that you could benefit people later.


I don't know whether it's water specific but I assume so as my power is called Water Stone. And whether it's weird or not I assure you it's the case. My posts can be analysed by Dannyboy if you don't believe me. As I only made one post on the last page he can use that, or if you want I can post once on the next page saying the things I'm claiming, he can analyse them tonight and confirm I'm telling the truth. Would that be okay Dannyboy?


Jonnas was clearly the invisible killer as he never appeared in any write-ups, so I'm not sure why you're pinning that one on me.


Frankly I've been suspicious of you for some time. I'm pretty sure there's digital link in the mafia and as far as I'm concerned the fact that you wouldn't share any info for so long while being questioned is extremely suspicious. I think you're trying to distract people into voting for me because you know you're going to be lynched.


Vote: Eenuh


(And no, I'm not doing this through some foolish, childish 'you voted for me so I'm voting for you' thing, I genuinely think you're evil. You're distracting people after I admitted everything about my role, and your behaviour has been extremely suspicious.)


(ALSO: I loved it when I read your comment about how people being quiet are probably mafia. Earlier in this game you were quiet and you were saying some people just didn't have much to say. A few days later when other people are quiet you're claiming they're evil and should be lynched?! wtf?!)


I said I could enhance people when I revealed my role. Since I said I was Porygon, I haven't held any information back. I've explained that I didn't come out with my role because I'm a protector.


I said at the time people were being quiet because it was the first two days. Not much happens in two days, not many people will have information. But I still read the thread, posted where possible. A few days later it's obvious that the quiet people are either not participating, or they're just mafia.


Anyway I don't know how many votes have been cast on me, but I'll probably be lynched. I want the town to look at the list I posted earlier and to look at who voted for me. If you continue like this, the mafia is definitely going to win. Good luck.

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I'm not lying as much as withholding the truth. If I'm not close to be lynched there's no reason for me to tell, because I need it to stay hidden.


The thing is, withholding the truth would still not require you to lie. Yet you specifically lied in about 20-30 % of your posts on page 13. What exactly did you lie about?


And since I'm never actually in contact with you physically, me being an ice Pokémon and you being fire shouldn't really matter, now, should it? My analyses is strictly psychic.


Dannyboy, I'm guessing you're the regal magenta pokémon in the write-up then? What did you do on night 3?


I'd honestly never thought of it till now for the very obvious reason that Jynx isn't black. But apparently ReZ is being racist in this game and decided to go with her earlier blackface look - even though she is clearly purple on the sprite I received. :heh:


However, the actions of the regal magenta Pokémon do fit surprisingly well with my actions: I missed the first and fourth nights, in which the magenta Pokémon doesn't appear. The ones it does appear it have it concentrating hard, and last night it got a migraine. It all fits.


However, I don't know why it shook violently on the third night, and I don't get all the references to books, porn and politics.


On night 3 I analysed marcamillian, but he turned up dead (and good) the next day, so that was pretty pointless.


Your power doesn't really make any sense to me. The three starters make other Pokémon evolve (Cube, The Peeps and mr-paul). Why would there be two water Pokémon that can make others evolve? Seems a bit strange.


Also, chairdriver and mr-paul targeted each other on the third night, which is what I believe made chairdriver evolve (maybe aided by me targeting chairdriver too).


It just seems very weird that there would be two pokémon that can make other water pokémon evolve.


Also, Dyson was poisoned (isn't Tentacruel half poison?) and I think Jayseven was strangled (Tentacruel can do this with his tentacles). And I believe people were talking about an invisible killer? You fit that profile.


Vote: Nintendohnut


These are definitely some interesting points. Nintendohnut is now also on my suspicious list.

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Look I'm happy to have Dannyboy analyse my post. I'll post on the next page or wherever and simply state my powers and my targets for each night. He can then confirm that I'm telling the truth about both the targets (or lack of them) and that I can evolve people. Also, if anyone wants to investigate me tonight that would be very welcome.


Eenuh I'm sorry but you didn't come out with even a pokemon claim. You could have done that if you were innocent. You didn't need to claim a power but just a role would have been enough, but you didn't want to do that as you would have been revealed as the one making the beeping noise.


I've put everything about my role out there now. If Dannyboy wants to analyse it he is welcome, if someone wants to check me out they're welcome. There's not much more I can do. I've been totally honest and I personally think Eenuh, like Diageo, that your posts just haven't sounded right. I'm sorry if I'm wrong but to accuse me to just get attention away from you just isn't fair!

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However, I don't know why it shook violently on the third night, and I don't get all the references to books, porn and politics.



Guess ReZ thinks Jinx looks like some porn star with her lips? No clue about politics and the books though. =P

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Well I'm not being funny but my PM specifically states that I have the Water Stone ability, which will evolve people. Whether or not anyone else targeted chairdriver I'm confident that it was me that caused him to evolve. It would make sense seeing as it is literally my power, and the main part of my power.


Someone mentioned earlier that they though Rez has been a bit foolish and not realised that people could target themselves to evolve so clearly that wasn't his plan. I assume I was meant to make Squirtle evolve but mr-paul worked out he could target himself.


Why do you think you caused chair to evolve? You have nothing to suggest that you have that power. You first claimed you were a protector from everything but kills, then added that you could benefit people later.


I don't know whether it's water specific but I assume so as my power is called Water Stone. And whether it's weird or not I assure you it's the case. My posts can be analysed by Dannyboy if you don't believe me. As I only made one post on the last page he can use that, or if you want I can post once on the next page saying the things I'm claiming, he can analyse them tonight and confirm I'm telling the truth. Would that be okay Dannyboy?


Jonnas was clearly the invisible killer as he never appeared in any write-ups, so I'm not sure why you're pinning that one on me.


Frankly I've been suspicious of you for some time. I'm pretty sure there's digital link in the mafia and as far as I'm concerned the fact that you wouldn't share any info for so long while being questioned is extremely suspicious. I think you're trying to distract people into voting for me because you know you're going to be lynched.


Vote: Eenuh


(And no, I'm not doing this through some foolish, childish 'you voted for me so I'm voting for you' thing, I genuinely think you're evil. You're distracting people after I admitted everything about my role, and your behaviour has been extremely suspicious.)


(ALSO: I loved it when I read your comment about how people being quiet are probably mafia. Earlier in this game you were quiet and you were saying some people just didn't have much to say. A few days later when other people are quiet you're claiming they're evil and should be lynched?! wtf?!)


... However, these points are even better. My suspicions have switched yet again.


I don't think it would be necessary for you to go out of your way to post a post for analysis, really; your posts on this page have been very concrete. It's harder when people sidestep around direct direct answers and statements. But I wouldn't mind, either. It would eliminate any potential loopholes and make my job easier. :heh:

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Look I'm happy to have Dannyboy analyse my post. I'll post on the next page or wherever and simply state my powers and my targets for each night. He can then confirm that I'm telling the truth about both the targets (or lack of them) and that I can evolve people. Also, if anyone wants to investigate me tonight that would be very welcome.


Eenuh I'm sorry but you didn't come out with even a pokemon claim. You could have done that if you were innocent. You didn't need to claim a power but just a role would have been enough, but you didn't want to do that as you would have been revealed as the one making the beeping noise.


I've put everything about my role out there now. If Dannyboy wants to analyse it he is welcome, if someone wants to check me out they're welcome. There's not much more I can do. I've been totally honest and I personally think Eenuh, like Diageo, that your posts just haven't sounded right. I'm sorry if I'm wrong but to accuse me to just get attention away from you just isn't fair!


Neither is it fair to accuse me when I've done nothing wrong. =P


I've been honest from the start. Had no clue who I was in the write-ups, had no idea the beeping was mine until later on. So of course I'm not gonna come out as Porygon at the start when people (including me) thought the beeping was something bad. That would just be suicide.


No one really claims who they are at the start, unless they don't really have a very important power like killing or protecting. It seems logical to me that I would try to hide that as long as possible. It's the Gentlemen's mafia all over again, where Rummy was constantly accusing me when he knew perfectly well I was the princess and couldn't come out with that.

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Current Players (14);

Brian Mcoy (Sméagol), Chairdriver, Dannyboy-the-Dane, Diageo, Eenuh, Eddie Coleslaw, Ellmeister, heroicjanitor, MadDog, mr-paul, Nintendohnut, Rummy, Tales, The Peeps.


Majority is 8


Day Six Deadline is 8:45AM GMT on 23rd March


Vote : Eenuh - 5 ; Diageo, Tales, Rummy, Nintendohnut


Vote : Chairdriver - 2 ; MadDog, Ellmeister


Vote : Nintendohnut - 3 ; heroicjanitor, The Peeps, Eenuh.

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Analysing Nintendohnut's posts as proof would only work if Dannyboy is trustworthy too.


Nintendohnut is the only poison pokemon we know right now, and tbh even if he evolved chairdriver it doesn't matter since he may have poisoned Dyson. Especially since the poisoner didn't appear in the write-up. We need a roleclaim from EddieColeslaw too.


Tales what did you lie about!

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Analysing Nintendohnut's posts as proof would only work if Dannyboy is trustworthy too.


Nintendohnut is the only poison pokemon we know right now, and tbh even if he evolved chairdriver it doesn't matter since he may have poisoned Dyson. Especially since the poisoner didn't appear in the write-up. We need a roleclaim from EddieColeslaw too.


Tales what did you lie about!


I think Eddie and MadDog are the only two who haven't claimed a role yet now? Would they like to do that now please?

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