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Cave Story 3DS

or else you will DIE

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Scores are consistently good. And I never played the original so I may have to pick this up! : peace:


Please do, it's a truly wonderful game. Played it through on the PC, totally blown away by everything...the old skool graphics, awesome music, tight gameplay, multiple endings etc : ) Totally on par with with the modern 2D greats of today, like the Castlevanias and Metroids...


Although, I think the 3D-style looks quite dull and lifeless, the 2D is much more colourful and nostalgic. Anyway, I think you can choose that style in the new game as well...

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Please do, it's a truly wonderful game. Played it through on the PC, totally blown away by everything...the old skool graphics, awesome music, tight gameplay, multiple endings etc : ) Totally on par with with the modern 2D greats of today, like the Castlevanias and Metroids...


Although, I think the 3D-style looks quite dull and lifeless, the 2D is much more colourful and nostalgic. Anyway, I think you can choose that style in the new game as well...


Seconding this. The original was fantastic. Not sure why the need to try and 3D it up either, the original retro look/feel helped make it what it was.

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  • 2 months later...

Just wondering if anyone actually picked this up? I'm totally loving it. Got it for £20 when someone traded it in at work, worth every penny. I'm a big fan of platformers though so this is right up my street, and yeah - it's tough! Sadly doesn't look like they included the original game (2D backgrounds and such) but the enhanced graphics look so nice that I'm not too worried. Plus, I have Cave Story + on Steam if I want some retro style goodness. :D

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Any news on when we'll get Cave Story DSi? It came out 2 bloody years ago in America :mad:


As for Cave Story 3D I'm not a big fan of the new backgrounds, it's too dark for my liking.


It was on the Q4 2011 release list for Europe - but obviously never came out. It's not even on the Q1 2012 list.


I've given up hope on it ever being released over here.

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I wanted to buy Cave Story 3D, but forgot about it/was busy at the time of release. Needless to say, now I can't get it. It's a ridiculous situation, in my opinion, when you have to guess which games will still be available a month or two after release.


Might get the DSi Ware version if I can't get the 3D game.

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I wanted to buy Cave Story 3D, but forgot about it/was busy at the time of release. Needless to say, now I can't get it. It's a ridiculous situation, in my opinion, when you have to guess which games will still be available a month or two after release.


Might get the DSi Ware version if I can't get the 3D game.

Play have it In Stock at £32.99, which is a bit pricey, but this game always has been, and especially now that most places are sold out.
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  • 1 month later...

Purchased two copies of this at GAME over the weekend from the pre-owned section. Opened them yesterday and was suprised to discover them in MINT condition. I even risked sniffing the manual to see if they had that 'New game' smell and they did! Must of been stock that GAME hadn't put out over the festive period being sold off as pre-owned or something, weird.


Anywhoo, despite not enjoying the WiiWare demo a few years back, I'm really enjoying this. It's fun, look great, plays well and is very very tough.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks to welsh gamer, I was finally able to acquire a copy of this.


I downloaded the demo of Cave Story on WiiWare a while ago. Whilst I wasn't instantly grabbed, I could see it was potentially a very good game, albeit one I'd rather play on a handheld. The DSi Ware version never arrived, and so instead we got this retail game on 3DS - a remake using polygons instead of sprites.


The first thing I noticed was that the new graphics do affect the game. Personally, I found it hard to tell which objects were on the plane of gameplay, sometimes making it unclear which platforms I could land on and which I couldn't. Furthermore, many of the characters appear extremely small in the frame, which can make it very hard to know how to advance the story when you have to talk to an NPC you can't see! In all honestly, it is surprising this was designed for the 3DS and not an HDTV.


But the visuals are not game-ruining - more often than not, they are rich and detailed. More importantly, they garnish a Metroid-type platformer, which is a genre sorely missing on the 3DS. That's not to say this is a copy of Metroid. There is hardly any backtracking and you are highly unlikely to lose your way. All the same, you are able to return to previous areas at many intervals, making this a successful example of "the best of both worlds".


Weapons are plentiful and varied. As well as the standard laser beam, there is a missile launcher that (once levelled-up) provides all the explosive catharsis you could want from this type of game. Other weapons like the fireball and sword seem to take inspiration from games like Ghouls & Ghosts as much as Nintendo's classic. Cave Story 3D often feels like a love letter to traditional gaming.


Which also means it's hard.


Your arsenal of weapons can quickly be levelled-up via crystals... but just as quickly levelled-down. Get hit by a boss with your missile launcher out and you'll soon be scurrying about to power it up again as much as you're trying to avoid the enemy. This is not a game mechanic I am fond of, but it's integral to the experience and a couple of later weapons completely subvert this process.


There are also plenty of missables. At first this many seem annoying, but it's actually cleverly designed. You'll probably choose the best items for a beginner on your first playthrough. If you want the superior versions of the Polar Star (the laser) or the best version of the Booster, for example, doing so will make you work for your reward and it's probably better to familiarise yourself with the game first. Personally, I completed it once on Easy (which is medium) and then on Normal (which is hard), only getting the best items and fulfilling the requirements to get into the post-game on the latter playthrough.


It's not just the combat that is difficult though. There are some very precarious jumps that will remind you of all those 8-bit games of old, and that does mean frustration often rears its head. Health can be boosted, but whereas an Energy Tank will give Samus 100 extra energy, in this game they will give you +1-5. It does, however, feel well-balanced for the experience it is.


All in all, Cave Story 3D is a highly solid platformer. The music, whilst not the best I've heard on the 3DS, stands out as a highlight. There are plenty of boss fights, plenty of secrets and quite a bit of replay value. Incidentally, it's already in my Top 3 most-played 3DS games, so it does deliver many of the things I look for. If you like a challenge and are fond of this genre, you will probably find it valuable to play Cave Story in one of its forms.

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