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Played this for one match on PS3.....i sucked 8 kills and 20 deaths, managed one disarm of a bomb and leveled up to the first rank. but still struggled to get into it, loved the vibe and atmosphere though, I do think I will give it some more time but not sure if I would put enough time into multiplayer due to not being good it.


You disarmed a bomb, it will have been more than the 11 other players on your team a acheieved.


Not really finding many problems, haven't fallen through maps, only issue I see is the gun flare being left behind when being shot.

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It also doesn't look that great on 360, at least where the Beta is concerned. Got a bit of a flaccid boner for this game.


Looks great for a 360 game. Polish will be there for luanch as this is an old build. What is its closest competiton? Homefront? That barely has any damage and the engine in that feels ancient. The stuff this game is doing is very exciting. We need more fps like this.


Its basically not that different from PC as some are making it out to be. See screenshots comparing the versions.



edit: worth pointing out that on PC the graphics settings are kind of broken and ultra wont be like the final game. The game doesn tlook that different from low to ultra and my framerate isnt that different either which means its very unoptimised. Nothing unusual for a pc beta though. I think console gamers arent used to this stuff. The console versions seem fine. The PS3 version is less buggy for example.

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I think the issue is that it's technically very impressive but the overall result is rather rough. As in there's lot of computationally expensive effects and processes being crammed into the console versions, but the trade off is that image quality and level of detail settings take a hit giving that feeling of running a PC game on a machine that can't really handle it.


Luckily it plays great, and it seems I'm still pretty good at it. For anyone having trouble there's really only one secret to my success and it isn't particularly dependant on skill: find out where the action is, then go around it. To give an example, whilst attacking through the metro tunnels I find the enemy gets drawn towards gunfire and pretty much all end up protecting the same area, allowing me to more or less walk down the other tunnel and shoot everyone in the back. Occasionally I'll come up against someone using their brain, but it's pretty embarrassing how much I can rely on the other team slapping blinkers on and charging forward.

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I think the issue is that it's technically very impressive but the overall result is rather rough. As in there's lot of computationally expensive effects and processes being crammed into the console versions, but the trade off is that image quality and level of detail settings take a hit giving that feeling of running a PC game on a machine that can't really handle it.


I suggest waiting for the final game before we decide on graphics. Even the pc version is rough looking with similar issues. The AA method, random pop in, texture oddness and plenty of effects seem broken. The game and its engine have a very next gen feeling(especially on Caspian Border) which is great. Though you cant 'enjoy' the graphics even on ultra right on pc if you get what i mean.


i'll do a teardown of the beta soon enough but yeah the gameplay side of it is amazing. You know its going to be special. My main worries are small things.


The Battlelog stuff isnt that comprehensive as we hoped. Certainly not like COD's elite thingy(for replays, youtube etc.) or even Killzone 2's stuff(server browser, full clan ladder system and replay match 2d/overview/ blueprint)! Right now its exactly like Killzone 3's stat tracking with added(but fast) basic server browser(pc only). The menu navigation is slow for weapons and attachments. Cant exit game easily most of the time. etc. Having said that these are minor.

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Ooooof was defending the last m-com stations on Metro, was getting well and truly ripped to shreds by enemies up in the buildings, decided to switch from my assault class to engineer go out the rpg and tore down the front of a few buildings getting a few kills along the way. :)


Oh I just read this from the community manager -


Daniel Matros


A lot of what you are seeing in the BETA doesn't exist in the main game already. 1st Party submissions mean we couldn't give a version of the latest code in the BETA but the retail game is well ahead of what you are seeing now with a lot more bug fixes already in place.

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I'm reading some of the feedback on the Battlelog forums and I would hate to be a community manager on one of those things. There's some genuine discussion and complaint but that's floating in an electronic sea of human bile. I'm looking at a whole thread of people complaining that it's too difficult to spawn kill or "Base Rape" (actual thread title: "No Base Rape? Why?") accusing Dice of "catering to the console crowd". How is anyone supposed to engage with that sort of feedback?


Anyway, I hope the final version has a quick mute function or a "team speak - OFF" button somewhere. I spent an otherwise perfectly enjoyable game listening to it from somebody else's television somewhere.

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Anyway, I hope the final version has a quick mute function or a "team speak - OFF" button somewhere. I spent an otherwise perfectly enjoyable game listening to it from somebody else's television somewhere.


It should be. Final product should have it in as the pc version does this through Battlelog. The console games are missing afew things the pc beta has like extra sound fx and even some soldier/situational dialogue.



I'm reading some of the feedback on the Battlelog forums and I would hate to be a community manager on one of those things. There's some genuine discussion and complaint but that's floating in an electronic sea of human bile. I'm looking at a whole thread of people complaining that it's too difficult to spawn kill or "Base Rape" (actual thread title: "No Base Rape? Why?") accusing Dice of "catering to the console crowd". How is anyone supposed to engage with that sort of feedback?


Many of the people in most forums dont have a clue. Most of the people have not even played a console Battlefield before let alone the pc games. Why would anyone want to actively encourage taking over bases? It was discouraged in every BF. Heck every fps game with decent teamwork. Miserable gits. Many people cant even conduct themselves properly when it comes to feedback.


As i said earlier the most popular map by far on BF2 was Strike at Karkand which was infantry based. It had a few ground vehicles and no air elements. Its like the de_Dust of BF. Infantry combat is really important to BF.


Whats really good about Operation Metro is that its the first time they have the tech to create a large scale but high quality indoor environment. Normally BF indoors is abit empty/plain and laggy. Mostly due to tech. I cant wait to see the final product. This is miles and miles ahead of the BC games already. They seem to also be taking into account the new stuff they learnt from those games too.


Also whats amusing besides the dumb whining over a prerelease build such as this. Also some players claiming themselves to be expert fps players and then calling people defending MCOMS: campers. Haha. Too much COD does that I guess.

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Went 42-6 with a shotgun, BEAST! I did capture more than my fair share of M-COM stations as well, Can't bloody wait!!


Nice one. Shotguns are absolute beasts in this game. Reminds me of MAG's shotguns. They are already nerfed in the final BF3 game though so dont get too cosy.


People new to the game will be shocked at how much range and damage they have. :grin:

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Too much COD does that I guess.


I don't think this has anything to do with COD. Some of these people are straight-up insane. I saw one poster claimed he was cancelling his pre-order in disgust because he had grown bored after just 10 hours of play. In it's full context, that's 10 hours of play on one map with one mode, within the two days of the limited beta before it went full open. I shouldn't find it so amusing, but I do.

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The forums are disgusting, they all seem to be full of people creating petitions, one was to call for the damage to be reduced as it was was like hardcore mode in Bad Company 2, it's nothing like it, it's perfect. They all seem to think that the game should be customized to there own tastes, it's crazy!!

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HAHA. Someone lying on the ground shot an RPG at me. I mangaged to leap over it! So cool.


The SCAR is ridiculous. Its obviously nerfed for retail. Cant get used to overly powerful guns so not using it much :p


Playing on PS3 due to the issues on the PC version. Mainly as I cant key map in the beta :weep:


The forums are disgusting, they all seem to be full of people creating petitions, one was to call for the damage to be reduced as it was was like hardcore mode in Bad Company 2, it's nothing like it, it's perfect. They all seem to think that the game should be customized to there own tastes, it's crazy!!


More people are now realising the game is awesome as they slowly get over the bugs.

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Its a rough in progress build. Hard to make any recommendations on performance yet, as its very unoptimized. Low will definitely run better in the final game unless your laptop is very weak/old?


There seem to be some things degrading performance and in some cases gpus are not being utilized fully. Also some effects are disabled but they are for higher settings(Tesselation the big one). VRAM usage is also insanely high right now.


The good news is that the bugs in general that people are talking about are already fixed according to DICE before the beta. The game should be going gold soon enough. :D

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It has been confirmed that the Back to Karkand(free on preorder bonus) is indeed a traditional Battlefield expansion! Not just a big standard map pack whihc is typical these days!


You get new maps(up to 64 players designs), factions/uniform, vehicles and kit upgrades/abilities with new guns. :grin:




Its a pretty generous deal. Strange its EA though.


Erm...on PC how do you open the game and not join a game (to change the options)?


Sucks even on pc you have to do this. Sucky beta build weirdness though lol.

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