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you can get those protein health bar things but they are nothing but a waste of money.... If you want good healthy unprocessed food, the only way to go is the hard way... its not that difficult to learn to cook!:)


Protein shakes are a good supplement to a good diet, but there's no need to have 3 a day... one is good enough when you are eating properly. Imo they are far too bloody expensive to be guzzling down 3x a day... there's nothing in them you can't get out of a good diet... but its helpful for post workout protein boost, and I find my recovery time a lot shorter whilst on just the 1 shake every time i have a workout.


Stirfrys are a good way to get in veg, some nice meat and a bit of healthy fats. Tinned tuna is a nice source of protein. Fish is pretty easy, just bung it in a big of foil, in the oven for 15-20 mins, and bung on some veg with it. Eggs are very protein filled too (omlettes nom nom nom, and good for novices in the kitchen). Porridge for breakfast is very healthy.. its a staple in my diet now, i've really grown to love it and wouldn't even touch the cereal I used to be addicted to! It's also lower in carbs and won't give you the same insulin spike that most cereal does...


A lot of people on a training diet keep off a good majority of carbs during the day and have them pre workout, then a shake or protein snack after... Training on an empty stomach is not good for you. even something small is better than nothing. Sugar drops can cause frightening side effects and when you are throwing a massive weight around (think kettlebells) the last thing you want to do is lose concentration and/or pass out.. and lots of water!!!


Eating more frequently is advised when you are on a training routine... its a lot easier on your body to digest smaller meals more often, than mahoosive ones you have to have to fill your calorie intake. Myfitnesspal.com has a completely free database for cal counting (in both losing and gaining) and there are a lot of people on the forums who would know more about gaining muscle (I would know more about the weight loss side of things rather than the gaining!!)



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I found an interesting thing on t'interwebs.... (the body fat check) http://www.channel4embarrassingillnesses.com/myhealthchecker/


All you need is your weight and a measuring tape!


I did mine and it said I was normal!!!! WHAT?! Apparently my BF% is 29, JUST in the normal and no more... (although other sources say 25) Women have to input a lot more measurements than men... I've got mahoosive wrists so I think that's possibly indicative of a bigger bone structure/less body fat. So that's my day made XD


That's a pretty good website. I always assumed my calorie intake was supposed to be the usual 2500 for men but is in fact a lot higher, explains why I can lose weight fairly easily when I can stick to it :heh:



I also had no idea that 60 mins of walking burns off 300 calories, a surprisingly high amount.

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That's a pretty good website. I always assumed my calorie intake was supposed to be the usual 2500 for men but is in fact a lot higher, explains why I can lose weight fairly easily when I can stick to it :heh:



I also had no idea that 60 mins of walking burns off 300 calories, a surprisingly high amount.


myfitnesspal? Its bloody brilliant... it has a phone app (for blackberry android and iphone) which is possibly THE single best invention ever... and it has a barcode scanner!! Scan in food > double check the result is right > add to diary.. Simples ^^; It also tracks lots of things, as well as calories..carbs,fat salt etc.


The amount of calories you burn is an estimate... and its also based on your weight and other stats... so like I might burn more or less than you would :) I use a HR monitor to record all of my calorie burns, they're the most accurate

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you can get those protein health bar things but they are nothing but a waste of money.... If you want good healthy unprocessed food, the only way to go is the hard way... its not that difficult to learn to cook!:)


Protein shakes are a good supplement to a good diet, but there's no need to have 3 a day... one is good enough when you are eating properly. Imo they are far too bloody expensive to be guzzling down 3x a day... there's nothing in them you can't get out of a good diet... but its helpful for post workout protein boost, and I find my recovery time a lot shorter whilst on just the 1 shake every time i have a workout.


Stirfrys are a good way to get in veg, some nice meat and a bit of healthy fats. Tinned tuna is a nice source of protein. Fish is pretty easy, just bung it in a big of foil, in the oven for 15-20 mins, and bung on some veg with it. Eggs are very protein filled too (omlettes nom nom nom, and good for novices in the kitchen). Porridge for breakfast is very healthy.. its a staple in my diet now, i've really grown to love it and wouldn't even touch the cereal I used to be addicted to! It's also lower in carbs and won't give you the same insulin spike that most cereal does...


A lot of people on a training diet keep off a good majority of carbs during the day and have them pre workout, then a shake or protein snack after... Training on an empty stomach is not good for you. even something small is better than nothing. Sugar drops can cause frightening side effects and when you are throwing a massive weight around (think kettlebells) the last thing you want to do is lose concentration and/or pass out.. and lots of water!!!


Eating more frequently is advised when you are on a training routine... its a lot easier on your body to digest smaller meals more often, than mahoosive ones you have to have to fill your calorie intake. Myfitnesspal.com has a completely free database for cal counting (in both losing and gaining) and there are a lot of people on the forums who would know more about gaining muscle (I would know more about the weight loss side of things rather than the gaining!!)




Thanks for the advice Raining, appreciate it.


I do love a good omelette. I had a tuna and cheese one earlier, it was very filling though.


I will also check out that fitness pal website you mentioned.


All I need to do now is get a gym plan sorted out.


3 or 4 days a week, should be enough to start off with right?




Not going to the gym for a month really puts you back a lot!


I know what you mean, Wes.


My mate persuaded me to go to a gym session with him.


I could hardly walk for about a week.

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Yeah sounds like a good starting point. I would say try 3 a week for a while.. if you go full throttle 6 times a week its very easy to run out of steam and lose interest (I know I've done it in the past) and get a good variety in. Always make sure you have a rest day once a week at the least. Omlettes are ace.. never had tuna before...sounds interesting!! Might give it a go soon :)

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Yeah sounds like a good starting point. I would say try 3 a week for a while.. if you go full throttle 6 times a week its very easy to run out of steam and lose interest (I know I've done it in the past) and get a good variety in. Always make sure you have a rest day once a week at the least. Omlettes are ace.. never had tuna before...sounds interesting!! Might give it a go soon :)


I recently went to Spain in Summer and those were pretty much all I ate. I think they're ace, but my friends hated them lol.


I like your style Lillster.


Are you talking about my writing style? - I think you mentioned that before.


Thanks. :smile:

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I'm in week 3 of the couch to 5k program and it is working out quite nicely. Each week there is a step up in effort required, but it is incremental so I'm finding it manageable. It still seems like a foreign idea to me that in a few weeks I'll be running for 30 minutes, but hopefully that's what'll happen.

I've only lost a couple of pounds but my trousers and shirts are looser. Maybe it's all the muscle I'm putting on.


Also, shin splints are the worst thing ever, and stretching is amazing.

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I'm in week 3 of the couch to 5k program and it is working out quite nicely. Each week there is a step up in effort required, but it is incremental so I'm finding it manageable. It still seems like a foreign idea to me that in a few weeks I'll be running for 30 minutes, but hopefully that's what'll happen.

I've only lost a couple of pounds but my trousers and shirts are looser. Maybe it's all the muscle I'm putting on.


Also, shin splints are the worst thing ever, and stretching is amazing.



It all goes to show how sophisticated the human body is, one week you feel like you're gonna die and the next week you're running further and feeling really good.

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and c25k is a brilliant programme... as long as you follow it and do your own pace there's no reason why you can't!! :)


I keep meaning to finish c25k in some capacity...even if its a slow jog... but every time I do my old knee injury seems to flare up... :(


But yeah. this week i lost 4lb :) So myfitnesspal has worked wonders for me... and it agrees with the lazy person inside of me... rather than all this slimming world & weightwatchers business of counting points/syns/free stuff. :)


I'm getting very very close to my weight before I started the drugs im on...yay. (now 18.3, need to get to 17.7.. which I was in 2008).. at that time I lost a good bit and got down to low 16s...then started Etanercept and fucking piled on 4 stone in like a year... :( disgrace. So now I'm nearly at my start weight again... lol... damage repaired... now its getting to the job I started in 2008... grr

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My left wrist is playing me up and is pretty sore when I rotate it/turn it (particularly clock-wise.) I'm seeing Ine this week, so going to use this time to stop lifting to allow myself some time to recover.


I went home this weekend and noticed that my stomach looks pretty different. I remember looking at it in the mirror in the living room about a year or so ago thinking it was pretty fatty looking, but it looks different now. Been overhauling my diet, making more healthy choices and trying to make a more concentrated effort to do some more running/football. It's been paying off, wohoo. :)

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nice one flinkmeister! Cardio always does good for the flab.. could do with some more myself lol


I found this article very fascinating http://shine.yahoo.com/channel/health/why-a-personal-trainer-is-making-himself-obese-on-purpose-2583990/


This trainer... in top condition.... decided to let himself get MORBIDLY obese.. to get an understanding of his clients... thats just freaking mad!! It is however nice to see that in the end he does understand the whole addiction thing that is involved for people on the "other side" and it is a difficult task to overcome! :)

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Just two pounds I'm afraid. 14 pounds in a stone. Reduce you're happiness by 33%.


Wouldn't going from 17st 14 to 17st 12 be 2 pounds? isn't there a pound between the 14 and the next 'stone'. That's why I thought there was always 14 pounds in a stone. Would explain why i've never seen 14lbs appear on the scales though :heh:

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Wouldn't going from 17st 14 to 17st 12 be 2 pounds? isn't there a pound between the 14 and the next 'stone'. That's why I thought there was always 14 pounds in a stone. Would explain why i've never seen 14lbs appear on the scales though :heh:


Sorry dude, as you worked out by the end of your post, there is no 17st 14.

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There are 14 pounds in a stone, so 14 pounds = 1 stone. If you can't get it from that, then there is no hope for you. :)


OoooOOOooooh, get her being bitchy! ;)


Nah, I counted the 12 considering that's what I got down to so from 18st, I went to 14, to 13, to 12 which I counted as 3lbs. I suppose we all count it differently but I also count the current weight I am now as well. :)

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