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Fitness 2011


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Most people come out with the usual tripe about genetics, big bones, bad metabloism etc. It's never these things, it's bad diet and laziness. Once you've got the right mindset you can achieve anything, but there's no point in trying if you're not really committed - you'll end up just just have relapses and returning to bad habits.


Just as an FYI, its not always tripe.... but it does tend to be an easy excuse for a lot of lazy people. There is a VERY small minority who are affected by drug related weight gain

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I've been really down for a few reasons lately, and lost the plot with my diet. :( Just so many reasons... but the funny thing is... the food doesn't make me feel better afterwards. I don't even really enjoy it anymore... its just a compulsion... this is where I'm starting to see that this is a mental problem now and not a case of just enjoying eating crap.. :(


I'm going on holiday on monday - thursday, then i'm going back on my shakes, as they need used up. See how I go from there. Good thing about the holiday is I won't be sitting around with nothing to do, so I probably won't be eating junk for the sake of it... but it nearly all will be convenience food. I need to sort myself out and just eat 3 meals a day!

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The gym thread is pretty much dead, but this is somewhat related to both that and this thread.


I'm trying to lose some belly fat (whilst also trying to gain muscle mass, which isn't an easy combination). The one area I'm addressing at the moment is...sleep. It really is important, so I'm trying to go to bed a few hours earlier now, and so far I'm feeling much better and seem to be doing ok. In comparison to before.

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I've been really down for a few reasons lately, and lost the plot with my diet. :( Just so many reasons... but the funny thing is... the food doesn't make me feel better afterwards. I don't even really enjoy it anymore... its just a compulsion... this is where I'm starting to see that this is a mental problem now and not a case of just enjoying eating crap.. :(


I feel for your situation and i can only sympathise with regards to comfort eating as i have not experienced the other 'issues' you have had regarding losing weight.


Enjoy your holiday, don't worry about it and then when you come back start again and try to be positive! (i know it is harder said than done) :)

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The gym thread is pretty much dead, but this is somewhat related to both that and this thread.


I'm trying to lose some belly fat (whilst also trying to gain muscle mass, which isn't an easy combination). The one area I'm addressing at the moment is...sleep. It really is important, so I'm trying to go to bed a few hours earlier now, and so far I'm feeling much better and seem to be doing ok. In comparison to before.


I think in future we should just have a fitness (year) thread instead.


I've recently started training again after a 2 month hiatus. To be honest I haven't felt this great in ages, and I'm already finding that I have an increase in energy. I guess the only problem at the moment is the DOMS but it won't affect me as much in a few weeks.


Also I've been trying out the sleep thing as well. I'm not waking up feeling like I've been hit by a bus each morning.


Flink have you perhaps tried looking at doing dead lifts and Squats? They're pretty good all around workouts.


Remember people a body is for life not just for Christmas. pudding

Edited by Ten10
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Thread title edited to make it more appropriate.


I think I'm doing okay, not too bad. I walk and run for about 2 miles every day and I'm walking non-stop for four hours when I work and I also do my sit-ups and my press-ups and weightlifting but I haven't weighed myself and I don't really plan on doing so either.


I can see a bit of a difference though. My chest is smaller than it was before and my face is a little bit slimmer. My chest and my belly are my main targets for losing weight. My arms are looking pretty good as well.


Also, well done Esequiel! :D

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I think in future we should just have a fitness (year) thread instead.


I've recently started training again after a 2 month hiatus. To be honest I haven't felt this great in ages, and I'm already finding that I have an increase in energy. I guess the only problem at the moment is the DOMS but it won't affect me as much in a few weeks.


Also I've been trying out the sleep thing as well. I'm not waking up feeling like I've been hit by a bus each morning.


Flink have you perhaps tried looking at doing dead lifts and Squats? They're pretty good all around workouts.


Remember people a body is for life not just for Christmas. pudding


I've been doing squats and deadlifts a bit more regularly now. I deadlifted 97.5kg a few days ago and also managed around 90-95kg for squats. Trying to get past the 100 mark for both, as it would be a big psychological boost for me.


Trying to fit it around work is tough, but I'm going in the mornings before work now. My routine is to get up at around 5:30-5:45, have breakfast, train, shower, get to work and have my healthy snacks/protein shake, dinner at school, afternoon snack, home, tea, healthy snack/protein shake, and trying to get to bed earlier. I found that when I went to train after work, I was too tired from work, as it would be pretty late when I got there. Also, it would be far too busy, meaning my workouts were not what I wanted to do anyway. So, it makes sense to go in the morning, for me.

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I'm currently working on running more and more. I try to run every other day (though sometimes stuff comes in between so I have to skip an extra day).


I usually run for about half an hour, but I switch between running and walking. Today I managed to run for 15 minutes, then two minutes of walking and another 10 minutes of running (plus one minute warm-up and two minutes cool-down).


Don't remember the last time I managed to run for that long in one go haha.


I want to be able to run 5 km in half an hour. Today I managed something like 4.15, though that did include the five minutes of walking. So I imagine if I can run the entire 30 minutes and start running a bit faster, I'll be able to do 5 km at some point. =)

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I'm currently working on running more and more. I try to run every other day (though sometimes stuff comes in between so I have to skip an extra day).


I usually run for about half an hour, but I switch between running and walking. Today I managed to run for 15 minutes, then two minutes of walking and another 10 minutes of running (plus one minute warm-up and two minutes cool-down).


Don't remember the last time I managed to run for that long in one go haha.


I want to be able to run 5 km in half an hour. Today I managed something like 4.15, though that did include the five minutes of walking. So I imagine if I can run the entire 30 minutes and start running a bit faster, I'll be able to do 5 km at some point. =)



Absolutely, it's amazing how quickly you're body builds endurance. When I started it was a struggle to run for 5 minutes and afterwards i was dead. Before I tore a leg muscle I was doing 24 miles a week split between three runs at an hour a time. It did get boring after a while but even after each run as finished I was never tired.

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Out of interest, does anyone here take supplements alongside their workouts, and if so which ones?


I only really take Whey protein and multivitamins. I'm currently using Nutrisport 90+ which gives you over 90g of protein in 2 servings so it's really helping me to meet my protein needs. I also have some Optimum Nutrition 100% gold standard Whey which I sometimes add to the Nutrisport stuff.


I'm looking to get some casein to take before bed. Also I take some multivitamins for general health benefits. Most of my stuff I get from http://www.discount-supplements.co.uk best prices on the net.


I'd also say avoid Maximuscle it's just over priced junk that tastes horrible.

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What is this routine, Goron?


I take True Whey from MyProtein.com. Apart from that, I don't take anything else. Mainly because of the price/me being skint.


Routine was a bit of a strong word actually, especially as routines are probably the last thing you should get into at the gym. But yesterday was my arms day so we focused on that. Mainly doing things like benching followed by post-exhaust isolation exercises. I've moved up to lifting 16Kg dumbells for my biceps which is a massive improvement. Love it.



And yeah like both of you I'm currently taking Whey protein from myprotein.co.uk. Tastes SO good and really pays off. I'm also taking Kre-alkyne which is brilliant, helps me push hard before a workout and keeps me going after too. You can get it pretty cheap too, defo recommended!

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  • 2 weeks later...
I had a few people I hadn't seen in a while actually failing to recognise me nowadays. Always a nice feeling, and it's good to see the effects of all the handwork i'v put in over the past year.




Whereas I have not had people not recognise me I have had plenty of comments and a few 'double takes' when in work and get the "Have you lost weight?" :D

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What exactly IS Zumba, is it for men and does it work? I'm looking to do as much as possible considering I run and play Squash and do Just Dance for the Wii and I feel I am losing a little bit of weight. I keep on seeing the Zumba boxes at work and wondering what it is. All I know is that it's dancing but is it for men as well as women or is it just for women?

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What exactly IS Zumba, is it for men and does it work? I'm looking to do as much as possible considering I run and play Squash and do Just Dance for the Wii and I feel I am losing a little bit of weight. I keep on seeing the Zumba boxes at work and wondering what it is. All I know is that it's dancing but is it for men as well as women or is it just for women?


I have heard of a few men doing zumba (not many). I think because it is dancing it is just seen as a 'women' thing but there is no 'rules' or anything stopping a man from doing it as well.


I think all Zumba is dancing to certain music using different types of dance moves and aerobic exercises. But it's popular because it's seen as fun.


I just did a youtube search and this was the top result: (Lots of shaking body parts!)



And number 2 is more of a basic tutorial:


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I did Zumba for like, two or three sessions. Then me and my friend sorta gave up/lost interest. =P


I found it very difficult to follow! It felt like we were being thrown into a group that had been doing it for ages already, even though it was the start of the year (but seems a lot of people did it the year before already too).


We had no clue what was going on and what steps/moves to do. No introduction, no explanation. The teacher showed the move one time and then we just had to follow along. For someone like me who has no sense of rhythm and dance moves, it was impossible to follow properly. =P

Didn't help that we were in a huuuuge group doing this in an indoor sportshall, so it wasn't easy to see/hear what was going on.



As for fitness though, it did make me sweat! You're constantly moving about, jumping around and all that. I always ended up with a head as red as a tomato haha. It is indeed more of a girl's thing though, as I guess guys don't want to do dancing for exercise? We only had one guy in our group, and he was one of the most obviously gay people I've seen (you know the type). =P

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I haven't been able to exercise for a while. I've been diagnosed with TMJ dysfunction syndrome (putting your mouth & jaw muscles through a triathalon) so I haven't been able to eat much.


I've lost 5KG so far which I'm quite worried about as I know this is due to extreme calorie deficit. That and I'm really craving a burger / meat / protein which I can't eat.

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