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Newsflash: Jupiter is frikkin' HUGE


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Turn out at the lights and full screen this bad boy for maximum effect - a simulation of what Earth's sky would look like if it was being orbited at the same distance as the moon by some of the local planets, including Mars, Earth, Neptune and JupiAUUUUGHGOODHOLYJESUS.



The song in the video is Where We're Calling From by Doves if you're interested.

Edited by gaggle64
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Yeah, except it's pretty impossible for most people to even get their heads around numbers that big. We know it's huge, but we're simply unable to imagine just how huge.

Accurately imagining large numbers is almost on a par with, say, visualising four dimensions - we can't do it, and only cope by sort of pretending we can. This is why the lottery is successful. :heh:

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