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My Fake Pokémon Bring All the Nerds 2 the Yard & They're Like "Its Better than Ninty"


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Does that mean "It's good, have a clap but I knew it was going to be good" or "Clap... that'll make him happy."?


Is anyone a bit sad that I've only got about 5 more Fakemon to do until it's over?


Afterwards I'm gonna finish off the Gym Leaders, the Elite Four and maybe do a couple more drawings of stuff but then a BIIIIIIIG rest.


And then... perhaps... a journey to Orania?


Love the Dragon, wasn't really expecting the dragon looking at the 1st form, makes it more surprising.


Do some random Trainers too, the new shorts kid but with hats..always wearing 5 hats at the same time.


or...move onto the next gen mwhahaha

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Charity is one of the Gym Leaders of Urion, but also a part time investigative journalist. She’s been investigating the mysterious Team Vortex for a while, but been distracted by the oil spill disaster in her home town, Munch City.


Luckily, the beach was only home to the poison-type Pokémon Grull which are loving the accident, but there is darker forces at work. She agrees to challenge you to a Gym Battle as long as you help her investigate the oil tanker’s beached ship wreck. Inside you find many poison and ghost types… but also Team Vortex. What caused the wreck? Was it them? Or was it the mysterious Legendary Pokémon they are determined to catch?

Edited by Hamishmash
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Ha ha. Funny that was a genuine inspiration.


Also... I was redrawing Ghozeon and thought to (just as a test) scrap the design completely and start again. I felt the original design just was too much like previous Legendary Pokémon mascots and came up with this because I thought it'd look more unique but I'm not too sure...




Should I go back to the original? I thought he looked too much like a mixture between Diagla and Palkia but then if this is Time & Space versions...

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He's meant to look "Ancient". Ghozeon is meant to be like the KING of Fossil Pokémon which defended Earth from Ghizero when it came to destroy all life. Ghizero succeeded in causing a mass extinction but Ghozeon slept and waited for it's return.


Originally I wanted him to look like a dinosaur, and inspired by Godzilla. But I just thought perhaps giving it elements of lots of different species.. so it kind of looks like a bird, but clearly isn't as it has no wings and it kind of looks like a reptile ... it also might have certain, fish-like elements but it's also got mammal-like hair on it's chin. I like to think when everything on Earth went extinct, Ghozeon's DNA helped bring back those seperate types of animals... and it's almost like the evolutionary "common ancestor" for all of them.

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I hate to throw water on the fire but.. I almost feel like the pre-evo's are too detailed for Nagazhou. I'm not mega fond of them, it looks as if they shouldn't be the pre-evolutions for the final stage.. Though Nagazhou is incredible!

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I was inspired by Dratini, Dragonair, Dragonite but wanted to do it in the opposite direction... in other words... make the final stage a simple snake-like dragon, but the pre-stages more like western dragons. They are quite detailed but I really like them, more than Nagazhou personally. And of course, the festival dragons which I am looking at for inspiration are really detailed and covered in bells and different things. I also gave them extra legs to make them be like those chinese dragons controlled by lots of people.


I get what you mean totally, just my explanations.

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Well I think some of the Fakemon I've designed are fuckin terrible but some people seem to like them.


As I've always said, as long as people think some are good, and some are awful I'll be content that I've achieved a similar hit ratio as the official Pokemon generations.

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dA: http://spune.deviantart.com/art/098-Ghozeon-213192950

Blog: http://urionpokedex.tumblr.com/post/6537217808/ghozeon-a-legendary-pokemon-in-urion-and-the


Ghozeon a legendary Pokémon in Urion, and the mascot for the Pokémon Time Version.


Ghozeon is the oldest living Pokémon and would be considered a fossil Pokémon had it not survived the great extinction caused when Earth was visited by the space demon known as "Ghizero".


The extinction wiped out Kubto and the like... but also all of Ghozeon's kind. It has now hid underground for millennia and waiting for it to wreak vengeance on Ghizero... waiting for a time when it would return. Ghozeon's DNA reacted with the radiation left by Ghizero and caused life to come back to Earth... Ghozeon's bird-like, mammal-like and reptile-like components bringing back those animal groups.


Little does Ghozeon know of Team Vortex' plan to lure Ghizero back to Earth in order to destroy the Earth with this apocalyptic battle. Can you catch Ghozeon in order to stop this battle and save Earth?

Edited by Hamishmash
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dA: http://spune.deviantart.com/art/099-Ghizero-213722913

Blog: http://urionpokedex.tumblr.com/post/6661393829/ghizero-a-legendary-pokemon-in-urion-and-the


Ghizero a legendary Pokémon in Urion, and the mascot for the Pokémon Space Version.


Ghizero is believed to have been born in a supernova. It flies across the universe destroying planets. It once came to Earth and caused a mass extinction… the only Pokémon surviving being Ghozeon which buried itself in an underground cavern and awaited Ghizero’s return in order to seek vengence.


Ghizero is a powerful space Pokémon. It’s wings are solar powered and contain high powered jets capable of emitting a powerful attack known as the Gold Beam.


Little does Ghizero know of Team Vortex’ plan to awaken Ghozeon in order to destroy the Earth with this apocalyptic battle. Can you catch Ghizeron in order to stop this battle and save Earth?

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