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My Fake Pokémon Bring All the Nerds 2 the Yard & They're Like "Its Better than Ninty"


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...It annoys me so much that Brits love to pretend that UK isn't in Europe.


Speaking of Europe, I don't think that Mexican wrestler fits in this European setting. Why not a Russian cossack?


British people don't pretend the UK isn't in Europe, but we use the word "Europe" to mean the mainland :) It's nothing to do with separation, it's done for clarity.


And I know what you mean, but then there's Egyptian-themed Pokemon in Black and White and that's set in New York so it doesn't bother me too much.

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Ah I only said that because I don't know what the collective term for those countries is called. I.e. not Spain/France/Italy, but the other ones. Middle/......East....Europe..ab. (Thats why it was in brackets)


I'm actually very proud to be European.


Central Europe usually serves just fine for Germany/Austria/Poland/Former-Chechoslovakia (I'm guessing that's what you meant)


Anyway, sorry about that. Your post [inadvertently implying Europe and UK are separate] had reminded me of some comments I've seen, from Brits, genuinely believing the British Isles aren't European, but some sort of superpower equal to, or better than the mainland.

They're idiots, I know, but nationalistic pricks are always infuriating.


Also, sorry for derailing the thread. Resuming comments about Hamishmash's fake pokémon that bring nerds to his yard :)


And I know what you mean, but then there's Egyptian-themed Pokemon in Black and White and that's set in New York so it doesn't bother me too much.


Fair enough. Though I do agree that you should redesign that wrestler. Maybe adding a beak, since it looks so much like a bird already.

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That wrestler pokemon is bad, not going to lie [because being frank about less good stuff only emphasises how stunning the great ones are].


Yeah. You're all gonna be shocked at some of my other "b-sides". They're a big pile of shit.


My dolphin pokemon... oh jeez... what was I thinking...?

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My GOD! what a boring lecture! Good news though - sketched out about 20 new Pokemon including a few more Mexican ones (don't worry, I'm going somewhere with this!) So expect some more tonight!! :D


I saw someone I thought was you but didn't want to stare in case it wasn't you and the fake-Hamish would give me evils. I was in front of you, to the..left. I think. One of the retards on a mac because they can't write properly. :heh:

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I saw someone I thought was you but didn't want to stare in case it wasn't you and the fake-Hamish would give me evils. I was in front of you, to the..left. I think. One of the retards on a mac because they can't write properly. :heh:


Ditto about all of that. I did see you but didn't know it was you.


My "lecture notes" is basically pencil drawings of Fakemon!



Edited by Hamishmash
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BLOG LINKS: Workshark Malletdon

deviantART LINK: http://spune.deviantart.com/art/054-Workshark-055-Malletdon-200928445



Worksharks have incredibly hard head which they often like to ram coral with to dislodge it, and eat the eels and fish which lurk hidden within.


Sometimes they are trained to be used in underwater construction.



Malletdon’s body is covered in scratches and cuts. It trains by ramming its body against everything and anything until it has grown an impenetrable, leathery skin.


The nails in its side have been removed from shipwrecks. Sometimes Malletdon swims in a cloud of rust, blinding its foes.

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Brillaint!! :D


Workshark is such a great design, it looks like it would just fit right in amongst Nintendo's!

And the concept of a Hammerhead evolving a 'nail remover' thing is genius! *shame it can't use it on himself! :p*


Not to take anything away from it, but I'm not quite sure about the mouth.

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Seeing as we've gotta wait for this slacker to get it together, I wonder out of all the pokemanz so far made by Spune, what are the people's favourites? Favourite individual and favourite evolutionary line? Cos for some reason, there's something about Harlefinn and Swiminfool that I just totally love.

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