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The Official Devil Survivor (Series) Thread


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  • 3 weeks later...

We really need a separate thread for Break Record (for the four people who are interested in it). I thought you'd bumped up the thread because the patch was out. :p


Though I'm actually kind of glad it's not out yet, as I'm just about to start Ni No Kuni.

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Judging by the amount of people discussing this game now that it's out, I expect you'd be pretty lonely in the other thread, to be fair. :heh:


I think the best solution would probably be to just have one official thread for both games. Either give this one a name change or start a new one with a better opening post.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I think the best solution would probably be to just have one official thread for both games. Either give this one a name change or start a new one with a better opening post.


That seems like the best option and it could be done by renaming this thread but I won't be able to do that myself as I'm not a mod in the Nintendo forums.


In other news, the patch is finally here!

Hi everyone. I’m very pleased and more than a little relieved to be able to tell you that the patch for Devil Survivor Overclocked is now available from the eShop!


To download the patch, please enter the eShop on your 3DS and then search for Devil Survivor Overclocked. After selecting the Devil Survivor Overclocked ‘patch’ please follow the onscreen instructions.


Once the update has been downloaded it will be installed automatically. If the update has been successful you will see the text “ver 1.1” displayed on the title screen after launching the game.


Applying the update will address the following issues:


- The game will no longer freeze when summoning a demon during battle


- The infrequent hang encountered during Auction House ‘Accidents’ has been removed


- Text display errors have been corrected


We recommend downloading this update to make for an improved gaming experience. On behalf of the whole team here, we’d like to thank you all for your continued patience whilst we’ve been working hard to resolve the problems. You’ve all been excellent!


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  • 1 month later...



Ghostlight has finally given more details regarding the European release of Devil Survivor 2.


The game will be released exclusively as a preorder via Ghostlight Web Store. They will then see if the preorders will reach a minimum quantity they have set, and if it does within a month, they will manufacture the given number of copies for buyers.


If it doesn't, however, then all preoders will be cancelled, and the game will not be released at all.


Next week should some more info be relvealed. Also, if you preorder, and there will be enough preorders, your name will be added to the manual of the game.


Interesting. I just might help them with it, altough I'm not sure if they will ever reach the number. The game is already quite old and I don't know how many people actually follow Ghostlight themselves.


I wish them luck, anyway.

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So they are basically taking the same approach Gaijinworks/Monkeypaw did with the physical release of Class of Heroes 2, except that they also released the game digitally.


It's hard to justify getting Devil Survivor 2 when the 3DS version is around the corner, though due to the potential limited release the PAL version may be somewhat of a rarity.


I still need to import Overclocked, it never saw a retail release over here strangely, even Virtue's Last Reward saw a limited release.

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I still need to import Overclocked, it never saw a retail release over here strangely, even Virtue's Last Reward saw a limited release.


It was released in Europe back in March. I think you're referring to Devil Survivor for the DS which was never released in the EU.

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It was released in Europe back in March. I think you're referring to Devil Survivor for the DS which was never released in the EU.


"Over here" refers to Australia, I probably should be a bit clearer considering this a European forum. :P

I sent a twitter message to Ghostlight a while back, apparently none of the retailers in Australia wanted to stock it.

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Update on DeSu2 PAL release.


Apparently, preorders will go online next week. The game will be priced at 30€/25£ and if the target is reached, preorderers get their names in the instruction manual. They are also hinting at a package featuring "heavily discounted" Devil Survivor Overclocked.


As a side note, Overclocked seems to be finding it's way to the eShop sooner or later.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 5 weeks later...

I'm sorry for double posting, but... Devil Survivor 2 will be released in Europe!


Ghostlight got enough preorders (1800) to push the game out finally. It's available for preorder again, but this time you can preorder it with confidence that you will get the game. Dunno when it's actually released, but it should be a few weeks from now.


I'm happy, week ago I didn't believe the target can be reached. I also get my name in the manual, hopefully they don't misspell it, though.

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Yeah I wasn't expecting them to make it. They must've made a real push in the last week, although I didn't see any evidence of it myself.


If you pre-ordered, it's worth mentioning here that they will be printing the name you put down on your delivery address in the manual. So if that's someone else, contact Ghostlight!

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  • 1 month later...

Personally I don't think it will become that much of a collectors item, purely due to the fact that the US version seemed to get a pretty decent print run and is region free. Might be a sought after item for die hard Megaten fans or people that only collect PAL releases I guess.

Especially if the 3DS remake gets a PAL release, but you never really know with these things. It's a tough choice.

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