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The Elderly and their Stories


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Just been sitting downstairs listening to my Nan tell me the same stories as the last time she came down to visit. Todays was about how great her childhood was compared to us these days and it does wind me up a bit. I always have to hear about how because they had no money or technology they had a much better time than we did.


Now I dont know about you lot but my childhood wasnt hindered by technology or a bit more money. Just because I had a console didnt mean I didnt go outside and play football on the streets and hang out with friends etc. I think it just feels almost insulting that they think everything now pales in comparison. I do try to make a conscious effort to not be like that. Of course I tend to be very nostalgic for things of my childhood era but I wont put down kids from this one.

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Pshh, kids these days with their internets, complaining about the elderly. In my times, we badmouthed them as we got shitfaced in pubs - and not those new fancy pubs, with all their colours, they were black and white in my time - and boy, we loved life back then.


Nowadays, kids can meet more interesting people on the internet, who'll they have decent discussions with, but we didn't have that - only black and white drunkards - and by golly, that made us stronger, unlike those kids these days, who want to fight for a decent education and shit, instead of joining the army. I fought in the goddamn war, you know!

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My childhood was awesome. :grin:


Biting into a peanut butter and jam sandwich the other day brought back all these great memories of watching the episode of South Park where the librarian likes to bugger chickens. :)




Oldman tales are usually good.


Old woman tales are usually lame.


The age old rule of more stories need fire remains true as well. :D

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I went to help my granddad with his computer today and its a slow old thing (both my granddad and his computer) so there's a lot of empty space to fill with mindless chatter. We always end up talking about the same old things and quite often he repeats anecdotes.


One of them today, which he had told me before but slightly differently, was about when he used to deliver newly purchased cars to their owners. Had to deliver one to London and he described the owner as "proper Black" which amused me. Old people and their slight racism eh?

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You know that our generation is just as disrespectful if not worse. We constantly tend to bitch about what kids like on the internet, things that clearly aren't aimed at us to like in the first place.


Fact is every generation hates the one after it. Ignorance and nostalgia are part of it.


"I used to be with it, but then they changed what "it" was. Now, what I'm with isn't it, and what's "it" seems weird and scary to me.it'll happen to YOU!"

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I wish more old people like my Nana and Granda would talk about their past more. I find those kind of stories fascinating whenever I do hear them.


I want to hear them especially from my maternal Grandparents. My Nana was a nurse (only found that out this year...last year?...2010) and worked in England which is quite interesting. Then, my Granda was a really well-known/loved man in a small village in the North. We(My family) visited there this year and it was so strange seeing the reaction of people when they found out we were related to my Granda. They still remembered him well :D


Oh my, I'm rambling :p I can't wait to get old and ramble. Even now most people say I'm like an 82 year old man stuck in a teenage body ;)

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