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The Pirate Mafia

The Peeps

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I'm a ghost, Captain Bernard Fokke of the Flying Dutchman. I haunt people in their dreams and has a 50% chance of either positively or negatively altering their power.


Can anyone back this up, by confirming if anything unexpected happened with their power, and Tales ; do you think anyone targeted you in this night?

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Nintendohnut seems to have protected me regularly tonight... and there was no mention of The Fish being affected by anyone yesterday (other than his own inactivity).

Considering no ghost has appeared in the write-ups, and no one can seem to support your claim, I'm keeping my vote.

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@Herojan: Why would I steal a parrot from Long John Silver if the parrot's been active for longer than LJS's been alive?


You weren't described as stealing anything tonight either, the night when the parrot killed. What do you think of Nintendohnut's bluffing? Sméagol probably targeted you tonight too, when Nintendohnut decided to stop killing for once.


Name a few pirates with parrots. I know Long John Silver is the most famous one by far and other than him I can only think of that fella who watches spongebob and has a parrot on puppet strings.

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You weren't described as stealing anything tonight either, the night when the parrot killed.


No, but it's not the first time. It happens. I did target ReZ, as I previously mentioned.

Are you implying that I control the parrot? Because I kinda proved a while ago that I stole the items I said I did.


What do you think of Nintendohnut's bluffing?


It's pretty useless unless the interrogator comes out and says "Hey, here's what I found about Nintendohnut..."

If he comes out with it, I'll hear it, if not, then it could mean anything, really.


Sméagol probably targeted you tonight too, when Nintendohnut decided to stop killing for once.


...I don't see how that is relevant to anything.


Name a few pirates with parrots. I know Long John Silver is the most famous one by far and other than him I can only think of that fella who watches spongebob and has a parrot on puppet strings.


...Or it could be a parrot by himself. You know how parrots in pirate settings sometimes have human personalities (in cartoons and such).

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Do you genuinely think that the write-up wasn't altered in some way there? Do you honestly think that at this stage in any game the Peeps would put something in the write-up along the lines of 'this person lied about being good'?


Firstly, who was it that interrogated me? Nobody has been interrogated for the entire game and now suddenly, just when I'm most suspicious to people, I'm asked questions. Does anyone find that a little odd? If the person who interrogated me would come forward that would be awesome.


I would also draw your attention to the fact that yesterday I was the second person to vote for Dazz, and the one to say that I thought he was lying. What would be the point of lynching a team mate? It wouldn't be guarenteed to step me being lynched today, and even if I did avoid the lynch today we'd still be a player down anyway.


Here is my suspicion, and it's been niggling at me for a while.


I think that mr-paul is lying about his win condition. He just has to survive until the end? Bullshit. He's the one altering the write-ups, and I'd wager that his win condition is to get someone lynched that he has targeted that night. This is a guess, but I don't reckon I'm too far off. It seems to only be him that is pushing the lynch, constantly remind everyone that I have evidence against me etc. Either that or we've just randomly accepted Eenuh's word that he's tetra and neutral - he may just be lying and be evil. Who knows. All I know is that if I'm lynched today you will see that I am not lying. When it says I am good I want you all to lynch him tomorrow.


While I may well be the wooden-legged pirate, I am still unable to explain why I constantly appear to be killing. I personally agree with the 'altered write-up' theory as you may have guessed, and I would really like everyone to see this point: Why, when I have come out as a wooden-legged pirate on night 2, would I continuously kill over and over knowing that I would appear in the write-up? Balls to that. I wouldn't. You see how much hassle it's been for me over the last few days? No mafia member wants that much attention - they lie low and keep quiet rather than jumping around killing people.


In terms of the parrot, it can't be the fish. The fish was the watchful pirate who is spending his time in the crows nest (he was in the first write-up at least). Yesterday he slipped from the crows nest and had to talk to stay alive. He's the watchful pirate. Therefore it has to be tales. Especially as he can't actually point to one instance where his power has worked. And even more especially seeing as his power is vague about whether it will be a positive or a negative effect. And even MORE especially as he targeted me tonight - if he thought I was the killer and his power had randomly decided to 'boost my power' (somehow) by 50% then he would have been powering up a killer. Luckily for him, I'm not the killer.


I also think Cube is lying. One minute he's claiming to be the epic sailor and the next he can't be the epic sailor because he doesn't attack people. He may have been affected by the write-up dude too, but I doubt it because on at least one of the occasions that he's talking about I appear as the killer. Unless the alterer can affect two people it's impossible.


Vote: Tales

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I would also draw your attention to the fact that yesterday I was the second person to vote for Dazz, and the one to say that I thought he was lying. What would be the point of lynching a team mate? It wouldn't be guarenteed to step me being lynched today, and even if I did avoid the lynch today we'd still be a player down anyway

Of course you did. He was lying through his teeth. It was a perfect chance for a mafia member to get some brownie points.


While I may well be the wooden-legged pirate, I am still unable to explain why I constantly appear to be killing. I personally agree with the 'altered write-up' theory as you may have guessed, and I would really like everyone to see this point: Why, when I have come out as a wooden-legged pirate on night 2, would I continuously kill over and over knowing that I would appear in the write-up? Balls to that. I wouldn't. You see how much hassle it's been for me over the last few days? No mafia member wants that much attention - they lie low and keep quiet rather than jumping around killing people.

Again, of course you did. If a mafia member is near getting lynched, why not use him for what he is worth instead of raising suspicion to other mafia members? The only reason why you are alive is because you are better at lying than Dazz.


Vote: Nintendohnut

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Of course you did. He was lying through his teeth. It was a perfect chance for a mafia member to get some brownie points.


Your argument doesn't make any logical sense. You're saying


a) I was in the mafia with Dazz

b) I let Dazz tell a poor lie in the thread

c) I voted for him second.


Which implies that while I could communicate with Dazz, I decided not to tell him what to say and instead let him tell a poor lie and vote for him. You also assume that by doing that I thought I would be safe, which I clearly don't. Do you see how it doesn't really make sense?


Again, of course you did. If a mafia member is near getting lynched, why not use him for what he is worth instead of raising suspicion to other mafia members? The only reason why you are alive is because you are better at lying than Dazz.


1) When I voted for Dazz he had one other vote. I was the second person to vote. I also pointed out the fact he was lying, and where. That's barely "close to being lynched".

2) I was already under suspicion. If I'd been a mafia member it would have been a much better idea, tactically, for me to give myself up rather than have Dazz be killed. I was highly suspicious yesterday to people and had revealed everything about my role. Dazz was unknown, and nobody was really that suspicious of him. Why would I condemn another mafia member to death when I was already in the firing line? Better to take me and hope that the town forgot about it tomorrow rather than vote for him and then still be in the frame.


I hope you can see that your arguments just don't make sense.


Meanwhile, I did voting lists!


Voted for Maddog: Ellmeister, Smeagol, heroic, Zell, jayseven, Rez, Aqui1a, Cube, Jonnas, Dannyboy


Voted for Dazz: jayseven, Nintendohnut, heroic, Tales, Cube, Smeagol


Didn't vote for Maddog:

Tales, the fish, mr-paul


Didn't vote for Dazz:

Rez, Zell, mr-paul


Didn't vote for either:



So... there's something.


To make clear, I think Tales is more important today as I'm pretty sure he's the parrot who killed.


Incidentally I'm still waiting for the person who interrogated me to come forward. Not sure why people are voting for me when there has never been another interrogation, the interrogator hasn't come forward and yesterday we were pretty sure someone had been messing with write-ups.

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This is a terrific game in terms of there is so much fucking suspicion. :p


I don't see how Dohnut isn't mafia like.....just. I dunno. Jonnas and Cube I am also highly suspicious of. If any of the others of you are mafia then feel good because I don't really suspect you.


Ugh. I'm not laying down any votes yet because I want the discussion to continue. Just...Dohnut, you have to admit it looks really bad for you. You do raise some good points though. Even voting for Dazz second.

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Did Nintendohnut give a list of targets? When I first suggested someone was switching him it was half-hearted since he hadn't successfully protected anyone, and I had only seen one instance of it. If I have his targets I can tell.


I believe Nintendohnut now mostly, and we can use his targets list to catch other people.

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Dohnut, first of all in your voting lists you put me as having voted for neither. For MadDog's lynch I was my other character and missed the lynch.

For Dazz's I did vote, but last, because I was at work.

I have a whole list of reasons why I think you are lying about everything but i'm having a very very very crappy evening so don't know whether I can be bothered to type it all up right now. Maybe later.


It's really annoying me that we have the fish as a WATCHFUL pirate who isn't doing anything/isn't contributing anything.

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It's not really that difficult. I'm doing it through the PMs I received. Night one I got a PM saying I couldn't leave my bunnk because I was scared. I identified myself from the write-up using that info. Night two I got a PM saying I was locked up. I identified myself through that, and Smeagol confirmed. Night 3 I targeted myself, and I identified myself through a discription that fits that in the write-up.


1) You're clearly not paying attention.


Night 2 - I targeted Ellmeister, Smeagol roleblocked me. In the write-up it says a one-legged pirate tried to help the epic pirate (Ell) but was locked up. HELP being the operative word. Smeagol confirmed I was the one locked up. I was trying to help Ell, i.e. protect him, but was roleblocked.


2) What do you mean by I 'got confused and screwed up'? How did I screw up? I've certainly not been confused as I know what I did each night and where I am in the write-up.



Night one:

Nintendohnut claims this is him "The bearded pirate stared at the card left on his hammock. He lay there all night completely petrified."


The bearded pirate was was subsequentially proven to be Tellyn.


And this is what the "one legged man" did:


"Fed up of the noise and trouble, the One-Legged Man casually strode up to the drunk and without hesitation, slit his throat. Surprisingly it was blood that poured out and not a gallon of rum."


Night 2:


Night two;

"Night 2 - I targeted Ellmeister, Smeagol roleblocked me. In the write-up it says a one-legged pirate tried to help the epic pirate (Ell) but was locked up. HELP being the operative word. Smeagol confirmed I was the one locked up. I was trying to help Ell, i.e. protect him, but was roleblocked."


What happened;


"The wooden-legged pirate had plans to help the epic sailor but found himself shut away from the rest of the ship."


Nintendohnut claims that on night one he identified himself as the bearded man, but on night two the beardy pirate died, so he reverted to being the wooden-legged man. Note, no other mention of a one-legged man has been described in any form whatsoever, yet all other descriptors are true. He also claims that he targetted Ell, while we now know that the epic pirate is Cube. Cube, being one of my other suspects of being mafia.



Night 3;


"Night 3 I targeted myself, and I identified myself through a discription that fits that in the write-up."


Nintendohnut is claiming that the description of him that fits in is; "The young pirate stood his ground all night but no one came for him." Later proved to be Dazz.


The wooden-legged man, which he himself admitted to being not only after night two but throughout this thread?


"The wooden-legged pirate approached his victim.


"What do ye want from me lad? I'm busy here"


The pirate said nothing, but drew out his pistol and shot the crusty pirate right between the eyes.


Ellmeister is dead, he was Barnacle Bill, loyal to The Captain"


Wooden-legged man kills ell.


Night 4:


"The wooden-legged pirate visited the gentleman of fortune

"Ye be a danger to our plans, prepare to die"


The gentleman of fortune -- jonnas -- survived by eating a can of spinach stolen from Popeye - aqui1a.


The wooden-legged man says "ye be a danger to our plans, prepare to die." Our referring to mafia???


night 5; wooden-legged man protects the young sailor -- proven mafia Jim Hawkins, Dazz.


So it's been kill/attempt to protect/kill/attempt to kill/protect/protect.


If that doesn't show he is dodgy, I don't know what else will.

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Yeah, and if someone can alter write-ups then all of that is utterly wrong.


However, night one I really did get a PM that said I couldn't leave my bunk all night. At that point I didn't know who I was (I hadn't recognised the name and so assumed I was a made up pirate) so when I saw that a pirate had spent the night in his bunk I assumed this was me. Whether or not that is the case I don't know, but what I know for sure is that I was roleblocked and unable to leave my bunk all night, as my PM said. Wouldn't it be the perfect plan for the mafia to roleblock someone to ensure they didn't appear elsewhere in the write-up, and then change the write-up to make them look like the killer?


Night 2 - the way you write it implies that I lied about my target when I said I tried to protect ell. If I had lied about my target then he would have been wrong about Aqui1a being the tattooed killer. Read through that day - he says he thinks he's the one following the tattooed killer (it says the epic pirate was looking for the tattooed sailor or something in the write-up), and that Smeagol was the one-legged man who had tried to target him. He said if it was true that the one-legged man had targeted him then Aqui1a was evil - well that night I was jailkept so that was certainly me who was the one-legged man, and I know I targeted Ell. I can't have been redirected, because the jailkeep also protected me. And if I'd been lying about targeting him then Aqui1a wouldn't have turned out to be the killer. He was the killer, so the only way the whole thing could have worked is if I had actually targeted Ell.


Night 3 - I targeted myself that night. After night 2 I looked up my character (someone said something about nobody being a random pirate and I thought - well I am! So I thought I'd check. When I did I realised who I actually was and posted something like 'if google is right about my character that's awesome or something) so I knew what I looked like. I still thought that 'bearded' could apply seeing as I had a furry chin, and seeing as at this point nobody had actually raised the fact that Tellyn was a bearded man (it hadn't been noticed at this point) I still was pretty sure I was the bearded man who'd stayed in his bunk on the first night. Therefore, when I read the write-up I noticed the desciption of a man defending himself, which is exactly what I did, and assumed it to be me. For the record, while I knew I had a wooden-leg, from my point of view I KNEW I wasn't the killer, because I couldn't be. So from where I was sitting I was being described differently in every write-up. Does that make sense? While I may have been the wooden-legged man in every write-up, I assumed that I literally couldn't be because I hadn't killed, and so I was looking for myself elsewhere - which is why I kept assuming other people were me when they weren't. I have a theory about this below.


Night 5 - Again, if I was mafia I wouldn't have been foolish enough at that point to target my own team-mate as I was already so suspicious. I was very suspicious of Dazz after the day before night 5 (I think I said as much in the thread) and as I didn't really trust anyone enough to protect them I decided to protect Dazz in the hope that I would gain a bit of info from the write-ups. That's all, but I understand that it looks suspicious *shrug* not much I can say but the truth.


As for my theory - I reckon that possibly the mafia (or just a meddling townie/neutral) has the ability to simple swap around a few characters around in the write-up. I haven't checked every write-up to make sure but I think it would make sense. It may explain why people have been appearing in the wrong places (e.g. Ell thinking he was the Epic Pirate and me constantly killing for some reason). Again, just a theory and at this point it's too late for me to go through write-ups and try and work it out properly, but I thought I'd put it out there.


In this game I have been entirely honest. I have been honest about my character (Peg-Leg Pete), I have been honest with who I thought I was in the write-up (and have tried to explain, as above, why I was so confused early in the game as to my write-up character) and I have been honest about my targets (I posted them... yesterday I think? I have posted them, jayseven used them for a reference yesterday. Will post them again if needs be but will have to check my PMs). I don't know what else I can do really ::shrug:


SECOND POST: And that... was an epic post.

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I don't think it is that clear-cut though, to expand upon why I think people are being switched...


Night 1: Nintendohnut didn't kill, he is the wooden-legged man, not the one-legged man. What did Tellyn this night?


Night 2: Cube was switched with Ellmeister, I think that is fact. That leads me to believe that Nintendohnut might actually be a protector who is getting picked on.


Night 3: I think Nintendohnut was switched with Dazz. Jim Hawkins used guns in the books.


Night 4: The wooden-legged pirate "swiped" at Jonnas. You don't swipe with guns, which was what he used the previous night, making me think it's a different person. This was the night Dazz was on the plank, so a different killer was used.


Night 5: He protected Dazz ¬¬


Night 6: He protected Jonnas, after bluffing his way through an interrogation. Why would he bluff? If he was good there would be no need to bluff.


Mainly then I think Cube is evil for being switched with Ellmeister on night 2 and for killing Rummy on night 4 when the switching power had already been used on Nintendohnut and someone else, and I'm undecided on Nintendohnut because of his bluffing(we have no evidence lines can be added to the write-up) so I'll hold off for now.


Tales could be worth a vote because of what Jonnas said and because Dazz was going on about ghosts and potentially got the idea from Tales.




Tales you claim to have tried to alter Dazz's power the night he was on the plank?

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