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Christmas Treason!


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A little off topic but I had been asked to post some pics last night =D


We had to take him to the vet today, he was a little poorly when we got him (a bit of a temperature) and the vet gave him some more antibiotics (without even a squeak)


Awwws! you finally got a kitteh :D I remember you saying how much you've always wanted one so I'm happy for you Raining. :)

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You can't have a fake Christmas Tree :nono:


Walking into the living room in the morning and being hit by the lovely pine scent is wonderful.


And no, air fresheners do not have the same effect :)

And then you brush against it and all the needles fall off.


I love our fake one because it always looks exactly how I like to imagine a christmas tree to look, no fail.

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We always have a real Christmas tree. It doesnt feel like Christmas without the tree smell.


This man gets it!


And then you brush against it and all the needles fall off.


I love our fake one because it always looks exactly how I like to imagine a christmas tree to look, no fail.


It looks exactly how you'd imagine a Christmas tree to look? You mean fake right?


Yes they do drop pines but it's not the end of the world. Even after 2 weeks and being abused by many dog tails, our tree always looks green.



I feel a thread rip and poll coming on here...

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Yeah fake trees are the best. I used to be all about real trees, but then we got this fake one and it's just great. Think we've had it for almost 10 years now? And it still looks just as great.


Real trees make such a mess, plus after Christmas you have to throw them out (such a waste, boooh). Plus I don't like having trees cut down for our silly traditions. =P

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It looks exactly how you'd imagine a Christmas tree to look? You mean fake right?
No I mean the shape, and you can't even tell it's fake, especially once all the decorations are on it, it's a brilliant one.


And you don't have to buy a new one every year and throw the old one out. Or put up with having to maybe get a poorly shaped one/lacking foliage etc...

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Yeah fake trees are the best. I used to be all about real trees, but then we got this fake one and it's just great. Think we've had it for almost 10 years now? And it still looks just as great.


Real trees make such a mess, plus after Christmas you have to throw them out (such a waste, boooh). Plus I don't like having trees cut down for our silly traditions. =P


If you don't want to throw it out each year then buy one that you can replant in the garden. We did that and had the same tree for aaaaages, it was great.


Fake trees suck...

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Or put up with having to maybe get a poorly shaped one/lacking foliage etc...


Well thats why you take your time in picking a tree, make sure everything is right.


Im not really against fake trees, I think these days some can look pretty good but as I mentioned before, the smell of a real tree is too important for me to switch over.

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If you don't want to throw it out each year then buy one that you can replant in the garden. We did that and had the same tree for aaaaages, it was great.


Fake trees suck...


We tried that, they always died. These trees aren't really meant to be planted and then taken out again and again. That's not good for any kind of plant/tree.


Also, it's not by choice. It's either a fake tree or no tree here. The choice is easily made then.

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No I mean the shape, and you can't even tell it's fake, especially once all the decorations are on it, it's a brilliant one.


And you don't have to buy a new one every year and throw the old one out. Or put up with having to maybe get a poorly shaped one/lacking foliage etc...


The lack of the smell is the biggest gripe I have with fakes but the other is they look too perfect... well the good ones do anyway - the bad ones just look bad. And they have no character.


I know that there won't be another Christmas tree in the world that looks like my tree even if all the exact same decorations were placed on it.

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For the record I have nothing against fake trees. I just couldn't imagine not having a real Christmas tree. :)


I was like that when we got this fake one. Was very much against it (for reasons mentioned, biggest one being the smell).


Now that we have this tree I just love it. It's perfect, always looks great, I don't feel bad about having to throw out a tree etc. Plus the smell would give me a headache anyway. =P

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Pshh... Trees.


We've been very happy with the spiralling pseudo-tree we've had. Like a real one, except we can hang it from the ceiling, or from anywhere, really.


Either way, we usually spend Christmases at other relatives' places. Places with equally fake trees, but not nearly as stylish as ours. But they live in cosy villages, and they have fireplaces, and warm blankets for the family to sleep, so it's cool.

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What's so wonderful about it?

The only good thing is the presents.


In my case, the ambience, the family traditions, the occasion to catch up with the entire family, the chocolate, the fireplaces, the smell of warmth.


And it's not about receiving presents, it's about waking up the next morning(s) and not worrying about anything else but the presents. It brings peace of mind like nothing else in the world :)

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