Daft Posted November 17, 2011 Posted November 17, 2011 It would be pretty cool to have maps in the style of other games. Like a New Marais Infamous 2 map and a Resistance 3 Invation map or a Killzone Helgan Map.
ReZourceman Posted November 17, 2011 Posted November 17, 2011 I want the Killzone villain skin thing but the system is being annoying and I can't seem to get it on Fortune Hunters Club yet for some reason (despite saying it is free to FHC)
flameboy Posted November 17, 2011 Posted November 17, 2011 It would be pretty cool to have maps in the style of other games. Like a New Marais Infamous 2 map and a Resistance 3 Invation map or a Killzone Helgan Map. OMG yes! best idea ever! Yay! Generic soldier costumes! The helgast one is awesome and one of the less generic ones.
MadDog Posted November 18, 2011 Posted November 18, 2011 If the first half is supposedly alot weaker than the second, then i can't fucking wait. Up to chapter 7, and it's absolutely phenomenal. The Chateau fire bit was the best thing i've seen in a game, it was just beautiful. The graphics have got better...how? I honestly thought there is no way they could get any better than Among Thieves, but somehow there is a noticeable difference, amazing. The lighting is mindblowing, as are the water and fire. It's just the most fun you can possibly have on a video game.
Oxigen_Waste Posted November 18, 2011 Posted November 18, 2011 If the first half is supposedly alot weaker than the second, then i can't fucking wait. Up to chapter 7, and it's absolutely phenomenal. The Chateau fire bit was the best thing i've seen in a game, it was just beautiful. The graphics have got better...how? I honestly thought there is no way they could get any better than Among Thieves, but somehow there is a noticeable difference, amazing. The lighting is mindblowing, as are the water and fire. It's just the most fun you can possibly have on a video game. Yeah, the graphics really shine in that particular level, it's insane. The level itself, I hated, though.
MadDog Posted November 18, 2011 Posted November 18, 2011 Yeah, the graphics really shine in that particular level, it's insane. The level itself, I hated, though. What did you hate? I thought it was brilliant, i had never been so immersed in a game before, i was really determined to make sure they got out safely. :p
ReZourceman Posted November 18, 2011 Posted November 18, 2011 I don't quite understand the supposed shift in quality myself (fair enough to those who do though). London Pub was good, I found it fucking awesome and Goonies-esque to travel beneath London to an old station, thought it all looked fucking amazing, Chateau as you say was amazing....so yeah.
Daft Posted November 18, 2011 Posted November 18, 2011 I loved the Chateau so much. I was lolling all the way through it. Definitely one of the highlights. Also loved the start. All the bottle smashing in the pub was fun. Plus, seeing London's skyline was ace. If anything I had more fun in the first half. Probably because I didn't have to fight off waves and waves of Terminators sent back from the future to kill the leader of the human resistance before I gave birth to him. ...Hold on....
flameboy Posted November 18, 2011 Posted November 18, 2011 (edited) I loved the Chateau so much. I was lolling all the way through it. Definitely one of the highlights. Also loved the start. All the bottle smashing in the pub was fun. Plus, seeing London's skyline was ace. If anything I had more fun in the first half. Probably because I didn't have to fight off waves and waves of Terminators sent back from the future to kill the leader of the human resistance before I gave birth to him. ...Hold on.... LMAO! That absolutely describes the experience that fighting the heavies has become. EDIT: btw when people free this weekend to play online? I'll be playing Zelda lots but will happily break off and if I don't appear if someone drops me a text I'll be there. Edited November 18, 2011 by flameboy
ReZourceman Posted November 18, 2011 Posted November 18, 2011 Tried posting this earlier but I had to go. SATURDAY AM UNCHARTED MULTIPLAYER FEST Whats your PSN @Oxigen Waste
flameboy Posted November 18, 2011 Posted November 18, 2011 Tried posting this earlier but I had to go. SATURDAY AM UNCHARTED MULTIPLAYER FEST Whats your PSN @Oxigen Waste Count me in!
Oxigen_Waste Posted November 18, 2011 Posted November 18, 2011 What did you hate? I thought it was brilliant, i had never been so immersed in a game before, i was really determined to make sure they got out safely. :p I don't quite understand the supposed shift in quality myself (fair enough to those who do though). London Pub was good, I found it fucking awesome and Goonies-esque to travel beneath London to an old station, thought it all looked fucking amazing, Chateau as you say was amazing....so yeah. Yeah, the pub was cool, as was kid drake section, I already mentioned it... I just didn't like the old underground, the medieval citadel in libya or whatever, and the Chateau was a great idea... but ultimately wasted on a cloning of U2's first chapter (as in, the "good part"/fire part was basically climbing things as they fell apart, too similarly to the train bit in U2, but that's just my opinion, I don't think it's a bad level, I just didn't like that one... as opposed to the medieval citadel and underground, which I thought were bad). I did love the idea for the chateau, but felt the execution was wasted on a "clone" of a U2 segment, one which was too striking and important in U2 to go by unnoticed. Tried posting this earlier but I had to go. SATURDAY AM UNCHARTED MULTIPLAYER FEST Whats your PSN @Oxigen Waste Oxigen_Waste But I can't on saturday, no PS3 on the weekends!
Daft Posted November 18, 2011 Posted November 18, 2011 Rez, if you want me to play in the AM you're going to have to wake me somehow.
flameboy Posted November 18, 2011 Posted November 18, 2011 Rez, if you want me to play in the AM you're going to have to wake me somehow. Thumb up the bum?
Oxigen_Waste Posted November 19, 2011 Posted November 19, 2011 I love this guy. He's usually just procastinating for the sake of it, but sometimes he hits the nail on the head.
ReZourceman Posted November 19, 2011 Posted November 19, 2011 Aaaah I was waiting for this! *Watches*
Oxigen_Waste Posted November 21, 2011 Posted November 21, 2011 The more I play the MP, the more I dislike it. It's very unbalanced compared to 2's... and any mode except Hardcore is a bit too mayhem-prone.
Daft Posted November 21, 2011 Posted November 21, 2011 What's unbalanced about it? I only really play Team Objective.
Oxigen_Waste Posted November 21, 2011 Posted November 21, 2011 Lol. Unbalanced. What's unbalanced about it? I only really play Team Objective. Mainly the weapon/booster/mod distribution, which pretty much means you'll be completely overclassed at the beginning of the game. You know people usually joke about this sort of thing on a lot of games, but it's rarely true, since most times perk/weapon distribution ensures that all classes of weapon are represented as well as a solid distribution of starting boosters/perks and mods/attachments. Not here, you literally start out empty handed, almost... Me, for example, I'm mostly a Run'n'gun kind of player, so it annoys the hell out of me that the first really good RnG weapon you get is at level 30 (the Kal), which, by the way, ridiculously outclasses every other gun when it comes to this specific playtipe, it's insanse. When a game clearly puts the beginners in a very inferior position, equipment-wise compared to more seasoned games, it's just flat-out unbalanced. Perfect example are my kid bros, who never really played U2's MP that much, but dabbled in it and managed to have some clean fun without getting massacred, well, I've seen them play this one and they both complained about the same thing, it's become a very aggressive game towards noobs, they can't do anything, basically... I didn't notice much initially, but since they told me I've seen them play a little and I notice the game's become exactly what ReZ hated about CoD. Remember, ReZ, when you said you were constantly dying and didn't have a chance and that's why you liked U2's Mp? Well, this one just became what you hated. You just didn't notice it because you're already good at it. Bottom line is, weapons should be parallel to each other in distribution, you know, later on you'd unlock different but equal weapons, but that's just not true, later weapons/mods/boosters are just much better than starting ones, literally (I mean, some of them are literally the same guns with better aim or better capacity, it's the very definition of Unbalanced). AND, the kickbacks are annoying as hell, tired of constantly getting owned by them. This game is suffering from MW2 syndrome. I can only enjoy hardcore mode, really. Also, the community is a bit thick, how many maps are there? 'Coz I'm at level 22 and I've only played like 5 maps, the same ones keept getting voted and some of them are never given a chance.
flameboy Posted November 21, 2011 Posted November 21, 2011 I think unbalanced is the wrong word.....I think it could be argued that it offers a slightly less finely tuned shooting experience than say the likes of Gears of War. Personally though I very much love the game and don't care.
Oxigen_Waste Posted November 21, 2011 Posted November 21, 2011 I think unbalanced is the wrong word.....I think it could be argued that it offers a slightly less finely tuned shooting experience than say the likes of Gears of War. Personally though I very much love the game and don't care. I think unbalanced is the very word, and this situation is the very thing it describes. When a game clearly favours part of it's player base, what else do you call it? I still like it, mind! I just started noticing the flaws much more now.
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