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RUMOUR - Nintendo Discontinues Wii Speak...


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There's a rumour going around the web that Nintendo have discontinued the Wii Speak peripheral, as per the link below...




Could this be Nintendo taking a step backwards towards online gaming or could it be to push a third party peripheral; the Headbanger Headset... which I must add, is an awesome piece of kit!

Edited by Kav
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There's a rumour going around the web that Nintendo have discontinued the Wii Speak peripheral, as per the link below...




Could this be Nintendo taking a step backwards towards online gaming or could it be to push a third party peripheral; the Headbanger Headset... which I must add, is an awesome piece of kit!


More like there was no use for it really, it's a clever idea but Nintendo need to put out more games that can utilize the Wii Speak a lot more. Rather then release Animal Crossing with it and then nothing for months.

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Could this be Nintendo taking a step backwards towards online gaming or could it be to push a third party peripheral; the Headbanger Headset... which I must add, is an awesome piece of kit!


Im hoping it's the latter. Wii Speak is a poor piece of kit compared to a normal headset, I tried using it for Animal Crossing and Monster Hunter but the quality was so poor I just gave up. I know a few people on here used it for both them games and thought it was finebut that was just my experience with the item.


As KK said, it's a pointless peripheral if Nintendo weren't going to push it. I mean if the Wii had the abaility to patch games im sure people who play Mario Kart or Smash Bros. would have liked the option to use it. Even something like Excitebots, which came out after Wii Speak, didn't use it.


I would love Nintendo to take online gaming ALOT more seriously with their next console but I doubt they will. :(

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...I would love Nintendo to take online gaming A LOT more seriously with their next console but I doubt they will. :(


I feel exactly the same! I just don't have faith in Nintendo doing so either! The thing is, Call of Duty Black Ops shows that the Wii can have a fantastic online system if treated right!

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Im hoping it's the latter. Wii Speak is a poor piece of kit compared to a normal headset, I tried using it for Animal Crossing and Monster Hunter but the quality was so poor I just gave up. I know a few people on here used it for both them games and thought it was finebut that was just my experience with the item.


As KK said, it's a pointless peripheral if Nintendo weren't going to push it. I mean if the Wii had the abaility to patch games im sure people who play Mario Kart or Smash Bros. would have liked the option to use it. Even something like Excitebots, which came out after Wii Speak, didn't use it.


I would love Nintendo to take online gaming ALOT more seriously with their next console but I doubt they will. :(


I think one of the reasons Wii Speak has been abandonned is because it performs so poorly. I remember when Modern Warfare Reflex came out Treyarch wer asked why they didn't include it as an option because it used far too much bandwidth and basically affected the performance of online games in a negative way.


Now the Headbanger Headset is available, I'm sure more developers will utilise it and I can say that a lot more people than I thought are using it on Black Ops. I think Nintendo are starting to sort their act out, just look at MH3 and COD:BO.


On an unrelated point HOT, you played soooo much MH3, now after seeing you in real life it's kinda shattered the illusion, I actually started to believe you were a real Monster Hunter, now it's clear you're just a regular human being after all :( hahaha.


I feel exactly the same! I just don't have faith in Nintendo doing so either! The thing is, Call of Duty Black Ops shows that the Wii can have a fantastic online system if treated right!


Yeah, the voice chats works amazingly well on Black Ops, it's a real shame that the headset wasn't available from the start!

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I think my theory for this is a bit different than others. If Nintendo do care about online (and we'll find out with the 3DS), they don't give a damn about the Wii.


If they're going to do any work with their online infrastructure, it's going to be with the Wii2/3DS and not with the Wii.


You know, I think you may well be right!

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Too bad the headbanger is unfindable ouside the UK.

I'd buy Black Ops in an instant if I could find that thing here somewhere, ...well

back to surfing.


- oh look, found one on Ebay for 53 euros, ......


Just buy Black Ops anyway, it's well worth it!

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I had some fun with Wii Speak and Animal Crossing but thats about it. I don't think I've ever been on the Wii Speak channel, or at most once due to someone (welsh_gamer, Fused King...?) sending me a message at one point. :heh:


If, like H-o-T mentioned, Wii Speak could be made compatible with the likes of Mario Kart and Pro Evo, then it would be getting plenty more use. Its classic Nintendo: bring out a peripheral bundled with a game and then ignore it. Is the rumble pak the only thing that actually caught on? ::shrug:

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