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Getting close to 78 now. Come on, Warrior!


Fury spec is amazing for levelling- you can take on 3-4 mobs at your level at once, come out of the fight on full health thanks to self healing skills and then proc a skill that takes you instantly to the next fight. There is practically zero downtime between battles and combined with my fast gryphon mount it just means I'm hoovering up quests like there's no tomorrow and burning through whole levels in no time at all.


I hit 60 yesterday, I feel all smug knowing I've finally hit a recognizable milestone and essentially completed the vanilla game :D


Obviously it continues on now, I'm flying (god I love flying) around in Outland nabbing quests pretty swiftly which is quite fun. I kinda wish I was around when there were more people in Outland, but, meh.


The three towers provided me with some fun last night. A 60 BElf Priest was trying to complete the achievement for capturing the three towers in the first Outland area (I forget the name), and after letting them cap the first two I flew in and mauled her to death as a cat. Then went stealth and waited for her to return, before leaping out of the shadows for another kill (and more honor, whee). Finally she decided to fly off and fight some mobs but I followed her there, whilst she still had PVP on and once again took her down. It was great fun, probably quite frustrating for them seeing as it should be a 5 minute quest (and after 25 minutes she still hadn't completed it :D)


I did something stupid.


I started a Goblin and everything was going well until I took on the Volcanoth quest. Without going into the messy details, I abandoned the quest by accident (stupidty is accidental right?) and now it's impossible without teleporting/walking through walls to complete the quest.


Think a GM would be able to help with that? Just, make me appear in the correct area.


Probably, I mean you can't be the only one to have done that!


I really like the worgen quests, I'm currently level 13 and the battle for Gilneas is really good, shame I'm more a hordie than alliance. :(


So yeah, I was hoping people would follow suit and post screenshots of their own characters.


Here's mine again with pet this time:


Raggedyman and Ein:



Goafer chilling in the study:



Sexual harassment on the stairs:






I'm quite liking the horde so far, but I'm totally lost. I've only ever explored alliance territory!


So I paid up for a faction change last night. £20 for a new server, race, gender and name. All I have to keep is my class, which seems fair :p


Headed for Bloodhoof Horde if anyone cares to follow suite.


Haha Dan if I could pay for a transfer I might, but currently going to another server isn't possible.


I'm on lightings blade a lot now, if anyone wishes to come over and level a new character.


I finally got enough talent points to start on another talent tree with my rogue. Still a few more talents I want in my main tree though.



I'd be up for a server change if we decided to all use the same one. I'm guessing everyone is Horde? I'd need either time or help to level up though.


I can't believe people pay for transfers and all that bollocks. Considering you pay them £8.99 a month you should have that service for free! Especially if you've played the game for ages they've made a mint out of you, then make almost 3 months game time just to edit their database a bit. It's a bit of a cheek imo.


I'm sure if people weren't willing to pay them for it they would do it for free.


The thing about such extra expenses is that it isn't a big deal when you're really into WoW. Certainly when I used to play it I saved loads of money by virtue of it being the only thing I was playing. It also probably ruined my dietary habits for life, but there you go.


Anyway, I really want to get into Cataclysm but the better part of me knows it's a terrible plan, at least until I get another job. Playing the game's a great way to conserve money but it's also a complete productivity drain.


I forgot to mention I started a Worgen last night. Love the starting zone. The quests are actually interesting, not just the usual "run here, kill/collect that". Well, they sort of are, but they're actually making me pay attention to the story.


Bit linear, but I think that makes it easier to follow the events/story IMO.


I also love how you start off as a normal human and get turned into a Worgen. I think that's what made me pay attention, knowing that I would be turned.


I'll probably make another char on a server from someone here if there's a few folk. Just depends on how many make what where for me. But it won't be a main, just one i'd use to play with you guys.


Anyway, healing has changed me in Cata. Oh lawd it has. I'm a mana scrooge now. I was a bit like that in the dungeons, but soon as I hit the hcs it was worse. If people mess up a fair few times (like 3 or 4 now) then they get no heals and die. T'is a dark path. It's awesome, but dark :|


Saying that, I spent yesterday experimenting with the class to make myself better and I think I got some improvements. I think it was easier healing atleast. All I need is more int. Some spirit wouldn't go amiss either. And haste would make things better all round. Hell, bring in some crit...

Posted (edited)

Think I might start another Goblin at some point to see the starting zone and how their story starts. I missed my Goblins beginnings since mine is basically a Night Elf crammed into a Goblin skin.


Edit:Started a Goblin. The starting area/quests are pretty good, but not as good as Worgen.

Edited by Goafer
Automerged Doublepost

Another screenshot, because I can and pictures are better than words. Goafer warming his hands in the ruins of Stormwind:





I have since ditched those awful shoulder wing things in favour of some better non winged shoulders.

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