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Pokemon Blue! (or Red...)


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Well, today I Was in town with some freidsn, and we got high in a toy shop and we bought box of Pokemon cards for £8. Well, that got us in the Pokemon spirit and we're organising Pokemon nights where we'l lplay all sorts of games. From Blue to Sapphire and Snap to Stadium.


I have been playing Pokemon Blue for the last two hours and I urge you guys to pick it up and play it once again. At the moment I'm trying to pick a nice team, so far I'm thinking:




Gengar, Alakazam or Hypno

Dragonite, maybe something else, I'm bored of Dragonite




What do you guys think? Any ideas for an alternative Dragonit or what I'm missing to make my team the ultimate? what do you think, Gengar, Alakazam or Hypno? I love making these choices!


Peace out : peace:

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Can't remember whats good and whats not with the pokemon. Had Emerald for a while and still barely through it, may buy the guide from work. I used to like it when it was cool, then grew out of it cause you know, I was a high school kid and wasn't seen as good to like it. Now im just digging it again, more confident in being like "Well I life it so fuck you."


I really want the first season on DVD, looked on ebay for some shifty copies but nothing last time I checked. Also want to see all the movies and I may get Gale of Darkness, even if it is apparently meh. Might have to fix my N64 and play Snap too.

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Can't remember whats good and whats not with the pokemon. Had Emerald for a while and still barely through it, may buy the guide from work. I used to like it when it was cool, then grew out of it cause you know, I was a high school kid and wasn't seen as good to like it. Now im just digging it again, more confident in being like "Well I life it so fuck you."


I really want the first season on DVD, looked on ebay for some shifty copies but nothing last time I checked. Also want to see all the movies and I may get Gale of Darkness, even if it is apparently meh. Might have to fix my N64 and play Snap too.


Yeah, it'd be so cool to get Series 1 on DVD, really loved it back then.


We were in a cafe playing with Pokemon cards and some neds were mocking us, but we have a 6"8 giant with possibly the best rep in our city with us, so it was cool. We are trying to keep it secret from our friends, as we were bored today. So the whole day we were saying sentecnes like "What? Is that Butter going free? I'd better make a rapid dash to the door" We got a ridiclous amount of poekmon names in there, Mewtwo was the most stylishly done.


I'm so happy! :laughing:

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Magnetron (really powerfull especially in the remakes sine it's also Metal)

Rapidash (strong and fast fire pokemon way better then Charizard in my opinion)

Golem (give him flame thrower no-one expects that)

Starme (with Thunder and Rain dance)

Vileplume (with the toxic/ Leech seed combo (drains more then normal leech seed)

Either a Snorelax of a SlowBro (good at taking hits and verry powerfull.)


Now this is a good team I know so. ;-)

I've used it before and have rarely been beaten.

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Now this is a good team I know so. ;-)

I've used it before and have rarely been beaten.

Lets see..


Magneton: Weakened by (in red/blue/yellow) ground.

Rapidash: Weakened by water, ground, rock

Golem: Weakened by water, ground, ice, grass, fighting

Starmie: Weakened by grass, electric, bug, ghost

Vileplume: Weakened by fire, ice, bug, flying, ground, psychic

Snorlax: Weakened by fighting

Slowbro: Weakened by grass, electric, bug, ghost


Well, you have four weakened by ground for a start. Nowadays you'd be completely pummelled to death with a team like that.


My team would be (if we're strictly speaking red/blue/yellow):


Electrode: Weakened by ground.

Starmie: Weakened by grass, electric, bug, ghost

Snorlax: Weakened by fighting

Arcanine: Weakened by water, ground, rock

Butterfree: Weakened by fire, poison, flying, ice, electric, rock

Dragonite: Weakened by ice, dragon


Two weakened by ground, two by electric, two by rock, which isn't too bad. There are better teams sure, but still, would be good enough to kick your teams ass ;).

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We were in a cafe playing with Pokemon cards and some neds were mocking us, but we have a 6"8 giant with possibly the best rep in our city with us, so it was cool. We are trying to keep it secret from our friends, as we were bored today. So the whole day we were saying sentecnes like "What? Is that Butter going free? I'd better make a rapid dash to the door" We got a ridiclous amount of poekmon names in there, Mewtwo was the most stylishly done.


Hehe sounds fun.

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I must admit, I found a Charmeleon on level 125 so I can rare candy it really high and get a level 500 Charizard. Then I cloned it. Nobody can ever beat it, even people who think they are great. So, six level 500+ Charizards for me.


Cheat! :wink:


I must admit, I used the Rare Candy cheat to complete my Pokedex (to evolve the ones I'd caught low level) - but my team was proper trained lv. 100! Did elite four so many times to get my team all raised.

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I think Pokemon Red is possibly one of the greatest gaming experiences I've ever had!


To be part of the whole Pokemon experience when I was young was fantastic!


Playing the game alongside watching the TV series made it all the more interactive, because you really felt you were getting to know the characters/pokemon!!

SMTV's Poke-Raps and Poke-Fights were great!!


I think my team was;








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Guest Stefkov

i remember ages ago i traded 1 beedrill card, i think it was japanese wish i hadnt now, for 19 other cards. i was shocked he offered that much, so i took it. still got all of my cards left, gonna have a look through them. gonne play pokemon yellow again or silver maybe. oh the good old days

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I usually trained my pokemon for tournaments, wich usually had an average level of 50 (wich is to my oppinion better then lv 100 :P Because 100 is really irritating to reach)

And sprout if you think that Ground moves are a problem to me, think again. A lot of people have used dragon typed pokemon and large groud types against me with earthquake and magnetude, It just doesnt cut it. You might find out if you battle me :P

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And sprout if you think that Ground moves are a problem to me, think again. A lot of people have used dragon typed pokemon and large groud types against me with earthquake and magnetude, It just doesnt cut it. You might find out if you battle me :P

I beat somebodies Charizard with a Bulbasaur (both level 50 and yes, Charizard had Fire and Flying moves, and yes, we both had full health) on Pokemon Stadium once. Yes, my skills are that good. You'd find me a tough guy to beat ;).

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(p.s. i have episodes 2-7 taped on video, oohh and the pokemon theme tune was my myspace music a little while back, i love it)


I don't think anyone who was around when the show first came out can honestly say they don't love that song.

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For anyone playing RBY again, they should train a CHANSEY to level 100 with Thunder Wave, Double Team, Seismic Toss and Softboiled. VERY annoying and very difficult to beat!


Ouch yes verry verry true indeed. Hitpoint Mania there. Especially when you evolve it (in gold and silver alass) you get evenmore HP/Def.

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Ahh the times when Pokémon was popular. Playing Pokémon Red at school, and when the older bullies would come to switch off the GBC I would just say.. Oh thanks, I was running out of Safari Time anyways :)... That always pissed them off :P... I know a Toys R' us store on the other side of town has a couple of unopened GBC (Special Pokémon Edition with PKMN Crystal) for only 30,23 GBP.. Think I'll get 1 or 2.. :)

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and you didn't buy them!!?? what!? whats wrong with you!


I had like NO money!!!...And I stopped buying them a long time ago, the last ones I got were a few Gold/Silver ver. Pokémon booster packs from Argos...when I liked Argos...I remember buying Gold & Silver there too (Gold was my Bro's) Those were the days :grin:

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I got gold and silver from america when they were released over there because some friends brought them back for me. By the way, finding a level 125 Charmeleon is not cheating, is it? I loved beating people easily. By the way, I had a few 'real' level 100 pokemon of every type. I love playing with Mew, especially because people worshipped me after getting it. Before now I have just completed it again for fun. Marvellous days, when life was so simple. My birthday, a school trip and a birthday party in one day. What an opportunity to break out the SNES super game boy and trade, trade, trade! By the way, if I played using the Charizards in one player they went down to level one after a single battle. Most of the time I used 'properly' trained Mews, Mewtwos and Charizards.

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Just hook yourself up with Ruby/Sapphire or Emerald. They can't beat Red/Blue nostalgia wise, but there is more strategy to them. And knowing how to EV train has added a new element.


I've clocked 450+ hours on Ruby. Awesome game, I love it.


But nothing beats the nostalgia of getting Pokémon Red on Christmas day, and playing it so that you're fighting Giovanni by Boxing Day.

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