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I Met Sprout! And Iain Lee!

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I can be charming when I need to be.




Interview should be up tonight.


(and he's not accepted my request on Twitter, how rude :p)

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@ReZourceman sure. What do I do?


Well he said yes. My powers of persuasion are amazing.



Unless he didn't know it was a forum.



But maybe he could become a news/reviewer/articler. For free. Celebrities work for free right?


I hope he comes.



@iainlee Oh wow, sweet. Go to N-Europe.com/Forum and seriously...just literally welcome to the best community of gamers on the net. :)

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Hell yeh.. that's probably what I associate him most with :yay: I used to watch it every week, even though it was on pretty late :indeed:

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I always remember Iain Lee on the ill-fated RI:SE (Channel 4 breakfast show), talking about the week's upcoming movies. Goldeneye was on and he made a great comment about how it was a great film and a great N64 game. Utmost respect for him ever since then.


I used to really like that show. Iain Lee with Edith Bowman was a great combination. He did a review of MK:DD on the Gamecube, but no one seemed to even know what Mario Kart was. To be fair, his co-host at that point was Kate Lawler.

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"she does that girl thing where you move the hands in time with the controllers" - I think that's the benchmark to see if someone is a gamer or not. Sit them down with mario kart and a pad and watch their hands! If they start moving, you're allowed to tut and shake your head.

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"she does that girl thing where you move the hands in time with the controllers" - I think that's the benchmark to see if someone is a gamer or not. Sit them down with mario kart and a pad and watch their hands! If they start moving, you're allowed to tut and shake your head.


... What if they're playing Mario Kart Wii?

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Then you need to rotate, not translate!


(god I've been using Maya too much)


Yeah you'd need to pivot around but moving your whole hands in a direction does not change the movement of the character.

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... What if they're playing Mario Kart Wii?


If they were a gamer then they'll be using the Remote & Nunchuck combination (or Classic/GameCube controller).

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Then you need to rotate, not translate!


(god I've been using Maya too much)


Yeah you'd need to pivot around but moving your whole hands in a direction does not change the movement of the character.


Way to ruin a good joke, Ashley. :heh:


If they were a gamer then they'll be using the Remote & Nunchuck combination (or Classic/GameCube controller).



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If they were a gamer then they'll be using the Remote & Nunchuck combination (or Classic/GameCube controller).


I've never used anything other than the Wii Wheel for Mario Kart Wii so I spit on that suggestion :heh:

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I can't make comments on the News page, but I just want to say: good interview with Iain Lee. It's funny to think he was the host of The 11 'o' Clock Show, which launched Sacha Baron Cohen, Ricky Gervais and MacKenzie Crook - must be slightly gutting that he's not as famous as them, but he seems really down to Earth and very pleasant to meet. What's the point of fame if it changes you into perhaps not such a nice person?


Also, he didn't mention his video games show was called Thumb Bandits. :heh:

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Nice... interview.



And I gave him my card so he may visit the site soon.

Lets have a look, I've been meaning on making cards myself but unsure about the layout. I was going to steal Kevin G's but am unsure.

Forced myself onto Flinky a couple of times.

Who hasn't?



Well, I haven't. But given the chance I'd be on him like knockers in a wind tunnel.

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I can't make comments on the News page, but I just want to say: good interview with Iain Lee. It's funny to think he was the host of The 11 'o' Clock Show, which launched Sacha Baron Cohen, Ricky Gervais and MacKenzie Crook - must be slightly gutting that he's not as famous as them, but he seems really down to Earth and very pleasant to meet. What's the point of fame if it changes you into perhaps not such a nice person?


Also, he didn't mention his video games show was called Thumb Bandits. :heh:


He was very down to Earth. He seemed happy with his life, especially his new nipper.

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