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FAST (F-Zero for WiiWare)


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Quickly read the thread, but couldn't find it, does it have online?


No but it has everything else in the form of blisteringly fast gameplay plus split-screen and and...


*finished downloading*


I'm gonna go play it now anyway, will be sure to keep you all informed! : peace:

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It's refreshing to see a great game on WiiWare because the service has been somewhat neglected in the last few months. I'll be sure to get myself some Wii points this week as this game looks amazing and I miss the days of F-Zero GX.

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I've just finished my first set of races and all I can say is fuuuuuuuuuuuu... this game is challenging, out of four races I think I scored 7th, 8th, 5th and then scraped a 2nd for the final race... :laughing:


It's so refreshing to see a new game that's not shy about ramping up the difficulty from the beggining, but... it's not as if the game feels unfair, the A.I is spot-on in fact, just that it takes a few races to adjust to.


But once the game gets going it doesn't stop and I would say that it certainly lives up to its name... Fast really isn't the word though it goes some way to giving you an idea of what to expect, but what I was expecting was a mere F-Zero clone which in itself would have been good enough but this is so much more...


... It's F-Zero mixed with Ikaruga fused together and stripped down to make a racing experience quite unlike any other, and I like it... a lot. :D

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Played the first set of races, scraped a 1st overall by winning the final race. As a huge sci-fi racing fan, I'm really loving it so far. :)


One thing I noticed, after taking a jump my ship always seems to crash land on the track. Couldn't find a way to land more smoothly.

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@Tales No online.


They said it didn't fit into the budget/time limits in the interview Dante linked on the last page. It's a nice read btw.!


It's out? o.O I would've totally missed it. Should really get some Wii points now.


... It's F-Zero mixed with Ikaruga fused together and stripped down to make a racing experience quite unlike any other, and I like it... a lot. :D


A good thing then, that Shin'en seems quiet fond of Nintendo platforms. :)

Edited by Burny
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For those wanting some 'extended' gameplay, video below is for you:



Gonna download it myself later this afternoon. Does look good, although the GX fan in me is screaming "Too slow" at some points in that video. Does look a little more like WipeOut than F Zero but still, should be a good play.

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Hurry up Mr Postman and bring me those Wii points I ordered yesterday.


Got a Paypal account?

I ordered points from an eBay power-seller this morning and got the code in the email five minutes later. Unless you're getting the actual physical card for much cheaper than the standard price, there is no contest against this.


I only played the tutorial and the first planet's races of the lowest tier racing league, but it's already clear that this is an outstanding WiiWare game.


The visuals give pretty much any Wii-retail game a run for their money in terms of style and quality. The game plays smooth as hell and the phase-switching mechanic adds something to the game that distinguishes it from the likes of F-Zero and Wipeout.

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Here's my take on the F-Zero / Wipeout comparisons...


Firstly I must stress that this is more F-Zero than Wipeout, the main things that make it scream F-Zero are:


Track Design - loops etc and corners especially

Speed - it's fast and the speed feels 'right'

Structure - similar as it has leagues and tournaments within those

Visuals - obvious cues and certain track details very similar

Boost - implemented differently but still, obviously inspired


The main things that smack of Wipeout are:


Craft Design - definitely more inspired here

Drivers - there are none


But the main things that FAST can claim as its own are...


Orbs - these are required by your ship for various functions such as...

Polarity - your ship changes colour (black and white) to make use of...

Jump-Pads - these are coloured black and white, you need to match the phase...

Ceiling Lanes - again the same here with the colours, you need to match them to use these


I hope this clears things up and maybe helps people to decide who are on the fence, as it really is a fantastic game from what I've played so far and I'd hate people to miss out on it for thinking that its taken too much from other games when in fact it hasn't and is a great game thanks to a multitude of elements that just simply work and work well. : peace:

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It seems the game has elastic band AI similar to Mario Kart, it was quite irritating hearing the commentator saying "2 seconds ahead!", "5 seconds ahead!", "2 seconds ahead!" every few seconds in one race. :heh:


Tried some challenges. On a couple I got a star awarded as well as a tick, so there is more to them than just beating the set objective. I wonder if you can get better than single stars.

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It seems the game has elastic band AI similar to Mario Kart, it was quite irritating hearing the commentator saying "2 seconds ahead!", "5 seconds ahead!", "2 seconds ahead!" every few seconds in one race. :heh:


That right there has killed my interest in the game. I'm sick of developers putting this in racing games, it's annoying as hell.

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I was trodding over towards 'the fence', then after I heard that there wasn't game over WiFi I paused (although even if there was online it'd probably suck [as a WiiWare game] - even if it was a full blown 'Wii' retail game with online :heh: ), then after seeing that YouTube video I walked away.


I like my sci-fi racer to flaunt cheekiness, to be exhilerating, to be, .... F-zer0_o


Dudes, does FAST have both tilt-turns and drift-turns, to squeeze through those sexy L-bended or/and double-bended turns?

I also luuurve more SPEED (yep, I'm a nutter) and those childish barges and a full fucking blown 360º spin smash attack! (Used wisely :wink: )

I just adore the stylish vehicles (a little more customization would be fab' though :love: ) along with those attractive pilots :laughing:


NINTENDO please provide an F-zer0 for this Café, and please oh please apply HARD LOVE in it (visuals, online [modes, lag-free, player communication etc]).


I'm a spoiled brat of a NINTENDO gamer :mad:

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Dudes, does FAST have both tilt-turns and drift-turns, to squeeze through those sexy L-bended or/and double-bended turns?


It doesn't have any form of drifting unfortunately. The controls are designed around a very limited number of Wiimote buttons. There's just accelerate, boost and phase change.


I've got to the final speed class now, it gets pretty damn fast. I don't recommend using the last 2 ships on ice.

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Just played a little bit more and there doesn't seem to be rubber band AI.


During the races of the slowest speed class, I tried to pay attention to the minimap. When I got a large lead, I kept that unless I did something stupid. There are instances where the game announces "You've got a five second lead" only followed by "You've got a two second lead". Those seem to be caused by slightly flawed computation of how much you're in lead at a given point however. Once you take a boost field your lead increases until the racers following you take the same boost field, while you've already slowed down again.


In the interview Dante linked, what they say even implies to me that they avoided rubber band AI:


How are you finding development of FAST to differ from your other WiiWare projects? Any unique challenges, technically, that didn’t come up during development of your other games?



Yes, there were many challenges. The biggest challenge was to get the AI and Physics right. Because the gameplay allows many strategies, the AI needed a lot of attention to be challenging without actually cheating the player. The biggest challenge with the physics was to handle the extremely high velocities without spending too much CPU time on it.

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Which control scheme do you guys prefer - tilt or nunchuck? (or classic controller)?


At the moment, Classic Controller for it is unparalleled... though kudos to Shin'en for including such responsive motion control.

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If anyone is interested in fast times, Cyberscore has got time attack charts up for course and lap times. It'd be cool to get a bit of competition.


I've got the last 2 leagues left to go on the Ion class now. It's going to take a lot of practise to finish some of those courses, those obstacles are so hard to avoid at that speed.

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I'm making do with nunchuck controls, as I don't have the classic controller, would have been nice if they had included GC pad support.


The number of games i could say that about... DKCR for one :(


I started with tilt controls & was all over the place, then went to nunchuk & it felt better, then tried tilt again and it felt even better. May try nunchuk again next... haven't decided yet which gets my preference!

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