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Posted (edited)
  Gentleben said:
The Blue Tether lens is'nt really that useful if you ask me, since it never works on boss ghosts, and the restore lens I don't use either- prefer to use normal healing items.


Yeah I've had no desire to want to use the recover lens as I got a nice amount of herbs and water stocked up.


I did use the tether lens though on the 1st and then the 2nd & 3rd Moruners just to be done with them faster and make sure they don't DR on as they always tend to do so :mad:


Also I've found 4 more ghosts now for my list.


1 in the Osaka House (did you "investigate" a table to find a girl under it?)


2 in the big bridge area. Found by pure luck of deciding to run around a bit on the banks.


And at the start of Chapter 6 I got a pic of "The Fleeing Twin" that I missed. Noticed that most instances of the Twin & Doll there was a pic for both, and you'd usually get both in one pic if both were in the view finders circle. But somehow I missed one as I only had "The Fleeing Doll" listed. All others have both so I shold have all those now.


Bout half way in Chapter 6 and Ghost List at 82% now.





Right halfway into Chapter 8 now on Nightmare mode and my Ghost List is not up to 87%


Little tip for Chapter 7, if you haven't finished it yet, do a quick back track round the house after finding the Bell Key before using that key. There are 6 ghosts waiting to be found. They appear in two rooms, 3 in each room so make sure you save right away after finding that Bell Key. You can either try get all 3 in each room in one shot or use Type 90 film (if you can spare some) which reloads fastest so you can get them all in 2 or 3 shots in each room.


Took me on my 3rd reload when I moved to the type 90 cause trying to get them all in the same frame with type 7 was doin my head in :heh:

Edited by Mokong
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Ok just finished Nightmare mode :D


1st let me say the Head Priest guy boss fight in Chapter 9 (before going down the tunnels) is a real bastard on Nightmare mode. He must have a ton of extra HP and films do less damage on harder modes (type14 = 17 damage, type61=30, type90=34...when double charged with butterfly lens.... these values same on all ghosts in Nightmare mode) and he not once showed a chance for a Shutter Moment or Fatal Frame so I couldn't get any extra damage done. Took me bloody ages to pick away at his health.


I was aiming for the Shadow Festival ending too so I knew I had to drag out the Kusabi boss fight for 5 mins. Was so hard to resist getting combos on fatal frame moments :heh:

I have a 5 mins countdown set on my watch so I'd when I could start fighting him for real instead of just trying to keep him at a distance. Got it done too.


Liked that ending too.


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The 5% of ghosts I was missing was 8 ghosts.


Oh and also if anyone is wondering, the "Infinate" camera part enhancement I unlocked when I finished Nightmare mode does indeed work for ALL film types. It doesn't change the "Number" of film you have left to the infinate symbol but if you are using it and take a picture the number of film left doesn't decrease. So I was destroying ghosts on Easy mode with infinate Type Zero film and maxed out camera stats, haha. Most ghosts went down with one hit :D



For anyone interested inside the spoiler tags is what made up my last 5%


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  • 3 weeks later...

More (or all) Fatal Frame 4 (Or Project Zero 4) related but figured best post in here.


Just finished Chapter 8 (out of 12) on hard mode and finally unlocked the Zero Suit Outfit











Also did anyone here know that there was (is) an Outfit that was in the Japanese version of Project Zero 2 Wii Edition but was removed from the European version. :(

Outfits were bikinis, removed from the English versions cause Mio & Mayu are under 18 :heh:

They should have just edited the manual and said they were 18 :heh:



This is a screen from the PS2 version... couldn't find a screen from the Wii version



And there is Hard mode of FF4 finished... slightly disappointed that the Hard mode ending wasn't much different from the normal mode ending (and unfortunately there isn't multiple endings based on your in game actions like PZ2 has).... Now Nightmare mode or not to Nightmare mode, that is the question?.... Still have some Ghosts missing from my Ghost List (aside from the 6 glitched unpicturable ones of course) and 12 Dolls missing too (extra side quest in FF4 not in PZ2...which is odd you'd think they would have added it to the Wiimake of PZ2).... yeah I'll prolly do Nightmare mode too :heh:

  • 3 weeks later...

I started playing this last night and man is it freaky! I've only finished the first chapter but I have jumped on several occasions already. The game constantly pushes you into situations where you are slowly opening a door or lifting up some sort of blanket. Most of the time there is just an item there, but on the odd occasion a freaky image appears.


It's not all great though as I find the controls a little clunky. It's something I will get used to though. The main problem is adding waggle to turn around. Why they didnt have a quick turn button like in Resident Evil is beyond me. I keep trying to do it and then remembering I can't.


Another minor niggle is the voice acting. It's not bad but I just think the voices don't match the characters in the game. I would have much preferred the original voices with the subtitles. The game has subtitles anyway so the option would have been nice.


Speaking of Resident Evil, the game kinda reminds me of the old school games. It has slow tank like controls, freaky atmosphere and it even has files that are scattered around filling in the backstory.


So, yeah, a few hiccups but I'm loving the atmosphere. I'm only playing it at night when its dark, so it may take a while to get through it.


Nice timing for the bump.


I started this a few days back; you cant fault the atmosphere - its incredibly realised, it claustrophobic, uncomfortable and downright terrifying (I'm glad others jumped, i don't feel such a woose now!). The controls are pretty ropey; while general character movement is pitched perfectly, the nunchuck shake to turn 180 is annoying. I'm also finding combat is let down by weird 'jumps' in movement; either my Wii Remote is dying or the game is overly twitchy - ultimately though, its not spoiling the experience.


However, I'm feeling it would have been better if the whole series was ported to WiiU; the added visual flair and lifting the Gamepad to use the Camera Obscura would have been an incredible experience. I'd have snapped up the series in HD, with swanky camera gameplay.

  david.dakota said:
The controls are pretty ropey; while general character movement is pitched perfectly, the nunchuck shake to turn 180 is annoying. I'm also finding combat is let down by weird 'jumps' in movement; either my Wii Remote is dying or the game is overly twitchy - ultimately though, its not spoiling the experience.


Yeah the Camera controls can be hard to get used to as it is both controlled by the anologue stick and the pointer, which makes it feel weird first time you play.

Just gotta learn to keep your wiimote still.


In my recent replaying of Fatal Frame 4 I think I worked out why they've made teh camera control as it does in PZ2:Wii.


Cause in FF4 the Wiimote only effects left and right movement (slightly) not up & down movement also like it does in PZ2:Wii.


I think because the "dodge" ability is also mapped to Wiimote waggle, making the Wiimote control the camera more is Tecmo trying to prevent players getting "100% gauranteed" dodges like can be done in FF4.


IE: In FF4 if you are surrounded by ghosts coming at you from all angles, you can just bring up the camera, focus on trying to photo one ghost and just waggle the Wiimote like crazy. So if another ghost comes at you from behind or the sides you'll dodge it as soon as it tried to attack if you keep waggling and it won't effect your aim.


Where as in PZ2:Wii if you tried that the camera aim would end up all over the place.



Also small tip for you guys new to the game, when you are getting a photo of a "non-violent ghost" if there is more than one, try to get both ghosts faces or heads in the capture circle so you'll get both ghosts added to your list from the 1 photo. :wink:

  • 2 weeks later...
  RedShell said:
Ooo yes, I'm still interested! :smile:


Was interested. :heh:


Red go get it, Halloween is approaching, be a good game to have for it :wink:


  dazzybee said:
Anyone know if that's inshore?! Might pick it up if so. I have about £100 to spend in there


Do they sell games offshore now?

  Mokong X-C said:
Red go get it, Halloween is approaching, be a good game to have for it :wink:
If they've got it instore for that price I'll get it.

Never ordering online from GAME again though. :nono:


@RedShell - I seem to have missed an episode of "Shell Does Gaming". Whats happened with GAME?


I completed this last night, and I have to say despite the wonky controls (would have easily been sorted with IR torch a la Shattered Memories) its a great game - terrifying in places. The atmosphere is perfect throughout, a real sense of dread and some incredible designs throughout. If I have one criticism of the game -


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  david.dakota said:
@RedShell - I seem to have missed an episode of "Shell Does Gaming". Whats happened with GAME?


I completed this last night, and I have to say despite the wonky controls (would have easily been sorted with IR torch a la Shattered Memories) its a great game - terrifying in places. The atmosphere is perfect throughout, a real sense of dread and some incredible designs throughout. If I have one criticism of the game -


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@Mokong X\-C

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  david.dakota said:
@RedShell - I seem to have missed an episode of "Shell Does Gaming". Whats happened with GAME?
Where do I start?! They've been going downhill for ages. Delivery times were becoming atrocious, with new releases frequently not arriving on release date, often the following week. :angry:

The last couple of orders I placed with them both failed to appear, probably the fault of Royal Mail I hear you say, but I've not had problems with deliveries from any other online retailer.

Plus, their lost parcel claim procedure is absolutely shocking, requiring you to print out a form, complete it by hand, scan it in and then e-mail it to them! :indeed:

They're a smelly company in my book, and I'd rather not have to deal with their bad odour ever again. :heh:

Posted (edited)
  david.dakota said:
@Mokong X\-C
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