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Going to London. What to do?!


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Yes you heard right, tomorrow morning around half-five(ugh) I'll be getting a plane to London.

I won't bore you with details but I'm able to go as a gift from my sister, so woop woop.


We've planned to go to Madam Tousous'(sp?), the London Eye, Buckingham Palace, A tour on the red buses, Big Ben, and the West End to see Wicked :grin:


So, anywhere else I should consider going while I'm there?

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One thing I love doing is just walking. Seeing stuff.


One day I woke up in Vauxhall, wasn't meeting anyone that day so walked up to Westminster, loving every view, somehow found myself in Orange Square (with a random Mozart sculpture), then ended up in Knightsbridge.


I had a book on Marxist Politics (cool socialist bookstore in Bloomsbury), and I just walked, sat in nice places, and read, and hated consumerism and craid everytime I saw a Starbucks.



One of my favourite holidays.

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Ehh we didn't really do much though. First day/half day we walked around London and saw some of the sights like the London Eye, Big Ben, Trafalgar Square...


Second day was the meet-up and we all went to Hyde Park and Trocadero heh.


Then third day we went to the Natural History Museum, spent maybe an hour or less in the Science Museum and then saw Buckingham Palace and kinda just walked through/sat in the park next to it. And that's it.


So basically all we did was lots of walking around and just looking at things. Didn't really do any of the stuff like going on the London Eye or visiting Madame Tussauds (all way too expensive for us).



Hope you have fun. How long are you going?

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Also, I really liked the Guildhall Art Gallery -- I literally stumbled upon it randomly. It has the Londinium Gladiator arena underneath it. You feel like you've stumbled upon something no one else knows about too. Cool if you're interested in British Monarchy or Imperialism.


I went on a Friday afternoon so was completely free too.



Can't remember what your stance in life is, but I vaguely remember you liking guys -- Soho is fun if you want a night out. G-A-Y and Heaven and whatnot. I love Vauxhall too, but that's more hardcore.



Southbank is my favourite thing too. Feels really nouveau bohemian. Like random bookstalls and people doing streetsport. It's cool.

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Oh yes-- my favourite place! The dinosaurs are totally not worth the wait. "The Vault" is really cool -- its a real-life vault where they store loads of the world's most precious jewels. Really really impressive.



Science museum is less stunning, but there's some interesting stuff there. I really loved a special section on sustainable fashion and recycled clothes.


I liked South Kensington in general. Lovely French quarter. Loads of French bookstores if you're into that.

Edited by chairdriver
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Gah! So much to do.

I'm going for 2 days for those of you who asked so I won't get anywhere near all that there is to do in London, so that's why I'm asking :)


Being an avid lover of art, the art museum sounds great. Plus with my exams this year, there is a question on "Appreciation of Art" which can involve a museum I visited. Even on my holidays, I'm studying :p

All the other museums sound great too. I'm sure there'll be enough there to keep us occupied anyway.


Oh, does it cost much for those museums? I have about 100 pounds which isn't including the trips I already have planned.

As for the gay bars Chair, I like me some men but probably a no-go. First, I'd probably be terrified to go on my own and would rather bring a friend plus it's not exactly easy to explain to my sister or Mam that I'm "popping out for a bit" :p

Too much hassle for that, though I might be interested going in the future.



I'll make to sure to upload pictures because I know you're all just dieing to see them :p

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There's lots of art museums you can visit of course. National Gallery, British Museum, Tate Modern etc. All worth a visit I think. Don't know about prices for those, but I think Natural History Museum and Science Museum are free? Not sure Science Museum is too interesting though, but then again we didn't get to see anything in there so it might be.

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Fantastic, thanks Eunuh.


My Mam and sister just gave me my first grilling a moment ago. "What are you packing?!" "Why aren't you in bed!?". I have to get up in 4 hours but usually I can go sleep-deprived fairly well :p


As for museums, I'm going to try persuade them to go to a few. They said we don't have enough time despite being there for 2 days, so I'm a little confused :laughing:


They just told me though that the London Eye is around 30 quid so I might give that one a miss...

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Wait you're leaving tomorrow?! Lol for organisation :P


I've always hated trips to london that revolve around a scripted tour of The Usual Stuffspects. It's all so touristy and overcrowded!


Which is why I'm afraid I have nothing to offer for this thread! If I had two days in london I'd do pretty much what chairdriver said - get a book, find a park or two. Not really family holiday stuff (though it's what I spent most of my 2-week trip to Sydney doing!).

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I'm going to the BFI for 1pm in Southbank today, if you feel like a forum meet-up/ don't, I'm on a field trip. I did say I would meet Razz one day though.


Lul. I'm also there all evening as I'm meeting my mum.


I have to gather my sexually foward project group and get on the train first though. Which'll be a feat in itself.

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I'll be in Central today, I may stalk! :p Although Razz is mine bitch...if he ever answers his text.


And umm I have nothing to add. I've never done anything touristy in London. Embankment is nice, as is Covent Garden area. Just hang out around there.

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A word of advice...Don't let a friend who doesn't know where the heck hes going to drag you around the city for six hours. Your feet will bleed like hell. Especually if he draged you around Rushden and Kettering the day before, both times not knowing where the hell he was going and not letting you sit down for an hour. You will want to murder him by the end of the day.

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A word of advice...Don't let a friend who doesn't know where the heck hes going to drag you around the city for six hours. Your feet will bleed like hell. Especually if he draged you around Rushden and Kettering the day before, both times not knowing where the hell he was going and not letting you sit down for an hour. You will want to murder him by the end of the day.

You're being very vague in your advice. Could you try to relate it to a personal experience or something, perhaps? :heh:

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I'm going to be in London on Friday, but just sitting around in the Victoria coach station to catch my connecting coach onto Brussels.



I can't wait to be surrounded by Pigeons, and the many more colourful characters you see going about there travel business. People watching is fun.

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Just a quick little update.

Sorry about that paj, only saw your comment now. A little n-e meet-up would have been pretty cool. In currently in some Italian restaurant called Prezzo using my iPod so I'll try to keep it short

Good day today. Some turbulence on the plane 'in order to avoid another plane' according to the pilot :S hotel is pretty cheap and dirty but no bother. Went to London eye today, the 4d experience was EPIC! :P went to some park, bukkinghan palace, big Ben, and national art museum but briefly. I'll be doing more tomorrow and in a fee mins I'm heading to the west end to see wicked so I'm happy out.

Thanks for all the places suggested even though my mam and sister don't seem set on going to all the museums :(


Oh, I saw a bunch of scuirrles too :D

First time :)

I'm definitely going to come back soon with friends

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A little late to be posting here again but what the heck.

I won't show all the pictures I took as I know that'd just be pure dull but I do want to show you one picture that I got in Madame Trousseaux's.


I wasn't all that bothered to take a picture but then I remembered you Danny-Boy, yes I realize that shows how cool I am(:p), so I just had to take it.





Btw, I was SO doing that hobo look on purpose :p I didn't have time to shower...

I'm posting too many pictures these days...

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