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The Colour Mafia


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Black and White went off to find their respective targets, but while Black did find Yellow, White was stopped by Bright Yellow. Meanwhile, Bright Blue was following someone unidentified who in turn had his eyes on Yellow. Little did Bright Blue know that he and his target were the targets of Bright Green. Somewhere else, Dark Blue was followed by Bright Cyan and stopped by Dark Yellow while Bright Red and Dark Red both stayed at home. So did Dark Magenta, who was paid a visit there by Blue, who wished to check something. Dark Green was likewise visited in his home by Bright Magenta, but after he left, he was killed by Lime, who was being followed by Dark Cyan.


MoogleViper is dead. He was Bright Magenta, a mafia member.


In another part of town, Red locked Magenta inside his own home and stood guard, but when he was about to leave, he was killed by an unidentified person. It was all seen by Yellow.


ReZourceman is dead. He was Red, a townie.


Day 2 begins now.


20 players remain. 11 is the majority.


Dark Red, Yellow, Dark Blue, Bright Red, Lime, Cyan, Dark Magenta and Dark Yellow all stayed at home. Green visited someone unidentified while Blue visited Dark Blue. Black followed Blue while Grey visited Dark Yellow, and both Black and Grey were being watched by Bright Green. Grey was also being followed by Bright Cyan, and Magenta took notes of this. When Bright Cyan got home, he was met in the doorway and killed by Bright Yellow, who was protected by Cyan.


Cube is dead. He was Bright Cyan. He was good.


Later that night, Dark Green paid a visit to Yellow. And killed him.


dan-likes-trees is dead. He was Yellow. He was good.


Day 3 begins now.


18 players remain. 10 is the majority.


Once again, Bright Red and Dark Magenta stayed at home for the night. Dark Red did the same and was watched throughout the night by Magenta, who left empty-handed. Dark Cyan locked himself in his house for the night while Green followed someone unidentified. Dark Blue set out, but was stopped by Dark Yellow, and both he and Blue were the targets of Bright Green. Pink delivered a note to Black, who set out to do his business together with White. They had finally found their target. They both aimed at him and fired at the same time, but were surprised to see no less than four bullets pierce their target from different directions. Dark Green and Blue lowered their guns and disappeared into the night.


Dyson is dead. He was Grey. He was evil.


When Black returned home and opened the door, he was shot dead on the spot.


Diageo is dead. He was Black. He was good.


Day 4 begins now.


15 players remain. 8 is the majority.


Magenta targetted black in a previous write up.


Say whaaaaaaaaat?


Incidentally, this also shows heroicjanitor that nobody who targeted one later targeted the other. In fact, Bright Green (which I think was tellyn?) targeted both Grey and Black, but died that night.

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(as he knew the identity of a killer).


How would he (I) know the identity of a killer?




Sorry, I see what you're getting at. I killed him for a totally metagame reason -- that inactivity is really annoying, and we probably would have spent a day phase lynching him anyway.


And your argument holds no logical ground anyway -- how would I be able to know what colour/role he was prior to killing him?


If I were mafia, don't you think I would have chosen better targets? I would have killed the people that are actually posting, then persuaded the town to lynch Dan-likes-trees.

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Before night comes around I might as well post my list and make it pointless to kill me:


Remaining players:

Ellmeister - Dark Yellow

heroicjanitor - White

Jonnas - Dark Cyan

MadDog - Dark Magenta

Mundi - Lime/Pink

Paj Meen Ah - Dark Blue

Sméagol - Blue

Zell - Green

Marcamillian - Bright Red(Claimed)

Rummy - Cyan(Claimed)

chairdriver - Dark Green

Eenuh - Bright Blue

The Peeps - Dark Red


Colours left: Magenta, Bright Green


jayseven - Probably Magenta

Nintendohnut - Probably Bright Green(The only one who could have known who Diageo was)



Dark Green was top of my lynching list, I wasn't expecting it to fall into my lap.


Suspects: Dark Green(Killed Yellow because Yellow saw Red's murder)

Lime/Pink(Claims to have killed at random, I don't believe him)

Rummy(Cyan) (Has a double vote)

Ellmeister(Dark Yellow) (Diageo thought so)

Paj(Dark Blue) (Hasn't said anything since killing Grey for some reason)

Nintendohnut(Bright Green) - Annoying as hell power just makes it hard for townies, and is the only one who targeted Black.


I am White as you can see, and am a townie and was Black's partner.




Dark Green killed Yellow. This is likely because Yellow saw Rez’s murder, indicating Dark Green is mafia. However Bright Magenta visited Dark Green on the first night, and Bright Magenta was also Mafia. So they are in separate mafias. Given that Tellyn(Bright Yellow) was in a different mafia to Dyson(Grey), you can say this:


Mafia 1

Dark Green

Grey - Dyson


Mafia 2

Bright Magenta

Bright Yellow - Tellyn


Grey told chairdriver who Yellow was, which is why he killed him.

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And then I went on to kill Grey...?


I'd just like to say... Fuck. I made that list when I thought Grey was the only unidentified... Still a good possibility of you being mafia though as long as the unidentified from the first night is in the same mafia. Would be nice if Eenuh would say who the unidentified from the first night is? It's either Cyan or Green I think, and if it's Cyan then Rummy is probably in a mafia with you. I just don't believe you killed dan-likes-trees for being inactive.

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Herojan! Can you explain your relation to Diageo? Do you have any idea why he died?


Everyone went on to kill grey! It's absurd to think that there were 4 people who killed him and that there's another mafia killer running around.


Dyson was clearly evil, I think his own mafia friends decided to sacrifice him in order to buy some credibility. "oh, see, we can't be bad - we killed dyson!"

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