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Has anyone else who uses the AdBlock add ons noticed it seems to be causing more problems that solving them lately?


Over the past few weeks ive just noticed that images on certain sites no longer load and videos sometimes just will not load up until I disable adblock. Its only been over the past few weeks, maybe a month that this has been happening to me.

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Different line of thought but I personally don't use any form of adblockers (other than for pop-ups) because the vast majority of websites exist because of the adverts. If no one sees the adverts it means that these websites won't make any money and won't be able to survive. I don't want people blocking my adverts so I'm not going to block theirs.


The common counter-argument is that you wouldn't click on the adverts anyway but this doesn't really matter as a lot of adverts aren't about being clicked; just the message being put out there.

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