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Phantasy Star Online 2


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Am I the only one that's actually glad it's PC only?


Although it's a shame it's not on consoles when the series started that way, this will finally give them an opportunity to go all out and provide maximum support for the title.


Sony and Microsoft have some ridiculous rules regarding content verification and the fact they think content updates should be paid for.. That is something that is incredibly backwards to what Sega hopes to provide in PSO2 and I can understand that even though I own a 360.


It started on consoles and so should continue on them, I'm not saying being it to all consoles, just the Xbox 360 because it already has the established userbase thanks to PSU - it's now the only place you can play it online in the US/Europe - plus the whole thing about content updates having to be paid for isn't entirely true, besides... Ambition of the Illuminus - PSU expansion - was paid for regardless of format; you had to buy it on a disc for PC/PS2 but it was just DLC on Xbox live, relatively cheap at that... plus later down the line they actually made it free when the 'change' was implemented.


Just saying, Sega could quite easily support both PC and Xbox 360 versions if they choose to, if they don't bring out an Xbox 360 version then why even bring PSU to it in the first place. :blank:


Ultimately... if it comes down to it, I'll buy it for the PC but I reaaaaaally don't want to.

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Assuming levels max at 100, I'd imagine levelling all 3 to 100 will take a while :laughing: I'm sure they'll raise the stat cap to 200 with an expansion.




Looks like you can get bonuses for your class as well like in the Portable games.






I like how casts hover as well.

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Ah holy mother of jesus it seems Famitsu have released new screenshots, I did not see the Class Skill table! Cheers for sharing Ike!


It started on consoles and so should continue on them, I'm not saying being it to all consoles, just the Xbox 360 because it already has the established userbase thanks to PSU - it's now the only place you can play it online in the US/Europe - plus the whole thing about content updates having to be paid for isn't entirely true, besides... Ambition of the Illuminus - PSU expansion - was paid for regardless of format; you had to buy it on a disc for PC/PS2 but it was just DLC on Xbox live, relatively cheap at that... plus later down the line they actually made it free when the 'change' was implemented.


Just saying, Sega could quite easily support both PC and Xbox 360 versions if they choose to, if they don't bring out an Xbox 360 version then why even bring PSU to it in the first place. :blank:


Ultimately... if it comes down to it, I'll buy it for the PC but I reaaaaaally don't want to.


They have made good progress on Universe on the 360 after the PC & PS2 versions were put to rest, but the screening process is still a nuisance for the developers.


Plus, I think looking at what they've announced, they really want to have all the players on one platform to make what they promise possible. Splitting it by platform wouldn't help too well with ensuring there are enough players around to make interact events a possibility and lets face it, Microsoft still shoots down any cross platform multi player suggested by developers. It just doesn't work.


Blueburst was my favourite version of all the PSO releases because of one thing, it was only accessible on one platform so a lot of the fans moved to it. Development is also incredibly cheap and efficient for PC too as there's no rights no pay etc and the only one's that have the final say on what goes is the publisher rather than the console manufacturer.


I can see your point though about the already existing Phantasy Star fans on the 360 and I would totally support your point if PSO2 wasn't very accessible in terms of required specs, but that's just not the case.


EDIT: Just been looking at some images of the in-game menu's on Famitsu's website and noticed a few things.


It seems the original weapon attribute system is back. In the weapon stats menu, there's a bar similar to PSO that shows the added efficiencies of each weapon like the + power, hit etc and the monster attribute percentages. It looks like there are 6 different types of monsters planned (like native, mutation, machine etc) and you can presumably have percentages on each of them rather than just one element like in PSU.


It also seems that you can store up to 6 different pallets for each weapon type you carry. This is one amazing idea as playing as a force will be made for simple, rather than PSO's pressing of R + Y to bring up the mini-menu, toggling through that to the spells menu, scrolling through that to the spell you want to cast etc.

Edited by Debug Mode
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So... PC it is then. :rolleyes:


Well at least it gives me a valid reason to try and cast Resta on my dying desktop before giving up and then buying a brand new - cheap and cheerful - base unit with a mid-range graphics card so I can run it comfortably. :p


The full media briefing is on youtube now

From around 2:58 onwards in part 2, you see gameplay footage that is not in the main trailer.


*prepares to watch the above videos and get properly hyped*

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Explosion of info:


Game server specs

* There will be several servers, each known as a "world."

* Each world is independent of the others.

* Different worlds cannot interact with each other.

* Essentially worlds are as they were in PSU. (EK note: Though they are now known as "entrances," originally they were called "worlds.")

* When you start the game, you can choose the world you want to belong to.

* You can create characters on multiple worlds.

* They are considering the ability to move a character from one world to another as a future possibility.

* If you want to play with your friends, make sure you all decide on a world to start on!



* There are three races, however...

* Sakai says, "this is an online game, after all, so we could always decide to increase that number."


Skill tree

* This system is used to learn class skills.

* EXP earned goes toward increasing your class level.

* You accumulate points by leveling up.

* By using these points, you can learn class skills.

* Class skills can only be used on the class you learned them with.

* For example, a skill learned as a Hunter cannot be used by a Force.

* Even if you max your class level, you cannot learn all skills.

* You will have a limited number of points to put toward skills, so individual skill combinations will vary.

* The ability to redo learned skills is under consideration.


Wired lances

* This weapon cannot be used to throw larger enemies.



* You can link three techniques to a rod.

* Only linked techniques can be charged (for stronger attacks).

* A technique's power, range and effect change when charged.

* PP cost does not change for charged techniques.


Learning photon arts and techniques

* Disks are used to learn photon arts and techniques.

* Disks have certain learning requirements.

* Requirements are stat-related, for example, one may require 50+ TP.

* Unlike PSU, there will not be a limit on the number of PAs or techs you can learn.

* It is undecided if you will be able to return a learned PA or tech to its disk form.

* The ability to transfer disks to other players (such as through disk restoration) is under consideration.

* Disks will appear with the level they teach displayed. For example, "Razonde (LV3)."

* High-level disks will of course be very powerful.

* High-level disks can be obtained as enemy drops.

* Low-level disks will include tutorials.

* Low-level disks can be bought at shops.



* You can perform common and just attacks while jumping.

* It is unknown how photon arts will work while jumping.

* Techniques and original combos will change while jumping.

* Range changes will occur while jumping, for example with original combos.

* You can jump on the backs of enemies.

* Most enemies have a weak spot on their back.

* There are some enemies that, if not knocked down, you will not be able to jump on their backs.

* On the other hand, there are other enemies that, even if not knocked down, you can still jump on their backs.


Original combos

* You can set different photon arts to the three parts of a combo.

* Combined PAs will let you pull of three-part combos. For example, Tornado Break to Spinning Break to Gravity Break. Also, you can perform normal attacks between all of those.


Interrupt events

* Event occurrence locations are not set in stone.

* There are some rare events which can occur.

* Due to the wide range of enemy levels you will encounter, expect drastic changes between difficulty levels.

* Even if you fail an event by not meeting all of its conditions, you will not suffer a penalty.

* You will receive items and so forth for successfully completing an event.


Incapacitation penalties

* If you are incapacitated, your individual grade will fall.

* Results are on a character-by-character basis.

* For example, if Mr. A dies, Mr. B's grade will not be affected.

* In short, you don't have to worry about being blamed for giving your party a bad grade!


PSE and PSE burst

* There is a new component known as "photon sensitive effect."

* There is a fixed probability of PSE occurring while you continuously defeat enemies.

* Attack power, drop rates and Meseta drop quantities are all boosted for a fixed period when PSE occurs.

* If you acquire an "evolved drop" (details unknown) from killing an enemy, you get even more boosted attack power, drop rates and Meseta payout.

* If consecutive PSEs occur, you can perform a "PSE burst."

* Bonuses from a PSE burst last for one minute and include even higher drop rates and highly increased number of enemies that appear.

* You can extend the PSE burst's duration by killing more and more enemies.


Multi-party areas

* Certain areas allow for up to 12 people to play together simultaneously.

* However, this doesn't necessarily mean that you are limited to three parties of four people each.

* For example, 12 individual solo players can all gather in these areas.

* It is possible to reorganize your party in a multi-party area.

* For example, if you have three parties of four people each, players from each party can transfer from one party to another.

* At first you can have the following parties: A1 A2 A3 A4 / B1 B2 B3 B4 / C1 C2 C3 C4

* But you can swap players around like so: B1 C2 A3 B4 / C1 A2 B3 C4 / A1 B2 C3 A4

* In multi-party areas, support techniques will only affect your party.

* There are some techniques that have cross-party effects, however.


Drop items

* Drop items are decided on a character-by-character basis.

* Each character can get different drops.

* Item drops are based on real luck.

* The system is similar to that of PSZ and PSP2i.



* Units exist in this game.

* They can be equipped to your arms, back and legs.

* Units can be additional costume parts for your character.

* When equipped, units can change certain visuals of your costume.

* Units can boost abilities such as defense and attribute rates.



* Mags exist in PSO2 as living, evolved protectors.

* Details on them are scarce at the moment.

* Unfortunately, they will not appear in the alpha test.



* Whether or not you receive EXP is determined by your range to an enemy.

* If you are within the enemy's range, you will receive EXP.

* If you are out of an enemy's range, you will not receive EXP.

* This may be a counter-measure for multi-party leveling.


Visual lobbies

* Event billboards will be in the lobbies.

* There will also be a large screen theater.

* Motion pictures of some sort can be played on the theater screen.

* This feature will be active during the alpha test.


Your room

* A feature similar to PSU's room will be in PSO2, but details are unknown.


Reincarnation system

* A system of this sort does not exist. No comment was made as to if it would be added later.

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Good to hear Mags are coming back!


IMO, they should bring back the rebirth system if you can't have all the class skills. Considering there's bound to be a character limit, being locked into one skill set permanently per class just seems a bit of of a step backwards.


I think that when you hit the class level limit, you should get a rebirth option which will allow you to start from level 1 again with stat bonuses and to re-do all your skills for that class. Then once you hit that limit, you can switch between the two skill tree's before missions or rebirth again. Of course, there needs to be a limit on that so maybe 3 would do but that all depends on how varied a skill tree can be.


Good to hear that they may add Race's and classes over time. From what I've played so far of Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity, I love playing as a Duman.

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Any chance we can get the title of this thread changed to simply...


'Phantasy Star Online 2'


Because it's far beyond the 'announced' stage now... plus it'd just be more concise/sounds better etc. [/nitpicky]

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  • 3 weeks later...

Alpha tests starts on the 18th!




Alpha Test Start Dates

August 18th, 16:00 ~ 23:00 [Test 1]

August 19th, 18:00 ~ 23:00 [Test 1]

August 23rd, 16:00 ~ 23:00 [Test 2]

August 26th, 16:00 ~ August 27th 23:00 [Test 3]

Please note the schedule above may change.

The alpha test is separated into 3 phases. In Test 2 and Test 3, more participants will be added towards the alpha test.

On a side note, It’s just a bit more to the alpha test. Bonkohara would like to welcome you all, in fact the ______ also opens very soon! (Ya she censored it)


Censored bit is probably the players site (or the open Beta ;)).


Alpha info:


Alpha Test User Info

nProtect Gameguard is utilized in the Alpha test version of Phantasy Star Online 2.

“It is forbidden to disclose information to any outside websites, forums, video sites, twitter, etc.“

Mags, My room, and the Item Trade Functions are not available in the Alpha Test.

PSU Lobby Actions are temporary, they have plans to implement new lobby actions in the future.

Auto Word and a new Chat Feature is coming in the future.

Manga Iconography (ex. Sweat Drop) can be placed below text balloons.

Alpha Test Restrictions

Class Level up to Level 20. Alpha test gives access to some skills.

Only 5 weapon categories with access to some PAs and some Technics.

Can’t change your class during the Alpha Test (After you’ve chosen initial class?)

Can’t change your Costume, or form during alpha test (After you’ve made the character?)

Interrupt Event, only some patterns and variations are available.

There will be a minimum amount of explanation regarding the general setting of PSO2 in the alpha test. As for the story elements, this won’t be featured in the alpha test. In the future,they have plans to have a full fledged story.

Available Features

Three Races, Three Classes to choose from.

Multiparty System, Random Field, Photon Sensitive Effect.

Forest field and later the Volcano Caverns Field

Quest Counter, Skill Counter, Item Shop, Weapon Shop.

Friend, Black List

Alpha Test Save Data

After the Alpha Test is over, save data is reset and is not transferred to future tests.

Photon Arts

Twister Fall (Wired Lance? PA?)

Force Skill Tree

Flame Mastery > Photon Flare > Flame Tech S Charge

Ice Mastery > Freeze Ignition > Freeze Tech Boost

Mirage Escape

Bolt Mastery > Bolt Tech PP Save

Gamepad (3 Sources)

Official Site listed Recommended Gamepads.

Microsoft Xbox 360 Controller for Windows

ELECOM USBtoPS/PS2 Gamepad Converter

BUFFALO USB Gamepad 16 Button

Logicool PC GameController GPX-500

Rumble Gamepad F310

Rumble Gamepad F510

Wireless Gamepad F710

EXA PSU AOTI Official Gamepad


Source + more info

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Alpha test finishes in around 50 minutes, should hopefully be getting leaks left, right and centre shortly after.


Got my eyes on PSU blog, PSO-World, 2ch & 4chan so I'll try to post anything significant that developers haven't told us about.


Apparently the biggest bit of info so far is that there is some form of feedback when you cast Foie. It supposedly pushes you back a bit.

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Can't tell if your serious, but sounds good for forces, pushes you away from the enemy so they can't hit you. Can see it being annoying though.


Watch it before it gets taken down!


Edit - welp, its gone. For those that missed it, it was ten minutes of gameplay from the alpha test


Combat looked very fast and fluid, much more than PSO's 3 attack combo > pause battle system.


Edit: Found a different video with a Force



Can't see them being pushed back after casting Foie...

Edited by Ike
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The data miners have been busy finding as much info as possible about the full release from the Alpha demo.


All the data so far will be in the spoiler box. Make sure not to quote this post just in case!


Mob types




Another Dimensional





























Dropship events




ObjectHelicopterType_DropEnemy (Trololol)





ObjectHelicopterType_DropDogMachine (Wat)





















Wind: None apparently










































PA descriptions

SwordPA01 大剣を抱え込み、飛び上がりつつ攻撃する。 打ち上げ効果があり、空中コンボへの連携が可能。 また、最大二段階までチャージを行うことが出来る。

SwordPA02 空中に飛び、回転攻撃を行った後に地面への 降下攻撃を行う。降下攻撃時に発生した衝撃波は 直撃した相手を浮かび上がらせる。

SwordPA03 大剣を展開し、周囲を旋回するように勢いよく 回転しながら攻撃を行う。吹き飛ばし効果を持ち 囲まれた時に有効なフォトンアーツ。

WlancePA01 ターゲットを捕獲したまま持ち上げて、思い切り 地面へと叩きつける。離れた場所に居るターゲットを 一方的に攻撃することが可能。

WlancePA02 ターゲットを捕獲し、ワイヤーを縮める勢いを 利用して、強烈な蹴撃を繰り出す。 攻撃を行いつつ、距離を縮めることが可能。

WlancePA04 ターゲットを捕獲し、そのまま振り回す。 ターゲットだけでなく周囲の敵にもダメージを 与えることの出来る広範囲攻撃。

GunslashPA01 片刃剣を用いて、素早く前方を切りつける。 短い挙動ながらも攻撃可能範囲が広く、汎用的に 使いやすいフォトンアーツ。

GunslashPA02 素早い突きを繰り返した後、銃による追撃を行う。 単一のターゲットに対して、大きなダメージを 与えることが可能。

GunslashPA03 ターゲットを打ち上げた後、そのまま空中にいる 相手に向かって射撃による追撃を行う。 荎つ威力が高い。

RiflePA01 弾倉を付け替え、貫通性能のある弾丸を発射する。 連射されないぶん、集束された一撃の威力は高い。

RiflePA02 弾倉を付け替え、着弾と同時に炸裂する弾丸を射つ。 爆発にも攻撃力があり、多くのターゲットを 巻き込むことが出来る。

RiflePA03 一点に向かって集中的に射撃を集中させる。 攻撃方法がシンプルな分、単純な火力は高い。

Fire01 初級の炎属性テクニック。 フォトンを熱量変換し 火の玉として放出する。

Ice01 初級の氷属性テクニック。 フォトンを媒介にして、大気を冷却し 射線上に氷柱を走らせる。

Thunder01 初級の雷属性テクニック。 フォトンを励起し、放電現象を生みだすことで 任意の場所に落雷を落とす。

Thunder02 雷テクニック02の説明文

Thunder03 中級の雷属性テクニック。 フォトンを励起し、放電する球状の電気体を生成。 放出された電気体は周囲を巻き込む放電を起こす。

Light04 体力を回復させるテクニック。 フォトンの働きかけにより、新陳代謝が促進され 失われた体力は戻り、傷は癒える。

Light05 状態異常を治療するテクニック。フォトンの浄化効果によって、身体に害なす異常を 取り払い、健康な状態へと引き戻す。


All of this content has been quoted from Asai on PSOW Forums.


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Can't tell if your serious, but sounds good for forces, pushes you away from the enemy so they can't hit you. Can see it being annoying though.


Sorry, no, I was taking the michael :heh: Sometimes I just find it funny how seriously people take the little details in games like this. For me, the original PSO was a fun grind-em-up with lots of big weapons to collect. For others it was an epically weaved tale across the stars, with great characters, mysteries to unfold, the perfect Mag to be raised and a mathematical approach to your stats.

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Sorry, no, I was taking the michael :heh: Sometimes I just find it funny how seriously people take the little details in games like this. For me, the original PSO was a fun grind-em-up with lots of big weapons to collect. For others it was an epically weaved tale across the stars, with great characters, mysteries to unfold, the perfect Mag to be raised and a mathematical approach to your stats.


Whichever way you look at it though... PSO was fantastic! :D and while I can't wait for PSO2 I know it's gonna be a while before we see it, so while I am hyped for it, I'm just going to enjoy everything else that's coming out before because I don't think we'll be seeing this in Europe until June 2012 earliest or even this time next year.

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After watching some live streams every now and then, I can pretty much say that the music so far is pretty fucking awesome. The changes in the music based on your current situation is something I've missed as the Universe series completely forgot about it! At least PSZ included it..


The final Alpha test has begun apparently and it includes the cavern level and the first boss. Can't wait to hear how bosses play, the trailers showcased it pretty well but god knows how it is to play!

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Any news on a release date yet? Even a vague one? I literally know nothing of when it's supposed to be out.


I shall be getting this as soon as it's out, providing that my PC can run it. Although seeing how well it can run Arkham Asylum, it's looking good. I'll need all you guys' help though, since the reason I stop playing MMOs is because I never have people to play with. I'm relying on you all!

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