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Posted (edited)
  Helmsly said:
the high quality trailer is up on the site now:


Now with bonus English!


Liking the design of this class/character (hard to get good pics >_<)




Looks like a RAmarl to me. RAmar was blatantly shown right before.


These look like they might be FOs except I don't like their design:




Ranger game play looks better.

Edited by Ike
  Ike said:

These look like they might be FOs except I don't like their design:


  Reveal hidden contents

My first impression is the one on the right being a FOmar. If it is then that'll be my class likely sorted again.


Also i'm gonna speculate that the guage that's remained at 0% during gameplay is the Mag PB meter. I want my mags back.

  Debug Mode said:
They look a lot like the Duman class in Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity


Ahh could be. Forgot about them.


Classes in the trailer (in order):





(Dark Falz?)



RA(/HU)ceasel <- most likely RA since she it was shown after RAcast





FOmarl/Female Duman?


Where's my HUcast?


Alternatively if they are using the PSU it'll simply be HUman/Newman/Cast/Duman and you can freely select/change class. Have they said anything about what class system they are using yet?


No mention of it yet, but I kind of liked the interchangeable classes so I hope they stick with it.


One of the hopes I have is that any field based play requires them to be in uniform because lets face it, it's pretty stupid the sort of shit you see people wearing playing missions in the Universe series, compared to Online where they were apart of an army (well, they were more like mercenaries). A little nit-pick but I'd rather that crazy stuff be in the lobbies considering that shit is supposed to be your protection =P

  • 2 months later...
  Shorty said:
I just want splitscreen multiplayer :( I don't think that's asking too much.


Are there many PC games that have split-screen multiplayer though? Because at the moment, it's PC only :/ I do agree with you however, if it comes to Xbox 360 - which I hope and pray it does at a later date - then split-screen would be an excellent addition, especially if they're trying to make it more akin to PSO and not PSU.


By all means they can still have online only quests etc but split-screen offline multiplayer would at least extend the long-term appeal of the game by a great deal, I also hope that we can retain save data on our hard-drive instead of server-side but I know that won't happen, which is a shame because I still go back to PSO every now and then because I still have my original data for it. :)


Like the RAmarl design like I said before.


Here's some extra info from the blog post:




Although it was somewhat vague, Bonko mentioned how previously, the way she held guns were kinda unique, but “this time (in/at) _____ she can do different actions”.


I liked her unique handgun animation in PSO.




Bonko mentioned this robo type character has a deep connection to PSO. Then she omitted parts of the sentence, “Now, not only can he walk but he can ____ and sometimes ____” Bonko said you’ll just have to deal with the censorship until information is released.


Blank bits are probably fly/hover/transform?


Still want to see the FO classes and more of the HUCast.

  S.C.G said:
Are there many PC games that have split-screen multiplayer though? Because at the moment, it's PC only :/


Not many, but it exists. I've seen L4D where you can split vertically at a 2-monitor resolution so each person gets their own screen!


@ Helmsly - those screens look niiice :) rappies! :D


@ Shorty - if it exists then I feel they should include it, especially if this gets a console release too.


tons of infomation comming out about the game tonight as Sega are currently streaming a media event for PSO 2. Famitsu and a few other sites have a lot of new screenshots:






Multiparty Area (A maximum of 12 players together)

Camp Ship

Casts can skate


Third Person Shooting

Wired Lance (New Hunter Weapon)

You can morph every part of your face in character creation.

You can morph individual parts of your body.

You can add tattoos, and face paint.

Change eyebrow color different from your hair color.

Casts can change their armor color to any color of the rainbow.

Individual BOOB slider

Face type morphing

Gun Slash (All Classes)

Game Pad or Mouse or Keyboard



Posted (edited)

Just finished watching the Media Briefing.


Alpha test starts next month, supposedly ends in the run up to TGS which will hold an alpha players ball. Then at some point after.. OPEN MOTHER FUCKING BETA. I really hope I understood what he said correctly, otherwise I'm going to disappoint myself..


Character creation is amazing, you can pretty much customise anything to your preference, really glad that the limited pre-sets are now pretty much gone. Included was boob customisation, prepare to see shit loads of HUwearl's prancing around with absolutely mammoth tits..


Multi-party event's are confirmed. At certain interactive events, another party will join you straight away (of course, that'll depend on gamer population which they didn't mention), with certain goals like destroying a big swarm of enemies. There's also multi-party area's that will hold up to 12 people people to play side-by-side at once. The footage they showed were those 3 times collaborating to take down high-hp monsters (basically, PSO2's Hildebear equivalent).


Other event's include rescue and search missions.. Rescue involves one of your party members being kidnapped by some strange cloud and your team mates having to defeat something or find something (my stream clonked out) to get you back. Search missions basically involves searching for items to help unblock the passage and it showed the party scattering all across the map finding blocks/keys.


I noticed that Cast's seem to hover rather than run through out the map, so that may indicate a gliding feature when they jump.


My stream also clonked out around the hybrid control system, but what I imagine it's alot more pallet customisation (I saw at least 3 sets of pallets being toggled through in some of the earlier footage during the event).


Gamepad support confirmed. This, with him reiterating that PSO2 doesn't need a high-end PC may do wonders to convince the console crowd to at least try it.


EDIT: Helmsly has beaten me yet again with the info!


EDIT2: Famitsu has also uploaded a lot of images



I can't help but look at this and ask why there is a massive city in Principle Tyrell's office..


EDIT3: Cast's confirmed to hover pending on class apparently (the one who I saw hovering was a Racaseal). Forces also confirmed to be able to teleport. That must have been in the hybrid controls bit but many people are going nuts about it at PSOW.

Edited by Debug Mode
Posted (edited)

Nice write up Debug


Official site has updated:






Random field: Randomly generated fields occur every time you step foot. From the enemies that appear, to the typography of the terrain, to even the events that occur in the mission. You can enjoy fresh gameplay each time.


Interrupt Events: Surprising events can occur during a run. Situations like, “Kill a number of specific enemies, or save an ally from the enemy’s trap.â€

Multiparty Areas: PSO2 introduces Multi Party areas, allowing multiple parties at the same time. You can have up to 12 players in one area.


Hybrid Action: You can enjoy various actions like; Jump: this allows you to jump into the air and attack enemies from above. You can also jump over various terrain, utilize it for strategic attacks like sniping enemies from above.


TPS Style: You can use third person shooting to snipe at enemies. In this style, the camera will shift behind you so you can aim precisely at, for example, enemies dropping eggs, or aim for a head shot.


Level: The general concept of character levels, doesn’t exist in PSO2.* Instead PSO2 will use your class level. When you increase your class level, you can learn skills to enable further character growth.

Edited by Helmsly
  Debug Mode said:

Alpha test starts next month, supposedly ends in the run up to TGS which will hold an alpha players ball. Then at some point after.. OPEN MOTHER FUCKING BETA. I really hope I understood what he said correctly, otherwise I'm going to disappoint myself..


I hope your right...

Posted (edited)

The full media briefing is on youtube now

From around 2:58 onwards in part 2, you see gameplay footage that is not in the main trailer.

Edited by Helmsly
  Helmsly said:


I shed a small solitary tear of joy after watching the above trailer... :')









... and then a bucketload more after realising that this hasn't been announced for any consoles! :weep:


This had better come to Xbox 360 after/alongside the PC version, I find it a massive disservice to fans of the first PSO - the original console exclusive MMO - that we're currently stuck with just PSU on the 360 and that this... PSO2 the game we have dreamed about for so long is coming out seemingly exclusively for the PC.


Seriously... it had better only be timed exclusivity, if Sega decides to keep it PC only then they'll have lost one loyal fan and perhaps many more besides; yes you could argue that I should just 'get a new PC' but really this should be on the Xbox as well; there really is no reason for it not to be. :hmm:


TL/DR: this should be on Xbox 360 as well but otherwise it's looking fucking amazing!


Oh dear god, did the person who record the media briefing not realise you can turn off the comments from appearing on their stream? =\


  S.C.G said:
I shed a small solitary tear of joy after watching the above trailer... :')

... and then a bucketload more after realising that this hasn't been announced for any consoles! :weep:


This had better come to Xbox 360 after/alongside the PC version, I find it a massive disservice to fans of the first PSO - the original console exclusive MMO - that we're currently stuck with just PSU on the 360 and that this... PSO2 the game we have dreamed about for so long is coming out seemingly exclusively for the PC.


Seriously... it had better only be timed exclusivity, if Sega decides to keep it PC only then they'll have lost one loyal fan and perhaps many more besides; yes you could argue that I should just 'get a new PC' but really this should be on the Xbox as well; there really is no reason for it not to be. :hmm:


TL/DR: this should be on Xbox 360 as well but otherwise it's looking fucking amazing!


Am I the only one that's actually glad it's PC only?


Although it's a shame it's not on consoles when the series started that way, this will finally give them an opportunity to go all out and provide maximum support for the title.


Sony and Microsoft have some ridiculous rules regarding content verification and the fact they think content updates should be paid for.. That is something that is incredibly backwards to what Sega hopes to provide in PSO2 and I can understand that even though I own a 360.


You don't even really need a very good PC for this. You're probably going to run it just fine on hardware from the last few years. Even the ridiculously old computer my family shares meets the minimum requirements and that thing is at least 6 years old.


I just don't get all the complaints about it not being on consoles, unless I'm missing some very key argument?


  Ike said:
I hope your right...


Many others heard the same thing as well during the media brief, so I'm a bit more confident that I heard Sakai right.


Also, it's been revealed that apparently there are no 'character levels'. God knows how this will work as it looked pretty much like you're locked to your job like the original PSO, so this 'class level' famitsu speaks of just sounds retarded.

  Debug Mode said:
Am I the only one that's actually glad it's PC only?


Despite not really being a PC gamer, I am as well. And for the same reasons as you (SEGA can provide better support).



Also, it's been revealed that apparently there are no 'character levels'. God knows how this will work as it looked pretty much like you're locked to your job like the original PSO, so this 'class level' famitsu speaks of just sounds retarded.


Sounded like you can change job class, like in PSU, to me.


So far it looks amazing.


*Equips Heavenly/Hype*

  Ike said:

Sounded like you can change job class, like in PSU, to me.


So far it looks amazing.


*Equips Heavenly/Hype*


Yeah it sounds that way to me now, but whilst watching it, it just seemed like it was going to be like the PSO character system where you were job locked and had a character level.


Surely if the conventional level is gone and we've got 'class levels', it must mean we can change the class otherwise it is just a conventional level haha. But yeah, I hope it is like PSU's job changing system because the lack of a base character level will make it more of a challenge when you change it.


Only problem is.. what happens after you max them all? Without a base character level, they can't do the rebirth system from Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinite (...or can they?).


Fuck, all the hype is making me speculate all this garbage!

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