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Monster (Manga and Anime Thread)


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I just read the manga, has anyone else read this, I've seen it mentioned a few times and thought I would give it a go.


I thought it was amazing! There were quite a few parts it took me a while to get my head round and fully comprehend but otherwise the emotions that the author managed to convey were really strong and surprisingly well done.


The pacing of the manga I believe was a little off. It seemed to be padded out whilst still integral to the story, I'm glad I got to read it all in one go rather than waiting each week for this as I don't think I would have enjoyed it as much.


So what do other people, though I guess it will only be a few of you, think?


Is the anime worth checking out?

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I've watched the anime but not read the manga so I can't comment on how faithful it stays to it.

I can however say that even so, the anime is an absolute must watch. It is definitely amongst my favourite anime!


But you read manga! Readdddddd it!


How are you finding bloody monday still?

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But you read manga! Readdddddd it!


How are you finding bloody monday still?


I know, I will get round to reading it for sure!


Which I also need to do with season 2 of Bloody Monday... for some reason I stopped reading it after about 5 chapters but I will definitely get back into it.



I must admit, I've been a bit lame with the old manga reading as of late. I've only been keeping up to date with Naruto and One Piece lately.

I think it's because my laptop broke and I've been using my phone to do all my internet stuff on! Haha

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