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Sleep Eating


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I know this doesn't technically count as sleep eating in the same way that wandering zombie-like in your sleep counts as sleepwalking, but it's a disgustingly tragic thing regardless.


I'll often awaken at insane hours to pee, but end up in the kitchen stuffing my face with biscuits if we have any. Why do I do this? It's insanity and there are never any biscuits left in the morning to dip into my tea. :(


Anyone else sleep eat in this way?

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When I lie awake at night not being able to sleep and it gets to half 3ish, I get really hungry.


And then I'm stuck not being able to decide whether it's best to wake up fully and eat something or to just ignore it and sleep.


I usually fall asleep trying to work out which is best.


And then wake up in the morning feeling like an African child.


(I also feel like an African child because I am a child.)


(And live in Africa.)

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