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Today is my One Hundred and Eleventieth Birthday.


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Ah memories. I don't even remember the year i joined cube-europe, although for some reason I can remember it was in September, for some reason 2002 sticks out. I think I joined up to ask something about importing Gamecube stuff, though I'm not entirely sure. I think the first person I ever spoke to was Offerman and went on to have some legendary times. *Sniff* *Sniff*


I got into IRC shortly after that and used to live in the cube-europe room, met some pretty cool people there too. Schpickles, G9, Particle_Man and Ducky are all names that stick out, Dante was also there.


I've not been a massive thread starter over the years, it's possibly gotten worst as i've become more lazy. I used to know almost everyone on here but I kinda left for a year and came back and it was all change.


Some personal highlights for me.



I've met (not actually literally) some great people on here over the years. Blackbird, Blackfox, Schpickles, Dieter, Offerman, Coo, raining_again, Ford Prefect, The3rdChildren and Space just to name a few. Here's to another 111 Years!

Edited by Jon
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I don't have so many memories of this place so much as the things that have ensued as a result of being a member. Stuff like all the Smash Bros games and now the Monster Hunting is precisely why I came here in the first place. The threads being a written account of the events that took place online - hundreds of moments captured and laid out for all to see, not just those who were lucky enough to be in the game.


As someone who eschews a prominent place on the social boards, a lot of the things mentioned by others I have some recollection of but nothing more... Grey Vs Black on the other hand took place on my home turf and probably ranks as the most I've ever laughed at one singe thread.


Another time I can remember is one night on the chat room. Even at 5.30 in the morning, Jay and Supergrunch were still listening to me ramble on about my woes despite us all having been on the things for hours – can’t say too much has changed since that time guys if being honest.


iSketch also provided much hilarity and enjoyment over it's brief moment in the spotlight - that's why I thanked you Katie by the way.



But I guess more than that, it's the people who've been dumb enough to give me their email/messenger details. I’ve had many a wonderful conversations with a select few brilliant people. Some of you know me better people who see me everyday do. You've listened to me moan about everything and nothing and some of you have really changed my life in some respects.


One of you helped me to actually be confident enough to put my trust in people. Someone is a constant source of amusement and can make me laugh no matter how much of a grouch I’m being (not that I always let you know it). One of you brought a considerable of joy into my life when everything was feeling like it was starting to go backwards and that all my efforts were coming to naught – stopping me from going back to the safety of my older ways. And another has become a good friend recently for just being in the right place at the right time - or wrong place at the wrong time depending on how you see it. You’re stuck with me now anyway I’m afraid.


So I thank you all.

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Like many of you, I also have great memories from these forums. I don't post much nowadays but I lurk a bit. Definitely the best part about this forum is the real sense of community. Even if you don't post much you feel included and this is probably one of the least spam/troll-filled forums you could find.

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