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Grandma's House

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Just finished Episode 3 of this new series, written and starring Simon Amstell.


It's a semi-autobiographical (in that he plays himself basically, in a fictionalised/exaggerated account of what were presumably real events) sitcom (but not filmed shitely on a set with canned laughter), set around every time his family all get together.


I started watching because it had the woman from Nighty Night (who plays Kathy) in it, and it's really, really good. Gets better, and funnier each episode.


Right up my alley, no stupid humour, it's all expertly observed characterisation and awkwardness. It makes no concessions in an attempt to be funnier/be more appealing (IMO).


I don't even like Simon Amstell, but this is great. Recommended.


You have to stick with it. :santa:


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I think it's okay. At first my thoughts were "Christ, Amstell cannot act at all", but I suppose he's being himself deliberately as it's semi-autobiographical. This week's episode was better than the previous two, but it's not really a big belly-laugh show for me.


James "Glenn Cullen" Smith is far and away the best thing about it.

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There's been a few small laughs for me. I'll probably continue watching it but it's nothing great.

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Watched it each week and I agree, it's gotten better, but still not 'there' yet. It was less-bad this week because it was less clautraphobic by having characters external to the family bringing out a different side to the family, rather than the character-building no-story stuff.


Hoping foundations are being laid for a better second half of the season's run, because at the moment I'm having to agree with the family's thought that Amstel shouldn't've quit Buzzcocks.

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Just watched the first three episodes. There's something amazing about this, but I can't put my finger on it.


In some ways Simon reminds me of me. Whenever I mention anything cultured everyone's like "...". Or when I "defend" anti-racism, everyone's like "oh stop being all PC on us" or whatever. I never knew he was gay either.

Edited by chairdriver

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I quite like this, although found the last episode a bit weak. Clive is possibly one of the most cringeworthy characters on tv.

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I never knew he was gay either.


Did you not watch Buzzcocks?


I've heard awful things about this. So...meh. Maybe watch it as a whole but week by week? I can't be bothered.

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I've had gay dreams about Amstell.


This would likely bring back those uncomfortable and difficult emotions.

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Anyone watched this?


I just put it on iPlayer an hour ago. The first episode was a bit...clumsy but I love it now. It gets better. I quite like Simon Amstell, too.


Edit: My bad. I'm being totally mega lazy today.

Edited by Daft

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I win.


I enjoyed the last one. It's less "Oh this is funny!" and a bit more subtle now. In places.


It's good.

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Everytime I've caught a bit of it, it's been the (I assume) the mum (Who I'm sure I've seen her as an Indian but it seems she's been plastered with white make up), suggesting something which Amstell tries to deny/refuse like a pussy in a quiet voice. Occasionally some other family help the 'mother' and gang against him. I assume it ends up with humourous results?

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Saw the first episode on iPlayer yesterday and it was good. Made me laugh a bit even though Simon Amstell annoys me to no end, he actually seems alright in this. Though his voice still grates me - it's so whiny!


Also, I love arrested development but I don't see how Grandma's House is anything like it in style or substance.

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I just meant the picture...and I suppose general plot (having not watched GH) as AD has numerous scenes at "grandma's gangy's house apartment".

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ah yeah, the picture does look very AD-esque. It's really nothing like it though if you watch it. Still good, just not great ;)

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the mum (Who I'm sure I've seen her as an Indian but it seems she's been plastered with white make up)


You mean Rebecca Front?


You mean famously-Jewish Rebecca Front?






Does no one here even watch The Thick of It?

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I just meant the picture...and I suppose general plot (having not watched GH) as AD has numerous scenes at "grandma's gangy's house apartment".


Watch GH. It's good.


Not the same as AD at all really, considering it isn't supposed to be "This is funny, you should be laughing". It's just like... take it or leave it...

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You mean Rebecca Front?


You mean famously-Jewish Rebecca Front?






Does no one here even watch The Thick of It?

My thoughts exactly. I'm surprised Tucker hasn't made a cameo in Grandma's house :heh:

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I'm finding this steadily more and more hilarious each week. I love how it's all been pretty much done in that one room.


Your not even a Rhino. More like a shit Hippo

I also don't get why everyone has a go at Amstell's acting. He's so obviously just playing himself / more charicatured version of that it's not really acting anyway. He's playing someone who's meant to be socially awkward.

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