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Black Swan


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There was one shot at the end when Natalie Portman was dancing as the Black Swan, transformed and she looks into the camera. It was so beautiful. I want to see it again, just for that one moment.



I think I'd have preferred it had she not actually been stabbed at the end. I think it took a bit of the impact away that she didn't actually suffer in silence, only mentally self harming, and that everyone else found out.


Would have made it so much more personal.





I think her mother was in her mind, too.

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I saw it last night, I have to say I was really sceptical about this film, but I bloody adore it, how wonderful was Natalie in this film?


I actually preferred the ending and thought it was done really well and can see why it happened.


I definitely need to see it again, hopefully I can do in the next couple of weeks.

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Went to see it today. Natalie Portman was so intense, I really admire all of the ballet work she had to for the film. Loved the camerawork most (duh). I was genuinely scared at some parts near the end, which surprised me because most horror movies can't even accomplish that. The nails parts made me wince the most!


Just found this video (WARNING: SPOILERS), it shows the CGI work done in the film (lots of head replacement, gore enhancement, etc.).

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Saw it for a second time on Thursday.


Loved it, of course. Really allowed me to pick up on things I missed/didn't realise the significance of the first tme round. Why did I miss the fact that

Beth stabbed herself with the file, yet Natalie dropped it, covered in blood in the lift? For some reason that never registered with me.


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Why not just...go and see this extremely well-reviewed and recommended film without knowing what it's "about"?


it's clearly "good", so there's no point in spoiling it.


No thanks, if you're not going to give me the slightest clue then I'll give it a miss. To be honest ballet isn't really my thing, and even if it was a demonically possessed ballet dancer I don't think I'd be too interested.

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It's not about ballet. It's not about demonic possession. It's a film about obsession/dedication/perfection/life.


You probably wouldn't like it.


Indeed, if you want to know what the film is about, I'd suggest going to wikipedia or some sort to find out the plot, which destroys the point of paying a £5 upwards to see such a beautiful film.


I'm no ballet fan, but this film is wonderfully made.

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I prefer going to see films with little information. Black Swan's advertising (and the whole film) is a bit of tease. Before you see it you're thinking "is this LITERALLY about someone turning into a swan?" or something else... It's fab. Totally unsubtle, all it's themes are so blatant you hardly have to think while watching it, and it is quite predicatble, but it just works. It's a fairytale.

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- Best film I've ever heard. Sound was fantastic all the way through. The best element of the film by far.

- Didn't like Natalie Portman. Best actress? Please don't lie to me...

- Thought parts of the story were far too heavy handed. Like, the pink toys in her room and stuff. They didn't need to make her that childlike and virginal. Felt unrealistic (Although I do hate that as a criticism, since unrealism stuns. It was just shit and heavy-handed).

- Was stunned for what it was though. Like, when films just bother to be good. Like A Single Man just bothered to look stunning. Inglorious Basterds just bothered to tell jokes.

- HATED how it pandered to the American audience. Ran the "You have to loose yourself to be the Black Swan" down your throat so much that it ruined any subtlety. Also, in the very end scene, of course we had to be shown that she hadn't actually turned into the Black Swan. I hate when directors assume the audience are idiots.

- I was spinning around in circles, stilettos and broken bottles at the final scene/act though. Wasn't quite sure if she had stabbed Mila or herself, either way, being the duality of Black/White meant so much to her she danced through it, and I was brand new every time she spun around and grew more feathers.

- You know how you only nitpick flaws if something is really good? It feels like that. If it were a shit director I'd be like "Oh that was a really interesting and pretty film", whereas with DA, it feels like "Why isn't this film as graceful as it should have been?".

- Stunningly, afterwards, in the club, it totally changed my outlook on dancing. I told myself "Be the Black Swan, John, Be the Black Swan". Of course I rocked the floor when Scandelous by Mis-Teeq came on. Of course I pulled a guy randomly, then just let him deal with it after I walked off. I love when films affect you.

- Bolstered my fear of nails.

- And cracking joints.


All-in-all, it's an 8.9.


(Come on Robyn, we're great together)


No thanks, if you're not going to give me the slightest clue then I'll give it a miss. To be honest ballet isn't really my thing, and even if it was a demonically possessed ballet dancer I don't think I'd be too interested.




You're so awful.

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I don't understand why you dislike the "unsubtle" bits. It's intentionally unsubtle. It's like a book/painting/fairytale/BALLET. All the symbolism or visual markers are there for a reason. Hence why it's so melodramatic, hence the shot of the broken ballerina etc.


It's like..why are we looking at Natalie Portman's performance for the usual "Oh was it stunning or not?" criteria? When it was was perfectly suited to what was required? The role was mostly looking shy/nervous until the end anyway.


It's one big construct, like a picture book written/drawn in a particular style.


I'm over it though.

Edited by Paj!
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No thanks, if you're not going to give me the slightest clue then I'll give it a miss. To be honest ballet isn't really my thing, and even if it was a demonically possessed ballet dancer I don't think I'd be too interested.

I'd go as far to say that the film being based around ballet is of so little relevance to this film. The film is a psychological thriller, that is its genre and its premise...not ballet.


For me this is the best film of the past 12 months (or of those in the Oscar running). It should win best picture for me, but with how Facebook has been the 'in thing' for the last year for media outlets, Time Magazine etc etc to report on then unfortunately it's a foregone conclusion as to what will scoop that award.


Please go see this film though. I can't recommend it enough to people.


I find it difficult to choose my favourite Aronofsky film, or to put them in any order. Hmmmm, maybe Requiem for a Dream, The Fountain and Black Swan are my top 3 films of his. Couldn't pick a no.1 though.

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Maybe it was just me, but The Social Network really didn't have a profound effect on my life...I saw the DVD cover the other day, with things like AMERICAN LANDMARK IN CINEMA and BEST OF IT'S ERA and it's like "...really?".


It's a great little film, but feels really inconsequential.

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Maybe it was just me, but The Social Network really didn't have a profound effect on my life...I saw the DVD cover the other day, with things like AMERICAN LANDMARK IN CINEMA and BEST OF IT'S ERA and it's like "...really?".


It's a great little film, but feels really inconsequential.

I agree that it is still a great film, but for me it didn't pull any emotional strings like the best films do. It felt like nearly 'documentary' territory in parts.


The stand out thing about The Social Network for me was the editing...it was pure class in that department. Soundtrack also needs a mention I suppose.

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