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Sucker Punch


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Nah I'm in the "it looks awful" category. Looks like it's trying FAR TOO HARD to basically fulfill the wank fantasies of Forbidden Planet's work force. It looks like NO imagination has gone into it, it's just a written-by-numbers "what can we sell as an over-priced bust?" quest of nerd-cash.

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But that's the joy of it. It's absurd. It's some kind of fan fic orgy with a budget. Don't think it's trying to be anything else. Zack Snyder hasn't failed me yet, and there's always the Director's Cut for any cuts.

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Is that the rating system's fault? I see it more as the director's fault for pandering to it - "oooooh I really need it to be PG-13, let me wreck my film so that I can get that."


Blame the studios. They fund the picture.


Nah, I meant I hate the ratings system because they always pander far too much to it. And quite frankly it's a bit weird sometimes. I'll never get how "bad words" are worse than violence.


Nah I'm in the "it looks awful" category. Looks like it's trying FAR TOO HARD to basically fulfill the wank fantasies of Forbidden Planet's work force. It looks like NO imagination has gone into it, it's just a written-by-numbers "what can we sell as an over-priced bust?" quest of nerd-cash.


But that's the joy of it. It's absurd. It's some kind of fan fic orgy with a budget. Don't think it's trying to be anything else. Zack Snyder hasn't failed me yet, and there's always the Director's Cut for any cuts.


Daft hit the nail on the head there.

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My favourite film is Speed Racer. I'm all-for geeky, insane fun. To me it just looks SO unimaginative to the point that I think it'll just be really dull. Plus the main characters seem to be defined more by what colour hair they have then anything else.


I'm sure it'll divide people, and I'll see it one day but to me it just looks embarrassing.

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My favourite film is Speed Racer. I'm all-for geeky, insane fun. To me it just looks SO unimaginative to the point that I think it'll just be really dull. Plus the main characters seem to be defined more by what colour hair they have then anything else.


I'm sure it'll divide people, and I'll see it one day but to me it just looks embarrassing.


Ha! Savage Dragon's sons favourite movie is Speed Racer.


Theres an amusing line where he and his sister are discussing (why) the film has no sequels. His sister says


"No, it absolutely tanked. There will be no sequel to it ever, its practically pointless watching it."


"What are you watching?" he asks.


"The Golden Compass" she responds. I lol.

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Ha! Savage Dragon's sons favourite movie is Speed Racer.


Theres an amusing line where he and his sister are discussing (why) the film has no sequels. His sister says


"No, it absolutely tanked. There will be no sequel to it ever, its practically pointless watching it."


"What are you watching?" he asks.


"The Golden Compass" she responds. I lol.


LOL! The Golden Compass sucks, 'nuff said!


I personally can't wait to see the movie. It's one of the movies I was looking forward to at the start of 2011. The trailer is enough for me really, I'm pretty sure it'll please.

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I always get such a fragile feeling from Zack Snyder. Watchmen is FINE/good/acceptable not because of his influence. There's a brilliant book under it all. :p


Guess this might show him up a bit as not being quite as credible as some think.

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I always get such a fragile feeling from Zack Snyder. Watchmen is FINE/good/acceptable not because of his influence. There's a brilliant book under it all. :p


Guess this might show him up a bit as not being quite as credible as some think.


I think this is the problem. Watchmen is an alright film, but I think any director could have made it alright. It was actually anything Zack Snyder about the film which was kinda poor...


I might see Sucker Punch because I do tend to like films which are panned (case in point: Speed Racer) but like I've said it just seems like Snyder is masturbating. Fun and enjoyable for him, but I'm not sure I'd pay to watch it.

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I might see Sucker Punch because I do tend to like films which are panned (case in point: Speed Racer) but like I've said it just seems like Snyder is masturbating. Fun and enjoyable for him, but I'm not sure I'd pay to watch it.


Huh, to me is seems like it's what Snyder is masturbating to. And that I wanna watch!

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Zack Snyder Interview:


Was it frustrating seeing the movie become PG-13?


OSCAR: Especially for my character and for Jon (Hamm). There were things that they (the ratings board) found questionable, in quite an abstract way. For instance, I’ll give you this one, at one point I say to the girls “you’re plotting to take away my most precious possessions, your very selves”. The ratings board said “you can’t say your very selves”. There was some sort of implied sexuality in “possessing” them. But I can shoot people point blank!


Was the film always supposed to be a PG-13?


I wanted to make the movie PG-13. Look, I know how to make an R rated movie. I enjoy it. Maybe too much (everyone laughs). But… first of all, the studio would never give me the money to make the movie I wanted to, if it had been rated R. The MPAA still said “we think it’s R, in it’s feeling”. I was like “well, what does THAT mean?!” They said “well some of the members of the clergy were very upset”. I’m like “you have members of the clergy?! They’re never going to vote for PG-13!”

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Saw it and enjoyed it a lot. It definitely feel like it's been a compromised, it's missing that bit of Snyder gloss but I enjoyed it. So much more fun that a lot of the other dross that's been released recently.

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Watched it last night and was a bit disappointed, and I wasn't expecting anything fantastic either. The whole fantasy within a fantasy thing didn't really work for me, and not because it was a rip on Inception either. The brothel setting seemed totally superfluous, and I think would have worked better without it. Were any of the other girls real, the bus driver at the end was far too coincidental. It just seemed to be trying to do too many things, and not doing any of them particularly well because of it.


Action sequences were nice though.

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