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OK, Smash Bros R Characters?


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I'm sure you all have ideas of who you want to see in the next Smash Brothers game...so hit me!


And please don't say Sonic, Tales, ect... :zzz:


Anyway, I think that:


King Dedede ... from Kirby, he deserves it...

Totekeke ... from Animal Crossing would be really funny, hitting people with his guitar...

Wario ... wheres Wario?

Kecleon ... you know, that chamelion from Pokemon

Little Mac ... from Super Punchout! or...

Urban Kid ... from Urban Champion

Andi ... from Advance Wars, would have guns and stuff :)

Issac ... from Golden Sun, has a sword and pyscic powers...OoooOoOoh!


...umm, any ideas?

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Guest Stefkov

how about a Goron from Zelda. or if its online and so we could have loads of people playing onine, just stick Diddy kong in there or something.they should just get loads of different random characters that everyone likes, koopa for me, some people from other games like some people from Golden sun or others. just to extend the library of characters

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Can people stop thinking Sonic!!


Please reserve that for a "Sega VS. 'tendo" videogame :P


Diddy Kong





I'd also like to see a Doshin Themed level, and an AW Themed level & weapons (nintendog weapons too ;))


I'd have to agree there, we need Golden Sun characters. I mean they aren't strictly Nintendo ones, as Nintendo doesn't own Camelot. But, they would own.

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I'd like to See Wario in it, he needs to make a Fighting apperance (Maybe walugi as well), Captain Olmar as well would be cool, using a Diffrent Pikmin for his atatcks (or even have a pikmin Seed Item that works like a Pokeball)


and I mentioned this in a gamefaq Topic about it, I'd loveto see some sort of tetris Level where the blocks fall randomly and you have to dodge them as well as fight, or 3 fight while 1 Player controls the tetris blocks (Controller would be pretty good use for it)

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Instead of making a character with 4 different colours, they should have 4 radically different costumes instead.


For example, Link. He could have Link OoT, Link MM (Young Link), Link WW (Cel shaded Link) and some other Link.

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Holy ****, I need to finish MM and see Fierce Deity Link, boy he looks cool, never knew about him...


I think they hsould go crazy and try to get 100+ characters, maybe make the moves even more simple and just get loads of characters so we can get Dixie, Diddy, Petey, Wario, Pikmin, Tom Nook etc.

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More alternate versions of current characters, like how there's Mario and Dr. Mario in Melee. I'd like to see water pack Mario and vacuum cleaner Luigi as characters in SSBR. Ridley would be appreciated too, although he seems very unlikely.


I wouldn't disapprove of TINGLE in the game either to be honest. He'd be a good punching bag.

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I wouldn't like to see any clones this time round. In Melee, Cpt. Falcon and Ganondorf were practically the same character.


If we had characters like Bowser Jr or Diddy Kong, I'd like them to have different attacks. Ridley would be very cool to have :)


Can't really think of any of my own... Toad maybe?

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