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Sonic Colours

mcj metroid

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^ Looking forward to hearing your impression tomorrow!


I'm having it sent directly to my uni address so I hope there are no issues when the postman hopefully drops it off. But Marcel posted earlier saying he got it Monday (I need to find out where he shops :p) saying there isn't an issue with the controls.


Just watching the GT review for the DS version... again I'm not convinced. The two screens were never an issue in Rush and Adventure (you only ever swapped screens when there was zero danger of hitting anything - mostly because you were running down a vertical path following a loop or you hit a spring that immediately propelled you to the top screen) so I doubt they've suddenly gone out of their way to forget the good work they've done in the past.


They mention cheap deaths and show some clips of Sonic dying to try and illustrate their point but it's fairly easy to spot the player incompetence in all instances.

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Well after playing this for about two and a half hours I must say that first impressions are good :) from the outset the presentation reminds me of Super Mario Galaxy except perhaps on a lower budget, but you can tell that's basically what Sega are aiming for, a Soniv game that borrows the basic template of SMG.


All of the general Sonic staples are present including the homing attack, dash and a double jump, Sonic can also wall-jump now for some reason which is welcome, though he still can't spin-dash normally which is annoying but not game-breaking.


Wisps certainly add to the experience rather than detracting from it, my favourite so far is the spikes, especially boosting along surfaces while stuck to them; the worlds seem reasonably diverse too which helps and the bosses seem reasonably original.


The only negative so far is dying at certaint points... repeatedly... but it's only been two or three times in a row so far so it's no serious issue really, the story is somewhat amusing and even mocks itself in a way that fans will find entertaining, overall it's a decent Sonic game so far and the only thing it's missing obv is the Special Stage.

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Sonic can also wall-jump now for some reason which is welcome


They added the wall jump in Unleashed.


Edit: And something I didn't know: There are 4 control options: Wii Remote, Wii Remote & Nunchuck, Classic Controller and GameCube Controller.

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They added the wall jump in Unleashed.


Edit: And something I didn't know: There are 4 control options: Wii Remote, Wii Remote & Nunchuck, Classic Controller and GameCube Controller.


Ah yes, forgot about that... it's still a relatively new addition in terms of Sonic games, the abundance of control scheme options is indeed welcome however I ended up going for the Wii remote + nunchuk setup for now as the remote in its own feels kinda cramped though I may try it properly with a Classic Controller at some point.

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I'm using the Wii Remote & Nunchuck. Feels right. Using the wisps properly looks great - especially the first one (the laser), bouncing of walls, though those diamond things and though electric cables. All at an astounding speed.


I also liked how once you star the game you start playing straight away (there's an optional "navigator" which brings up help tips) for a couple of acts before you have to sit through any story cut-scenes.


As for the cut-scenes: they're a great self-parody. If it wasn't intentional, then it's done so badly that it's brilliant. If it is intentional then it's still just as great. Sonic's new voice is also much less annoying.


Edit: It turns out that the script is done by Ken Pontac and Warren Graff, who have worked on stuff such as Lazytown and MadWorld. Sounds like the dialogue is all intentional.

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I've played a little of this today but not mega amounts. I completed the first world (still need to get S ranks and medals though) and then started on the second.. I say second, you have a choice of which world to go for so it's not quite as rigid as it could be though you still have to do the levels of each world in order.


Controls much better than Unleashed and it looks a lot better too. Jumping is a little strange in that the animation, and your movement, almost pauses slightly halfway through the jump and it just feels a bit weird - it's almost as if the first jump is actually two jumps and given the height of double jump jump, it doesn't sound as stupid now I think about it as it did when I first typed it... Should have been a smoother motion really.


I'm using the classic controller and one thing that is throwing me is that the controls aren't mapped as they were in Unleashed so if you've played that a lot, and I have, you may instinctively press the wrong button on occasions.

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I snapped this up today while shopping at Morrisons and so far, so good.


I loved the opening to the game, especially the song. Im a sucker for all of the Sonic openings, so no change there. :)


I finished the first 2 worlds and it really is a fast paced nod to all of the 2D Sonic games. Sure there are some 3D parts in the game but from what i've played so far its mostly 2D goodness. I love how there is no walking around to be done and the game just gets straight into the levels like the good old Sonic games.


As S.C.G said, you really do get a Mario Galaxy vibe from the map screen, not just in terms of looks but the music aswell.


The Wisps are a welcome addition but I haven't really used much. There are alot of ways through the levels that require different Wisp power ups but most of them are locked at the moment. I assume that these paths will lead to alot of the medals that are scattered around the levels.


Controls wise im using the Wiimote/Nunchuck combo and it works great. Everything is mapped really well and the controls feel tight. In various 3D Sonic games if you just tapped a direction he would end up shooting off but Sega seem to have sorted that out.


The only bad thing I can say about it is that so far the music hasn't been great. Im sure it's a personal taste thing but it hasn't really done anything for me.

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Also picked this up when out earlier and gave it a little spin. Only done the first 3 acts of the first world but it's very good so far. It's certainly a marked step up from Sonic the Hedgehog 4.


Liking the speed of it all and how there's very little slow down. Feels like a constant rush to the finish, just like the older days and it's great as a result of this. Platforming has been a little simplistic so far, and I did find the laser wisp a little troublesome to use but I've only just unlocked it's use so I'm sure through further play and use I'll get the hang of it.


Gametrailers' complaints about the controls are pretty much non-existent from what I can see. Feels very robust and they work extremely well. There's some slight issues with oversensitivity when in the 3d/behind Sonic sections but other than that, the controls are spot on.


I think we can safely say that this is the 3D Sonic game most fans have been waiting for. It's great so far and I can't wait to play more, although I have Goldeneye, Black Ops, Robox and Fable 3 all on the go alongside this so may not get to spend as much time playing this as I'd like.

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Looks like in order to fully complete the game you need to collect 180 red star emblems... >> I wouldn't mind but you basically have to do this it looks like to get the final boss so that you can see the credits, it's a strange setup and one that may prevent many from seeing the actual end of the game.

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Well put it this way... I've gone to all of the planets, cleared all of the acts and all the bosses, there is then a cutscene but no real 'end' and then no credits, so unless I'm wrong you actually need to collect all 180 red rings to complete the game.

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Well put it this way... I've gone to all of the planets, cleared all of the acts and all the bosses, there is then a cutscene but no real 'end' and then no credits, so unless I'm wrong you actually need to collect all 180 red rings to complete the game.


The red rings unlock Sonic Simulator stuff.

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The red rings unlock Sonic Simulator stuff.


Oh I know that but the point I'm getting at is that I've completed all stages in each world including the bosses and there is no 'end boss' or final stage that I can find on the map yet...


Perhaps it only lets you play the final stage when you acquire certain ranks on every stage, either that or I'm completely missing something.

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You can do a spin dash while in spike form.


One awesome moment:


I was in a water level and was running out of air and got a drill from somewhere. I was about to die when I thought "screw it" and activated the wisp.


Edit: S.C.G


On my menu there's a padlock on the space lift. Have you been there?

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Edit: S.C.G


On my menu there's a padlock on the space lift. Have you been there?


That may be it, though it's not very clear because the lift is attached to the first planet you start on so it all looks like one 'place' on the map, I will check this when I play it later, I just wish they'd made it a bit clearer.

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Beat the final boss. Took just under 7 hours. However, I also have all the red rings to collect, then the Sonic Simulation. I enjoyed it a lot - there is a good mixture of difficult, fun and "effect" (like the first level of the space armada one - it looks great but you don't do much). I look forward to exploring the levels for the rings.

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I'm up to the final Boss right now but I haven't attempted it. I don't have many S Ranks (can't be much more than half a dozen) and I have 130 Red Rings. I have done all the Sonic Simulator Levels that I've unlocked so far.


The more I play, the more I love it. It's just so much fun.


I don't know how anyone can complain about the music in the game either as it's wonderful. Before I played the game, I was struggling to imagine something beating the music from Planet Wisp Act 1 but the Aquarium Park music manages just that.


And the levels are great but AP Act 1 is my favourite. It is quite reminiscent of Chun Nan stage from Unleashed with it's oriental theme (both visuals and music) and the emphasis on water. In fact, after a drop, the start of the level plays out incredible similar to the start of HD level, with an incredibly long straight that you just pelt down at full tilt whilst the scenery whips past you in a blur of magnificent colour.


This game really is absolutely gorgeous. It's difficult to fathom just how much of an improvement this is over Unleashed considering it uses the same engine.


And here is the latest trailer for anyone still silly enough to be sitting on the fence with this one.


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Sweet Mountain - Act 2 - 4th red ring... anyone know?


If you just carry on making you way through the level, you'll eventually go down a grindrail and do a loop-de-loop before bouncing off a spring on to another rail in the foreground before coming back to solid ground.


In front of you there will be a spring on the floor and a rope pulley situated over some spikes. Jump on the pulley to shoot up to the top and there will be 3 robots in a row. There are also some crates. The middle one can be destroyed and underneath is a switch.


Hit it and head left where you will see another pulley has appeared. and a Green Hover Wisp. Collect that and use it to follow the little paths of rings that keep heading up - eventually there is a really long line that has the Red ring in the middle of it.



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I cracked on with this today and did another world. The world that was next on my hit list was Starlight Carnival and hell what a world it was.


I mentioned earlier that I wasn't a fan of the music but the stuff that is playing in these stages is great. I found it very catchy and was humming along while playing it.


Visually the levels in this world are mind blowing. There is so much going on and at break neck speeds, that at times you forget this is running on a Wii and not one of the HD twins.


I still haven't managed to S rank any stages yet, but then im not really trying to as im just enjoying bombing around the various stages. As much as I hate to admit it but I love Eggmans 2 robot helpers, especially the one with the wrong voice chips. :D


I loved it when Eggman made them pick up the remains of a boss and they questioned what they are doing considering what they are. Fantastic.


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I cracked on with this today and did another world. The world that was next on my hit list was Starlight Carnival and hell what a world it was.


I mentioned earlier that I wasn't a fan of the music but the stuff that is playing in these stages is great. I found it very catchy and was humming along while playing it.


Visually the levels in this world are mind blowing. There is so much going on and at break neck speeds, that at times you forget this is running on a Wii and not one of the HD twins.


I still haven't managed to S rank any stages yet, but then im not really trying to as im just enjoying bombing around the various stages. As much as I hate to admit it but I love Eggmans 2 robot helpers, especially the one with the wrong voice chips. :D


I loved it when Eggman made them pick up the remains of a boss and they questioned what they are doing considering what they are. Fantastic.


That robot scene was brilliant. So funny. Only genuine laugh I've had so far from the game but it's well written.


And I have to agree with Starlight Carnival. After clearing Tropical Resort, I tried out Sweet Mountain's first level and then as Starlight Carnival was open, I decided to do the first level of that and it was so awesome. Looked incredible, and even with it being on rails at some points it ran incredibly smoothly considering how fast the game was. I've replayed that level several times now because it's just awesome.


So yeh, Starlight Carnival is definitely my high point of the game so far. That and the announcer going "CUBE!" when you use the blue wisp power-up. Cracks me up everytime. Cleared Sweet Mountain on top of Tropical Resort and nearly done with Starlight Carnival so making steady progress through the game.

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I heard the game only runs at 30FPS? For a platform game, and a Sonic one at that, how does it feel?


Well... Sonic and the Secret Rings, Sonic Unleashed (HD & SD) and Sonic and the Black Knight all ran at 30pfs. Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) attempted 60 but often dropped to 30. So it's pretty much become the acceptable compromise in their quest to get the graphics up to the standard they want.


In reality, it doesn't make much difference. Sure, 60fps would be great and make it look even better than it does, but you won't really notice or think about it when playing.

Edited by Captain Falcon
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