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Killzone 3


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"Ah, he's actually one of the nicest ones"

He's the best character (followed closely by Roger, Don & then Peggy) but you might want to recall that comment. You'll figure.


And yeah I won't be getting it, they've just sidestepped with the multiplayer whilst also making it slightly worse. They've added about two weapons, both of which are sidearms. They've made the sniper class jokingly annoying, and taken away spawn grenades and fucked with the class system to make it more boring. And everyone has C4.


It's shit.

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Newsflash: It was a Beta.


Newsflash: that matters for shit.


It wasn't the bugs that ruined it, it's this half-baked new approach they're doing. It isn't even new or different. The KZ2 beta was far more solid. And it led to KZ2...

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Nice looking single player. This was nice to play at Eurogamer, waaay better combat than crysis 2. The developers were extremely responsive in the beta with many making 100's of posts and replies in the process. The beta blog also posted changes etc. for the final game so no worries there for me anymore.



Newsflash: that matters for shit.


It wasn't the bugs that ruined it, it's this half-baked new approach they're doing. It isn't even new or different. The KZ2 beta was far more solid. And it led to KZ2...


You were not in the KZ2 beta at all. Also in KZ3 you did not unlock Sniper abilities or hardly anything else for that matter. You are hardly an authority on the beta and especially on the changes confirmed.

Edited by Choze
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Nice looking single player. This was nice to play at Eurogamer, waaay better combat than crysis 2. The developers were extremely responsive in the beta with many making 100's of posts and replies in the process. The beta blog also posted changes etc. for the final game so no worries there for me anymore.





You were not in the KZ2 beta at all. Also in KZ3 you did not unlock Sniper abilities or hardly anything else for that matter. You are hardly an authority on the beta and especially on the changes confirmed.

Ahem I gave my friend a KZ2 beta code and played it a heck of a lot.

Secondly, you don't need to have played as a sniper to know how irritating they are. You can read their class abilities, you face them in the game online, and I tried them in botmode, where every ability is made available. So please, hush yo' mouth.


Have you suddenly undergone a drastic mood swing again, one where you'll utterly slate something and then turn around and tell us it's Jesus on toast?

No little changes can save it, that's just fact.

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You shouldn't judge a game by its Beta.


The last few months are traditionally when a game comes together as that's when the software is in a good enough state to balance, bugfix and optimise. On top of that Beta clients released to the public won't be the most recent iteration but a relatively stable build that was locked down weeks beforehand.


Anyway, balance problems aside I found Killzone 3's multiplayer to be more enjoyable than the second game's, mainly by virtue of the vastly improved control responsiveness, the omission of sprinting rocket men and the shift to capturable spawn points rather than the much abused grenades. I certainly had my concerns but that's what the Beta forums were for, so I'll wait and see what Guerilla have addressed come the final release.

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What I'm saying is that I don't like the direction. They have a new multiplayer director, and as far as I'm concerned they've made a hash of it. They haven't reinvigorated it, but the small things they have changed have been bad choices.

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I'm looking forward to sitting down and playing this and then making my mind up.


If you think it's unbalanced it is. If you think it's decent it is. But with games shouldn't we just play them (you can even rent them!) and then pass judgement?


I look forward to seeing how this has shaped up.

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I thought the pointer controls were pretty good in Metroid Prime 3.


I don't have an issue with the mechanics. Move works great in MAG. Using a DS3 is much easier though. No need to worry about my hand being steady. That's way less of a worry for a FPS like Metroid.


I change my mind every two minutes.

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The controls were decent on corruption, but still not comfortable. I don't know whether that was just because the whole game was a disappointment or not though.


Resident Evil 4 Wii Edition worked beautifully though, and obviously the way it played before hand played into motion control anyway.

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I don't have an issue with the mechanics. Move works great in MAG. Using a DS3 is much easier though. No need to worry about my hand being steady. That's way less of a worry for a FPS like Metroid.


I change my mind every two minutes.


You and people in general have been using standard controllers since you were wee lads, of course you're going to find pointer+motion controls more difficult compared to standard controllers.


Personal story and anecdotal evidence incoming...


I got my PS3 in January 2008 but before that, I had been playing my Wii for about a year, so I had become accustomed to the Wii Remote + Nunchuck combo. For awhile after getting my PS3, to me the Sixaxis controller felt weird and I just wanted to use pointer controls in any game where it would be suitable.


Eventually I got used to the standard controller.


And the point of that story was that; if you use the Move controller more often, eventually it will become second nature and all the problems you told me about, will become less or maybe even completely eradicate your worries.

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But the fact remains that in online shooters, you will do better with analogues. It's fine if you have Move vs. Move matches, but otherwise prepare to get steamrofled.


That's probably why I don't care.


I'm shit anyway lol :p


To jump in on this, there is times when i just want to be lazy and not have to sit/lie in such a way as to point at the screen! :grin:


I'm gonna try out kz3 with move first but i wouldn't be suprised if i ended up sticking with a pad.


I can feel just as relaxed with pointer type controls. Maybe you've just never had a good experience with pointer controls.

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Yeah, I was just thinking I was fine with FPSes on the Wii but take in online like in MAG and I'll take a solid controller any day. Although if it were just Move vs Move it might be okay.


It's been a while since I used a motion controller. Best games I used them on were Resi 4 and flower. Guess we'll find out soon enough if I'll use it on KZ or not..

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