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Had a nice multiplayer session in "Hardcore Deathmatch". Basically, nothing but Shotguns and Snub pistols. Happened to be on the Locust team, with us all being General RAAM. The Cog team all Cole Train. Made for an interesting night indeed, especially on the Thrashball level. No-one dared get the weapon under the scoreboard because i was always ready to fire it down onto unsuspecting persons.


Still, going to give the pack a thrash tonight.

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Still need to do all the Horde levels myself. Not really felt inspired to play this much yet. Though the same thing happened with Gears 2. Did the campaign and didn't touch it again for about a year, but then got into it in a big way.


In other news, new "Fenix Rising" (see what they did there?) DLC announced for next year




The next Gears of War 3 downloadable content pack has been announced for release on January 17. "Fenix Rising," as it's wittily named, will bring five new multiplayer maps based upon areas from the campaign, plus new player skins and a way to "prestige," ranking up to level 100 over again to unlock exclusive weapon skins.



Fenix Rising will let you "Re-up" your multiplayer account once you hit level 100, resetting your experience and rank to earn special showing-off player icons, similar to "prestiging" in the Call of Duty games. The three new "Re-up" levels, Red, Green, and Gold, each unlock an exclusive custom weapon skin.


You also get new multiplayer skins Savage Marauder and Recruit Clayton, along with the Savage Kantus and Thrashball Cole skins previously offered as beta and pre-order perks.


Fenix Rising is included with the DLC season pass, but will otherwise cost 800 Microsoft Points ($10).


Here's what Epic has to say about the new maps:


Academy - The lineage of the Fenix family can be traced back along a distinguished line of military officers. Officer training at the Oracle Academy was simply the expected path for Marcus, and he had visited the grounds many times in expectation that he would walk the same path as his ancestors. But it was not to be, and Marcus broke with tradition to be with his best friends Dom and Carlos. Like any number of fine Seran traditions, the Academy is now lost to the invasion of the Locust Horde.

Anvil - The fortress of Anvegad was called Anvil Gate because its impenetrable walls were forged in the fires of war. Huge cannons sat atop battlements that guarded sprawling walls running the line of the UIR borders. Marcus went there to find Hoffman, and they both thought that Anvil Gate would offer protection from the incoming forces of Locust and Lambent. They were wrong, and little remains other than the ruined shell of a once mighty fortress.

Depths - The excessive opulence of Azura defied all normal reasoning. But Adam Fenix could see the cracks in the veneer of splendor from the moment he arrived at this underwater processing center. And all that beauty mattered not at all once he was held captive by the Locust. Out of options, he had to find a way to contact Marcus, and finally reveal the truths he'd been keeping to himself for all these many years.

Escalation - Haldane Hall has been the home of the Fenix family for countless generations. But the only history that matters to Marcus's are his memories of warm summer evenings spent with his mother, Elain, relaxing in the estate's gardens. Sadly, all the estate's history and beauty was lost when the Locust destroyed it in an attempt to kidnap his father.

The Slab - Convicted for insubordination and treason, Marcus was incarcerated in Jacinto Maximum Security Prison. Known as "The Slab", this prison is not a correctional facility - it's a place where Sera's worst offenders are locked up and forgotten. The inmates are brutal, parole is not an option, and the average life expectancy is about two years. But that was before the Locust showed up, and what couldn't get worse, suddenly did. Now your life expectancy there is around 2 minutes.

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The next wave of DLC sounds great. I also read yesterday that a new book will be out in May called The Slab and given the description of the new map that goes by the same name, i'm gonna assume it's about the time Marcus was in jail.


Played some horde yesterday and with it being Gearsmas there was a Beserker on just about every wave! I decided to slap Instagib mutator on which made for some easy rounds. One meele hit kills the suckers. :D

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Anybody up for doing Horde/Campaign/Getting Achievements later tonight?


I would have been but I just got in from work now. If we could get a team together for half 10 tomorrow night then I will most certainly be up for some Horde. I have most of the mutators so playing it on insane would be super easy. :D

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I've not been feeling this game as much as the other two. It's so much better - better campaign, Horde and Beast Mode, Arcade, dedicated servers.


And yet...I haven't been playing it as much as I did with the others. Stopped playing after Arkham City came out, then there was Zelda. Maybe I'll get back into it soon.


Pretty sure I did this with Gears 2 though, and I hammered that a year after it came out

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If we can get at least 2 more people then count me in.


I would love to take part...


But Messenging on my phone as round gf's mums house for tea and not sure I would be back in time!


Pretty fuckin disappointed by the lack of support this game has gotten from the N-E community gaiz. Was expecting a nightly multiplayer sesh like we had going with the original.


Yeah I know what u mean... When I first got this I played online with Dan Dare a good Amount but then I just started playing other stuff I think :/


Would love to get back into it but with starting Skyrim as well might make that difficult! :/

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