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I'm always up for boosting achievements on this!


Speaking of which, I have mentioned it once or twice now but I will be looking at a 4 player co-op insane playthrough of this, my gf goes back uni on Monday so my gaming time will increase loads again! :D


I'm on day shifts next week so would be free every evening (unless I make other plans) Who's interested?


I know @Hero\-of\-Time offered to help awhile ago but i'm pretty sure there is quite a few others who want to work through it anyway. :)


Off the top of my head...







Have all mentioned to me about being interested.



Monday and Tuesdays are no go's for me :(


However Wednesday, Thursday Evenings are fine for me, sorry for the inconvenience.

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I know @Hero\-of\-Time offered to help awhile ago but i'm pretty sure there is quite a few others who want to work through it anyway. :)


If you need a 4th I will happily jump in and give you a hand. If you have 4 and none of you have the useful mutators, such as infinite ammo, super reload etc. I will jump into your game, let you select the mutators and then jump back out. As long as the person hosting stays, you get to keep my power ups, even when I leave. :D

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@Mike1988uk. I'm certainly interested, and this time around i have all the map packs downloaded. So no more hangning around as it were. I'm free every evening (at the moment, shifts change spontaniously sometimes). Free every evening for 2 weeks, weekends all day as well. And, if you give me enough notice, and i can get some time off. I'm owed 9 hours in time, and it needs to be used.
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I want to do insane 4 player too. I have all the useful mutators. We need to sort out a time people!


I suggest this Friday night starting at 7.


Any other offers?


I'm working lates till midnight tomorrow and as I mentioned in post I am not really gonna be free for any meaningful playtime till Monday when my gf goes back uni. :(

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I'm working lates till midnight tomorrow and as I mentioned in post I am not really gonna be free for any meaningful playtime till Monday when my gf goes back uni. :(


Next week sounds perfect for me, i can get some early finishes if required as well.

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Ok, I propose next Mon Tues night at 8 or 9. I can't do Weds or Thurs as my gf is round then.


We can try to boost the I've Got This cheevo and then a few of us can get together to start the campaign.


However, if anyone wants to do anything tonight I should be online. Though I will be playing Fez but should be able to jump over to Gears :D

Edited by Dog-amoto
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Wow, that took some doing! Was like babysitting kids at times, sorry for the guys on the other team, I don't normally play with them but I knew they were after the achievement too.


Thanks to @Hero\-of\-Time and @Jimbob


Now let us never speak of the I've Got This achievement again!!

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Wow, that took some doing! Was like babysitting kids at times, sorry for the guys on the other team, I don't normally play with them but I knew they were after the achievement too.


Thanks to @Hero\-of\-Time and @Jimbob


Now let us never speak of the I've Got This achievement again!!




Well without all the players we had then that achievement could have been almost impossible (it seems almost to hard to get my just playing the game normally) but they were super annoying at times! Jimbob didn't help our cause in the early matches though! :p


That is the first achievement I have posted to facebook! ha


So thanks to all!

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Indeed, i'm never speaking of this achievement again. Cheers to @Dog\-amoto and @Hero\-of\-Time for the assistance.


And to sum up the early matches on my end, i got a little bored and needed to shoot something. Itchy trigger finger, wasn't shooting the leader though (which helped). Can't be sure of who it was, but someone had a vendetta against me for shooting them. Thats all i could hear over the mic, and i also heard from someone was "thats because your black" as a possible reason as to why i was shooting them.


Still, thanks again for assisting with the achievements. I look forward to the next encounter. This time, i'll be a lot nicer. I promise. :grin:

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Indeed, i'm never speaking of this achievement again. Cheers to @Dog\-amoto and @Hero\-of\-Time for the assistance.


And to sum up the early matches on my end, i got a little bored and needed to shoot something. Itchy trigger finger, wasn't shooting the leader though (which helped). Can't be sure of who it was, but someone had a vendetta against me for shooting them. Thats all i could hear over the mic, and i also heard from someone was "thats because your black" as a possible reason as to why i was shooting them.


Still, thanks again for assisting with the achievements. I look forward to the next encounter. This time, i'll be a lot nicer. I promise. :grin:


Jimbob, they didn't say that 2 u! One of them said it to another one and they replied with 'and?' so I think one of them genuinely was.


They were just saying they were going to hunt u down etc!

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Yeah, lets never speak of it again. :D


Big thanks to all that helped, although it quite annoying in the end. Trying to find the map, getting the map and someone drops out, someone new joins ruins everything, trying to get them to leave, finding map again, getting map but Jimbob gets screwed over, continue to play until everyone had it. PHEW!


We could have speeded thing up a lot more if we had just done what we were doing at the end. Just charge in and kill the leader and continue to the next map. Never mind, it's done now.

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We could have speeded thing up a lot more if we had just done what we were doing at the end. Just charge in and kill the leader and continue to the next map. Never mind, it's done now.


Agreed. That's what I was trying to get everyone to do from the start. We could have done it in half the time.


Anyway. Who is up for boosting more achievements tonight? Anyone want to start the 4 player Insane co-op or even 4 player RAAM's shadow?

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Jimbob, they didn't say that 2 u! One of them said it to another one and they replied with 'and?' so I think one of them genuinely was.


They were just saying they were going to hunt u down etc!


Oh, my mic was crackly. And with the lag, i thought they were referring to me. Oh well, here's hoping for a better connection later.


Yeah, lets never speak of it again. :D


Big thanks to all that helped, although it quite annoying in the end. Trying to find the map, getting the map and someone drops out, someone new joins ruins everything, trying to get them to leave, finding map again, getting map but Jimbob gets screwed over, continue to play until everyone had it. PHEW!


We could have speeded thing up a lot more if we had just done what we were doing at the end. Just charge in and kill the leader and continue to the next map. Never mind, it's done now.


I wasn't going to mention getting screwed, but i wasn't happy for a short period. I know it was only a game, but i had 1 more kill to get to get the unmentionable and felt a little upset. All that work for nothing.


Heck, i was considering (and i mean considering) shooting anything that moved as retribution for the remainder of the game. But the lad apologised, so it was all good in the end.


Agreed. That's what I was trying to get everyone to do from the start. We could have done it in half the time.


Anyway. Who is up for boosting more achievements tonight? Anyone want to start the 4 player Insane co-op or even 4 player RAAM's shadow?


I'm planning on some matches tonight, i'm up for boosting some more achievments if anyone else is up for that. If not, i'll be playing some Deathmatch and Guardian from around 9pm tonight.


Hope to see some (if not all) later tonight.

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